Supreme Monarch

Chapter 114 C114. Magic Potential

Chapter 114 C114. Magic Potential

Mr. 99 was born with a Tier 5 magic potential but he had only reached the peak of the fourth tier even after so many years of training. Magic potential didn't necessarily guarantee the level of magic one could use. Just as the term 'potential' suggested, it was just a marker that indicated what level of magic one would be able to use provided they practiced and trained hard enough to reach it

In a way, it was also a limiter that could not be broken. For those that had a high magic potential, it would be a shining beacon that provided hope and gave them the motivation to work harder. A goal that they could achieve as long as they were dedicated to the cause.

However, this was a little different for those that were curse with low magic potential. It would be a shackle that would forever hold them down as they stare at the distance that they could never reach. Of course, one also needed the talent to reach their potential, this was because a magic potential did not generally tell the whole story.

Some had been gifted with high magic potential but were unable to use even the simplest of magic spells. They would generally have to train with the sword, spear, or bow to be able to fulfill their high potential.

This was because magic potential generally referred to the level of one's mana body and a high-tiered Mana body without any affinity for magic would only provide improvement to one's physiques and their talent for fighting would receive a boost. Since they did not have the talent for learning magic but could train through their physical bodies.

However, No. 99 did not fall into any of these categories. He had an equal talent for fighting as well as a matching affinity for magic and while this would be a good thing for most, it only served as a headache for him as he would need to spend a lot more time training both his magic and his body.

There was a reason why a magic caster's physical constitution was generally a lot weaker than those of warriors and rangers even with a higher tiered Mana body. This was because one needed to train their actual body to the limit to gain enough body control so they would be able to perform feats that matched the physiques their mana body provided.

Just like how Mana control was important for casting spells no matter how strong one was. Body control was also important for warriors to be able to reach the potential of their mana body and this was almost as hard to achieve as Mana control was.

In a way, Tyler was the weird one as he had possessed an insanely high body control from the beginning which had given him a high-tiered physique. Number 99 also couldn't spend a lot of time studying magic, or rather he didn't want to spend years studying magic as the higher the tier the longer and harder it was to learn more about magic.

He was not dedicated enough to study the fifth tier of magic and had chosen to remain at the peak of the fourth tier. The reason was quite simple, he did not feel like he needed to gain any more strength as he could already get whatever he wanted with his current level of strength. Plus, high-tiered magic items and potions could always be used to make up for the deference whenever he had to face an opponent of the fifth tier.

He was always well informed so he knew quite well of the power system in this world and being at the peak of the fourth tier with the ability to stand against fighters of the fifth tier with his large variety of skills and secret techniques, he knew he was already considered a powerhouse in the demon continent.


What was this situation, how was someone able to completely resist a spell that even tier 5 existence could not? His eyes went wide with shock and for the first time in his life, he felt an emotion that was foreign to him, he felt fear.

Number 99 wanted to stop himself but could not. His momentum had already taken him forward as he proceeded to prepare his skill anyway.

The man did not seem to have expected the outcome and as his feet fully touched the ground he moved to avoid the spell instinctively. It was a move that one would expect and Number 99 could predict it.

Perhaps he was wrong and this was a trap, however, he didn't have the luxury of time. He was only equipped with his standard gear and needed more magic items if he ever wanted to stand a chance when facing such a foe.

With that train of thought, he knew he needed to escape but that didn't seem possible right now as the undead girl was still lurking around somewhere in the shadows and he couldn't show her his back. If he wanted to escape he would need to force his way through.

However, that was easier said than done. Number 99 narrowed his eyes as he canceled the skill he was about to use and decided on another one. He would have to sacrifice something if he wanted to make a successful retreat.

Anger blazed within his heart at his overconfidence. He hadn't expected to encounter something like a hidden behemoth in a border city like this and one that had even managed to escape the notice of the organization. If he ever got the chance, he would surely kill everyone from that godforsaken division that had challenge such an opponent without first reporting him to the organization.

' Absolute idiots, morons, bastards, damn monkeys, you're all dead you damn fools...'

He continuously cursed everyone he could think of inside his head as he finished setting up his skill in a bit of frustration.

