Supreme Monarch

Chapter 207 C207. New Encounter

Chapter 207 C207. New Encounter

Several carriages galloped through the unpaved and uneven roads of the Darknar region like it was nothing as the carriages maintained an abnormal balance. Pulled by several exotic six-eyed bulls, the carriages moved faster than the wind as they ran on their way.

Although the carriages were single-drawn, it was still odd to see only a single driver in the driver's seat. There were 4 carriages and thus four drivers as they moved in a hurry towards their destination through the rocky plains.

Nadine's carriage was at the front of the group followed closely by Jarret and then Raz and Jin who had both died and revived the same as him. They were both known for their high survivability but against Mammon, their tricks had been rendered useless. It was a miracle their bodies hadn't been reduced to ash.

On the other hand, Nadine had currently puffed out her cheeks as she was grumbling under her breath about something. She was currently pouting because Jarret and the other two had not reacted properly after finding out about her power boost. Even after she had gone through the trouble of fighting the magic beast that attacked them earlier by herself.

They hadn't seemed impressed and weren't even surprised by her feats. That was disappointing as she had a lot planned out to make them realize how awesome she had become thanks to Lord Ty but their lack of a reaction was annoying and borderline disrespectful to Lord Ty. Or at least she felt that way.

She continued their journey no longer talking to the guys which were actually now freaking them out but they did their best not to say anything as that might inflate her ego even more.

They aimed to meet up with the Hobgoblins from the Raven settlement and lead them back to the castle in time for them to prove themselves useful to Lord Ty. If they couldn't even do that much then there was no point in their existence. At least, that was what she believed.

Their journey took them all the way to the Red River and then they followed the flowing water eastwards to meet up with the Raven settlement that was located in this direction.

Traveling in large quantities required one to choose their routes carefully and the best routes were the ones that provided them access to freshwater. This was why they knew the Raven settlement would be traveling by the river banks as well.

They've been traveling for more than a full day now and were expected to meet up with the settlement in only a few hours. After not talking to the guys for more than four hours, Nadine had finally noticed how awkward their aura was and that had made her day as she decided to let her anger at them go. After all, she figured they were probably still mentally unstable after only just being revived from death a day ago.

That was the only explanation on why they weren't in awe of her awesomeness. Yes, that was definitely the reason otherwise it wouldn't make sense.

Having come to such conclusions, she was finally able to smile brightly as she puffed out her little chest adorably even though non of the others had a view of her since she was driving her carriage at the front of the group, and thus no one could appreciate it.

Slowing down her carriage, she wanted to address the ignorant Jarret as she planned to be the bigger person but her luck must've been high as a giant ball of flames had crashed in the ground ahead of her, charring the ground and causing dirt and rocks to be sent flying.

Her six-eyed bull did not get startled by the sudden attack as it diverted the carriage away from the blast and came to a stop. If Nadine hadn't altered her speed unexpectedly, that blast would've surely taken her by surprise and she would've taken quite a bit of damage.

The other three carriages also came to a halt next to Nadine's as they hurriedly disembarked from the driver's seat and rushed to where she was. Nadine was a little shocked by what the hell had just happened. Although she had been distracted by her thoughts, her reflexes were now at the tier 4 level and she had inherited Lord Ty's godlike body control.

Therefore, there was no reason for her to have not to notice that attack. Her eyes narrowed as she glared at the space in front of the impact.

There was a single horse-drawn carriage parked by the side of the river and three individuals were standing there. One of them was feeding their horse in the river, another stood by the side of the carriage, and the last was staring back at her with a smile on his face as he played with a tennis-sized ball of blue flames in his hand.

Jarret hastily rushed in front of Nadine who was about to charge in as he stared carefully at the trio. His innate ability, Spirit Vision allowed him to see what had happened clearly.

The one playing with the ball of flames had noticed their approach from a distance and hurled a condensed ball of flames at them. That wasn't all, the ball had disappeared mid-flight and appeared right above Nadine at an angle that was difficult to notice. However, she had suddenly slowed down and avoided the attack with ease.

