Supreme Monarch

Chapter 200 C200. Boundless Void

Chapter 200 C200. Boundless Void

"Pwaaah... This beer isn't half bad."

Hylnyl spoke as he finished gulping down a large jug of beer and slammed the cup on the wooden table. It didn't even seem like they were eating much as the drink was their primary concern. Since the wine hadn't aged for long, it wasn't as good as what the dwarves were used to but the beer was okay. They were originally from Albert's former region so the quality was great.

There was a greenhouse by the west side of the castle that was almost completely destroyed so Tyler hadn't paid any attention to it. But after moving around the castle for a bit under the guidance of Lora. Ragdek had inspected the place and it seem to be designed in a way that the space inside of the greenhouse was way larger than the outside.

The place must've been built using space type magic runes which should be of the advanced level and other special materials, Ragdek was interested in replicating the effects in creating a vineyard next to the greenhouse so they could brew their own wine from scratch. They were truly alcohol enthusiasts.

Tyler had seen something like a winery in the eastern part of the castle so it wasn't a far-fetched idea but he still needed them to focus on the more important aspects of the castle before prioritizing on their hobbies.

Their winter barbecue continued on with everyone having frivolous conversations with each other while occasionally mixing in something fairly important into their talks.

The dwarves may have been cowards when it came to monsters, but it seems the booze they drank gave them high spirits and they were trying to talk with Liz and Erin who had been smothering Tyler with food. He would hope they weren't drunk enough to say something inappropriate else they would become very short ice sculptures.

However, he had to thank their efforts in distracting them as it allowed him to escape the clutches of the girls around him. Tyler called Ragdek over and they moved to the side as he wanted to ask him something as the party went on without him.

The other dwarves were also getting along well with everyone else as they tried to impress Erin and Liz by telling them outrageous stories about their experiences that were definitely made up.

However, Tyler didn't burst their bubble and allowed them to enjoy themselves tor today as they had unintentionally done him a favor. Since Erin and Liz were quite polite, they wouldn't coldly dismiss the troublesome bunch so they were lucky Rain wasn't here.

Z who had made it in time for the barbecue was the only odd man out. He stood by the side as he held a plate of meat and vegetables while still wearing his mask and somehow ate without taking it off.

There was someone next to him that was trying to spark a conversation but their efforts did not bear many fruits. Still, Tyler knew they weren't the type to get discouraged as the idiot couldn't take a hint.

Those people were Hart and his group beside Jarret. The ogress Kela seemed to only be going along with them halfheartedly but Hart was talking to Z enthusiastically even though he was being ignored. Talen just ate quietly but still attempted to talk to Z ones in a while.

This had been his experience with the guy as well on their trip to the castle but he still appreciated his simple mind and straightforwardness.

Tyler then moved over to the side with Ragdek and pulled out something from his storage. It was a Mech Golem that had only its core ripped out but was still relatively intact. Surprise flashed on Ragdek's face as he saw this and the haziness in his eyes immediately disappeared as the look of pure joy washed over him.

"Oy Oy Oy Oy.... is this what I think it is. Crap! I didn't think this continent would have one so advanced! Even the dwarven continent only recently developed one similar to this. Although our product is still superior, I hadn't been given the blueprint so I never thought I'll get to examine one."

His loud words had attracted the attention of the people around him even though Tyler had brought him to the side to avoid this. Even some of the kids that saw the Mech excitedly ran over. Tyler sighed, he hadn't wanted to make a big deal over this and had just wanted to show it to Ragdek if he could replicate or improve this but it had ended up this way.

A little beast boy and a young ogress ran over to him and relentlessly poked his legs as they jumped rapidly as though they were high on sugar.

"Hey, Lord Ty, Lord Ty, is that yours? Can we play with it, can we? Can we?

Their assault was surprisingly relentless as they excitedly requested to play with the lifeless Mech.

"Sure, but, you'll have to wait and see it Mr. Ragdek here can fix it."

Saying that Tyler shifted the responsibility to Ragdek as the kids ran over to him now and started bombarding him with questions.

However, Ragdek seems to be an expert in handling children for some reason as he skillfully answered their questions without making any promises and sent them back. Perhaps this was due to his experience with the other dwarves but that thought was probably rude.

"So Ragdek, can you make something like this."

"Of course. However, I'll need more valuable materiel and tons of magic crystals for the cores. They don't even have to be attributed."

Magic Crystals generally didn't have any attributes and were neutral energy sources even when they were gotten from an elemental creature. However, just like what Tyler had done with the magic crystals he used in corrupting the safe zones, one could grant an attribute to a magic crystal, giving it an elemental effect.

