Supreme Monarch

Chapter 152 C152. Consumable Items

Chapter 152 C152. Consumable Items


Hearing her swift and decisive answer, Tyler nodded his head in approval as his thoughts drifted away for a moment before he suddenly remembered something he had wanted to do as well.

They had only been riding for about ten minutes now so there was still sometime before they would reach their destination so he had to make good use of this free time. With a tired expression he reached into space and dragged something out of the void.

It was something that slightly resembled a stick of about thirty to thirty-five centimeters in length. It emitted a faint but wild aura that was barely visible to the naked eyes but one could easily notice it with magic vision or any type of enhanced sight skill.josei

This was a wand that looked to be made out of ivory. The handle was inscribed with quite the high-level runes that probably consisted of only first-level intermediate runes and as such, Tyler was unable to decipher its meaning.

There was a slightly glowing green gem attached to the front end of the wand and it gave it an indescribable feeling of unpredictable proportions. This was indeed the Epic ranked magic items the Hunter party had given him as payment for their mission to the Farbel's Pass.

The item was still unappraised and as such, Tyler was still unaware of its use and effects. However, as an Epic ranked magic item, Tyler was fairly confident it would turn out to be something useful. And even if it was useless to him personally, he could always gift it as a reward to someone else whenever they accomplished anything of significance.

Holding the item in his left hand, Tyler once again cast the Tier 2 all appraisal spell on it.



•Wand of Chaos•

Magic item - Epic Rank

Type - Consumable (1 time use)

A wand forged from the horn of a Dark unicorn and enchanted by powerful magic. This wand contains an unstable core and a faint connection to the spiritual plane. Emmits chaotic pulse of weak corrupted energy that constantly destabilize the mana essence in the air around it.

Primary Effects: Mass Summons. (Random Tier)

Consume the entirety of this items essence to summon a large horde of monsters to do your bidding until they die. As the core is still damaged, the horde of monsters may vary in strength and species with the chance of summoning a Lord Class creature as 10% and the chance of summing only the lowest ranked monster at 40%

The level and number of the creatures summoned may increase and decrease based on the power and skills of the summoner but would not exeeed the limits of this item.

Note: Due to the corrupted energy, there is a 2% chance of summoning an uncontrollable devil that would attempt to devour the user's soul. (Strength of the creature is dependent on where the item is used.)


Tyler slightly frowned as he read through the information in his mind. While the item itself was very valuable to him as the lack of manpower had been a great source of worry for him, the fact that this was a consumable item disappointed him a lot.

Then there was the lack of consistency with the item due to its chaotic nature. Summoning a horde of basic monster would surely be a complete an utter waste of an Epic Ranked item. Not to mention the chance of summoning a devil which he was still unclear on.

He still had no idea what devils truly were and thus could not accurately judge their threat level. However, if he were to go by the reaction of Unrivaled, he should at least be worried about it. The stuff about the strength of the devil depending on where the item was used was also strange but Tyler just had to deal with it.

He only had one use for the item and thus would not gift it to someone that would get hurt if a devil were to suddenly show up.

Still, it was best he took some precautions before using the item. Tyler then ruturned the item back to his storage space as he simultaneously brought out another item. It was a brow book with a vague drawing of a magic circle on it.

This was the spell book for flight. Looking at the cover alone, one could easily tell that this book was a copy of a copy and thus could not be compared to the ones at the magic library. Tyler sighed inwardly as he opened to first page of the book to learn spell.

However —

He could not fully understand the book or more specifically, he could not fully read the magic runes that formed the words written on the pages of the book. Third tier spells were typically written in both the third-level intermediate rune and the second level. And since Tyler could not read passed the third level, he could not understand it so he decided it was best to turn to the only person in the carriage that had learnt third tier spells.

"Hey Nadine, can you read magic runes?"

"No sir I can't."

"Is that so, then how did you learn third tier spells."

"Oh I was just taught to memorize the simbols that formed the magic circle until I was able to engrave it in my mana body."

"I see. Is there anyone in the settlement that can read magic runes?"

"Umm... I think lady Erin could read up to intermediate runes and the captain can read basic rune a bit thanks to her."

"Is that so."

Tyler silently nodded and thought for a moment. He knew spells could be learnt when taught by a teacher even with any knowledge of magic runes but he hadn't thought there would be so few who could actually read it.