Jarret hadn't been able to warn her of the attack given as she had been riding ahead of him but it looked like his worry had been for naught and she had been able to sense it. He had simply ignored her increased strength earlier on because he didn't want it to get to her head but perhaps that was a bit too harsh.

"I was about to warn you ahead of the attack but couldn't catch up in time. I didn't expect you to notice it as well and slow down. I guess we were wrong, you weren't just outing up airs when you said you were stronger."

Although that statement had a lot of holes if one thought about it even a little. The rage in Nadine's eyes had been immediately calmed by it as she smiled and puffed out her chest.

"Hehehe... so you've finally recognized my greatness... I knew you were only pretending. Hehehe. Indeed I did notice their attack... yea ... that's why I slowed down, no other reason."

Jarret could only sigh in relief at her eagerness to be praised as that had been able to return her back to her senses. He then returned his attention back to the trio. Two of which were already walking in their direction.

The three figures were all predatory beastmen with various predatory animal features on them. The guy with the fireball had features resembling that of a leopard. The lady beside him who was wielding a rapier was some kind of Jaguar, and the lady that was still by the side of the river feeding their horses didn't look like any animals they recognized but she had a tail that was similar to the ones of dragon-like creatures like the Kobolds or Wyverns.

"Huh, I was a little worried when I sensed several large carriages approaching but it turns out there are only four of you. What are you underestimating us!? Big mistake."josei

The guy that spoke seemed to want to charge in but was stopped by the girl beside him. Her gaze had been fixed on Nadine the entire time and she wasn't even breaking eye contact with her.

"Where were you guys headed with those massive carriages. Have you finally decided to destroy our settlement for good? After all, these years have finally decided to capture us all instead? You're underestimating us if you think we'll hand her over without a fight."

The girl spoke in a stern tone as she kept her eyes still focused on Nadine who she could sense crazy energy from. The auras of the rest were also weird but it was within manageable levels.

Jarret on the other hand, narrowed his eyes as he contemplated their current predicament. They weren't prepared for a fight with opponents of this level and their only objective was to make it to the Raven settlement. However, it seems as though there was a misunderstanding going on here so as long as he was able to defuse the situation, they might be able to get out of this unscathed.

As he was about to craft a plan in handling this situation without having to resort to a fight. Nadine retorted to the girl's words.

"Underestimating who? You're the ones that attacked us out of the blue and you have the galls to get angry. Get over yourselves. If it's a fight you want, then I'll give you one."

At this point in time, Jarret who was at the peak of Tier 3, was far slower than the gifted Nadine that had broken through to the next realm. The difference between peak Tier 3 and basic Tier 4 was far too great and Nadine had already moved past him before he could stop her.

The guy that looked like a leopard moved in with a similar speed to hers and prepared to hurl another firebolt at her after boosting it with his ability but Nadine wouldn't fall for the same tricks twice. Her eyes flashed red and the guy froze for only a second but that was all she needed as he connected her bo staff and swung it with full force.


Unsurprising to Nadine, the girl had moved to intercept her weapon in order to save her companion but Nadine was a fighting prodigy and could accurately read the battlefield. Using a skill to behave the power of her swing, the figure of the hangar girl slammed into the leopard guy and she followed up quickly with a spell.

"Max Magic- Electrosphere!"

In less than a second, she had completely dominated the fight between two opponents of equal ranks but that was because she had taken them by surprise. As her massive ball of electricity disappeared. A thing layer of magic barrier shattered as it seemed the girl had prepared for the unexpected.

Dashing at the surprised Nadine, she continuously swung her rapier at her with a speed too fast for the naked eyes to follow. Even Nadine was giving a hard time keeping up with her swing and even a harder time parrying than with her Bo-Staff.

As their fight continued to intensify, the leopard guy stood up stunned after barely resisting Nadine's Demon's Might. He was about to stand and help out his sister when an arrow let loose and slice his cheeks. If he hadn't tested in time that arrow would've taken his head.

Turning his head to the source he saw one of the figures crouched in one knew with a composite bow on his hand and the other two were charging at him with drawn swords. Slightly panicked by their intensity, he hastily got up and hurled a firebolt at them without the use of his ability.

•Razor Wind•

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