This would progress the use of the magic crystal in a specific direction, making the energy easier to use without wasting most of its power as Bungo had done with his sword. However, such a thing was not as easy to do as Tyler had made it look and one could either destroy themselves or the magic crystal. It was truly a dangerous venture even though he had done it without a clue.

"I see. Alright then, you can just draw up your designs until we have the materials necessary. Also, can you fix this for the kids, it doesn't have to be strong."

"Well I'm sure with Hulnyl's help I can but it would be hard to overwrite its programming without damaging it but I'll try. There are also specific components that are needed and we won't be able to make it on our own."

"Is that so. How would we get them then?"josei

"Not sure, they are not the type of things that are allowed to be regulated in the open markets."

"Is that so? I guess the Merchant guild would be useless then. I may have to try going through the underground organizations. That's fine then, I'll ask Z about it later."

Not dwelling on the issue anymore, Tyler transferred all the parts of the other Mech golems he had on him over to Ragdek who stored it in his storage box and went back to drinking. He would go through it at a later date to see if he could scavenge some parts to make a complete golem for the kids while creating a design of his own.

The barbecue party continued like this for a while but soon ended when most of the kids began to get sleepy and the mothers had to take them back. Everyone else also called it a night as most of them were also tired.

Erin didn't need to sleep at all but Liz was getting sleepy as her energy was only recently restored so they all retired back to their rooms to rest as the next few days would be one of the most busiest days they've experienced since coming to this castle.

After escorting the girls back to their rooms, Tyler was escorted back to his chambers as well. Although he had been out cold for more than 24 hours, his body didn't feel rested at all and he could use some sleep. Perhaps his resistances weren't completely restored as it had been a long time since he felt this way.

A young girl dressed in a maid's outfit escorted him back to his chambers as Albert had insisted on it and claimed it was only natural. She was a pretty bunny girl with a pair of adorable white rabbits ears on top of her short pink hair. She also had a fair skin tone that made her look incredibly delicate.

Tyler didn't remember seeing her before but since her level was quite weak that was understandable. He asked her her name which had startled her but she answered him in an incredibly respectful manner.

Her name was Cora Perilla, her potential was actually not too bad it was tier 2 but she hadn't been able to learn any spells that had been available to her. Tyler thought perhaps she wasn't compatible with those spells so maybe she could learn a proper healing spells.

Erin couldn't teach anyone that wasn't a Nymph her healing abilities so it was hard for a small settlement to gather the resources to cater for too many people.

This made Tyler think that there might be others with high magic potential that hadn't been able to develop it thus far. He should take to them to find those people.

They soon arrived at his room and Cora opened it for him. Without waiting for his instruction, she entered the bathroom and ran him a bath while also preparing a change of clothes for him. Tyler just accepted the treatment as he decided to treat it as a reward for such a hard day. He had even lost an arm in the fight so why not.

Unfortunately, he didn't have the time for this so he only took a quick bath and changed into the night clothes that had been prepared for him. Going over to his bed, he sank into the soft mattress as a certain alluring scent caught his attention.

Still, he ignored it as he ordered Cora to standby outside or rather go to bed herself but she just went out and her presence remain. Still, as the doors to the room closed behind her, another door that wasn't visible before had appeared next to the bathroom door and Tyler couldn't help but smile.

He walked over to the magic door and grabbed hold of the handle. Taking a deep breath, he squeezed it tightly and turned.

The knob gently and before he could even push with any ounce of pressure, the door opened with a familiar creaking sound.

The bright light from within almost blinded him as the view from within settled in his eyes. Tall wooden bookshelves as far as the eyes could see, filled with books of different colors and sizes in different sections of the seemingly infinite hall.

He saw the walls that were lined and designed with a metal similar to gold but more valuable, the strange symbols and drawings carved on the tall walls, and even though there were no colored crystals to light up the room, the place was as bright as though it was under the light of day.


A feeling of relief washed over him as the library that had been inaccessible for a lot longer than he had expected was finally open. Without wasting any more time to admire the view. He walked in and the door shut behind him.

Since this place didn't have any proper catalog or librarian, it would be hard for him to properly organize his time as locating the proper books would take most of his allocated time and he would be kicked out of here again so he needed to be more efficient this time around.


[Notice: Monarch Authority recognized.]

[Activation Process complete.]

[Welcome to the Boundless Void Library Lord Tyler Fall Darknar. I am Uriel, how may I serve you?]

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