Although Liz seemed like the smart type and maybe able to read it as well but still, he didn't know why Magee didn't just learn how to read them as it would make it easier to learn new spells. However, what Tyler wasn't aware of was that learning magic runes was a thousand times harder than learning a new language and his case had been an exception.

He knew that learning a spell by itself was very complicated and could even take months to learn a single Tier 3 spell if one was not talented enough. He casually flipped through the books as he tried to nemeorize the magic runes he hadn't learnt yet before attempting to construct the magic circle.

Time quickly flew by as they soon arrived at their destination.



The carriage ride only lasted an hour as the pair alighted from it the moment it came to a halt at the front of the merchant guild. At this point, it was already an hour past noon (13:00hours) so the guild should already be ready for them. And perhaps they had been the ones keeping the guild waiting which were bad for his reputation.

Walking inside the merchant guild, a male receptionist immediately noticed their arrival and rushed over to escort them upstairs to the VIP meeting room. Unlike the last two times in which they had visited late in the evening, this place was currently more lively with merchants and Hunters alike moving in and out of the building while a few of them chatted merrily as amongst themselves.

The merchant guild didn't generally have any quest for merchants themselves as Hunters didn't like working with merchants they don't personally know, but the guild would post the request of the merchants for those Hunters who were willing to adventure with them or protect them on an exploration mission.

"Hey Garvo, did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"The Hunter guild is recruiting Orichalcum ranked Hunters for a secret mission. I heard the job had quite the lucrative pay but is surely bound to be dangerous given how many Hunters they are recruiting."

"Is that so, that's probably why there haven't been that many high rankers accepting our quest today. I wonder what the job could be."

"Same here man. Damn, I only need a few more points to rank up to Orichalcum, if they could just wait one more week, I really need the cash."

"What happened to you, burn all your money on the girls at the pink rose again."

"Hehehe... Nah man I wish, it's just hard to come by any worthwhile quest these days."

As they were escorted towards the VIP rooms, they overheard the conversation of a lesser demon— with two white horns protruding from the sides of his head and wearing Hunter's bracelet with a platinum plating— and one of the other male receptionists in the counter.

Judging by their conversation, it would seem the Lord of this city had gone the route of hiring Hunters to clear the mine instead of using his personal guards. It was indeed a wise choice to send mercenaries that specialized in the extermination of monsters instead of the demon knights that would not be able to display their full potential in an underground tunnel where the space was limited.

'Things are moving a little quicker than I had hoped. I'll have to return there as soon as possible.'

After their brief stroll to the VIP room, the female vice guild leader who had attended to them the last time as well almost immediately entered the room. It would seem they had been waiting for their arrival so everything must've been prepared on time.

She had on a similar suit as last time and sat across from Tyler with the usual professional smile on her face.

"Goodday Mr. Lix, welcome back to the guild, we have everything prepared for your arrival including your bank information. As requested we have also deposited half of the payments in that account."

Saying that the lady pushed several items across the table towards them as she retained her calm smile.

Tyler inspected the items immediately, there was a small square box that was obviously the same small spatial storage box he had given to her the last time he was here, a parchment of sorts and a black card similar to the one Z had shown him in the past.

"I see, everything does look intact."

"indeed. The price of the two tonnes of gold you provided us came to a total of 1,178,750 DC. And as said earlier, we have already deposited half of that sum to your account and the other half we were somehow able to gather in time and is stored in that box. You can also check the amount on the account by infusing the card with mana."

"I see... I'm impressed, I didn't think the guild would be able to gather such a large amount of money in only a day.", 'I didn't even think the gold would be worth so much in a world with magic metals and the likes. If just two tonnes of gold is worth over a million, how much would that entire cavern of Runite be worth.'

Tyler tried his best to maintain his poker face as he salivated over the sheer amount of money he had just earned and could earn very soon, his previous life's love for money seems to be desperately trying to crawl out of him.

"We don't usually have such large sums in the guild as theft may occur. Some can steal directly from a storage box so do be careful with your storage box."

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind.", 'Like I'd let anyone steal from me hehe...'

"The parchment is the document for your account. It had been enchanted and can't be destroyed as long as the bank holds the original copy however if you lose it, the bank will charge quite a lot for a replacement. You can use the card in any store and stalls in any city in the continent so there won't be an issue with convenience."

After receiving the items and money from Xelen, Tyler chatted with her for a few more minutes over a cup of coffee before leaving the guild with Nadine. They now held more than enough money to pay off the commission he had given Runic, but they first needed to give the Hunter party of five their share of coins which was more than 500 thousand DCs.

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