Storm Barrage

Wielding his weapon like a whip, he flung it several times in quick succession at Tyler who had moved to the right in an attempt to avoid the previous spell that had already been resisted by him.josei

His barrage of wild swings tore through the air with enough speed and strength that it began to create miniature sonic booms. Creating a literal storm that devasted the area around him and everything within it. This was one of the highest-ranking skills in his vast arsenal.

The wind storm devasted the massive junkyard as it destroyed everything in its wake. One of the remaining seven men left alive was ripped to shreds by the storm and as the others finally recovered themselves enough to flee, the wind was still too strong and it picked them off one by one.

Carn tried his best to get away but he was no different than the others as his feet were swept off the ground by the pulling force of the storm. Tyler seeing this whispered to himself and a shadow swept Carn off the air and retreated.

He was the only one left alive and Tyler did not want him to die before he had gotten any information out of him.

As Zelda took him away, Tyler's attention was brought back to the storm that was headed for him. He took a look at his left arm that had finally settled down and thought for a moment, he could now use spells but did not want to go overboard so what was his best move.

Thinking about that for only a moment he ran out of time as he couldn't think that fast in only a second. 'Might as well just keep testing my limits.' Without using a spell he planted his feet firmly on the ground, sending strength to his legs as the ground cracked where he stood.


Faster than lightning and accompanied by the clap of a thunderous boom, he shot forward like a cannonball with his fist clenched and met the storm with the swing of his arm.

p Number 99 continuously swung his weapon like a whip and the storm got more intense the faster he went. He only needed to do this for a few more seconds before his escape tool would activate and he would be able to leave this godforsaken place without any issues, however...

Just as he was about to swing his weapon once more, the storm before his eyes was completely blown away and a force the likes of which he had never felt before blew him away.

As a high-ranking member of the organization and someone with his connection and wealth. He was always equipped to the teeth with high-tiered equipment. Although the ones he wore now were not his best, they were still all high-tiered.

If one was to calculate the value of the items on his person right now, it would be more than what an average noble with a territory earns in a year.

The equipment he wore had several layers of defenses that protected him from both physical and magical attacks. However, he could see the force that had blown his storm away, shatter through all his defenses, and sent him flying.

The metal inlaid magic jacket he wore under his coat was completely shattered and even his coat was blown to pieces. His metallic mask that was made of Duranium was further cracked and the spell that hid his voice was canceled.

The force slammed into his body and for the first time in his life, he felt pain.


As his body flew through the air his mind was about to go blank but he could still feel the counter of his escape ticking. If he was to fall unconscious even for a moment, the counter would stop and he would probably die here or worse, face the disgrace of being captured and tortured for information.

Gritting his teeth, he refuted that idea. "Gale." He quickly cast a spell that stopped his momentum midflight and placed him on the ground, however, that was a mistake as the man had already closed the distance and was about to throw another punch.


Number 99 quickly shouted in his mind as he hurriedly tried to defend himself with his arms and almost instantly, he felt a mountain smash into his arms as they instantly went numb. His feet left the ground once more and he was sure that if he hadn't used the fortress skill, he would've lost more than his arms.

Number 99 refused to give up as he twisted his body mid-air and threw a kick at the man that was still chasing after him even as his body was still flying from his punch.

Vortex Crash.

A spiraling wave accompanied his kick as it smashed into the man and made him stagger as he was able to kill the force around him and land on his feet. The escape tool was activated and green light slowly began to wrap around him as he could barely remain on his feet.

Tyler lost his momentum from that attack but that was all, he refocused his attention on the man called 99 and he saw something strange around him. Tyler had a bad feeling about that and knew he couldn't let whatever the masked man was doing be completed.

It was a bit risky but he would have to use the touch of despair spell one more time. As he came to his decision he shot out and closed the gap in an instant, extending his arm to make any form of contact with the masked man when he saw his figure slowly start to fade.

Tyler quickly hastened his steps and got closer, his arms only inches from the man's neck as he tried to defend himself but Tyler would not let him and immediately switch his target and lashed out at his chest.

With the spell active, his hand grabbed onto something unexpected. The first thing he felt was something hard under the torn jacket, followed by a soft, yielding sensation as his fingers sank in.

"Aweik!!! "

A high pitch shriek that was a cross between pain and pleasure escaped the masked man's mouth and a fist that carried a strength he hadn't expected slammed into his face in panic as Tyler's body froze slightly and the masked man? vanished from his view.

"What... was that?"


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