Supreme Monarch

Chapter 214 C214. Wisdom Of Uriel

Chapter 214 C214. Wisdom Of Uriel

The reason Tyler had decided to learn a Regeneration skill before the three skills necessary for the activation of Wisdom of Uriel was that two of those three skills were Divine Tier, making them harder to comprehend much less learn even with a high compatibility rate.

The required skills were Clairvoyance, World Divination, and Divine Appraisal. Amongst those three skills, only Clairvoyance was a Normal Tier skill and the rest were Divine Tier, making their effects quite impressive as Tyler picked up the large tomes and read their descriptions.

There was a higher-tiered Clairvoyance skill called Absolute Clairvoyance that was also at the divine class but it didn't seem like the requirement of Wisdom of Uriel needed the high-level version of the skill and Tyler didn't plan to overachieve.

There were a lot of skills he wanted to learn and being thrown in the middle of so many skill books had only increased that desire. However, without the library's focus effect and with his current learning speed, he didn't think he had enough time to even learn a single Advance Tier skill, much less two Divine Tiers.

However, this calculation did not factor in the compatibility rate of those three skills as there was no way to quantify such an abstract aspect.

[Solution: Master can attempt to learn the skills: Magic Prodigy, Prudent Student, or Apprentice. To aid in the process of acquiring more skills and techniques as well as other magical knowledge.]

"Wait really. That's dope. Err hold on a sec... you knew that the entire time I was struggling to learn Level 1 advance runes. What gives?"

[Answer: These methods are ineffective in the process of learning magic runes as they are the foundation of any and everything. As such, none of those skills would be effective in learning them and can not be considered an adequate solution for the master.]

"Oh, I see now, my bad."josei

Once again, Uriel had proved herself useful as Tyler immediately put back the books he was holding and located the three skills she had mentioned. With her help of course.

Reading their general description to get an overview of their effects and differences, he was able to quickly decide on the one he felt would be better for him.

They were all Advanced Tier skills but as support-type skills, they were not as difficult to learn as attack-type skills. The skill 'Apprentice' was a skill that allowed the users to gain improved memories and are able to process information faster. However, the skill was restricted when the user did not have a master to devout his knowledge to as such, they are unable to maintain their passion for learning and acquiring more knowledge.

'Prudent Student' was somewhat similar but it only provided the ability to easily memorize a huge amount of information without the need to process the information and without the need for a master. With this, he would be able to easily learn not just skills but spells as well.

However, without an ability like Mammon's 'Archivist', he would be unable to master those spells and skills and would only be able to use them at their weakest. Of course, potential break could bypass this as well, but why go through the trouble when you don't have to.

The last was what Tyler was most interested in. 'Magic Prodigy', the skill granted him a massive boost to his cognitive functions and even a passive effect of Thought acceleration. Not that he needed that but with it, he would now be able to process certain magical knowledge faster.

Keep in mind, while this had a minute effect on his everyday life. The skill was primarily for magic knowledge and if he tried to study things that weren't related to magic, the effects would not be activated. Still, this was perfect for his current situation and held no drawbacks.

After finalizing his choice. Tyler took a seat in the desk chair that had appeared at the edge of this corner of the library mysteriously and began to study the skills formulas before attempting to activate them. Just as with the time he learned Magic sense, he realize how different the process of learning skills was from spells.

With spells, the very essence of this world had been converted into a written language for him and as long as he understood the language. He could form any sentence he wanted to achieve his goal and easily engrave the runes in his mana body.

However, skills were vastly different. The books only described the process and technique in learning them and he had to go through a lot of trial and error in engraving his body and soul with the essence of the skill granting him a more finer control over the ability than one had with spells.

Learning certain skills would even improve one's resistances and immunities.

Even when learning skills of equal tiers, the learning difficulty may increase and decrease depending on the compatibility with the user. It had taken Tyler hours to learn magic sense and only minutes to learn Keen eyes of a demon so there were no accurate measurements on how long it took to learn different tiers of skills. Only the higher the skill was, the more complicated the formula was and the harder it was to learn.

As for Magic Prodigy, it took him more than two hours before he was finally able to activate it, and another hour to fully get accustomed to it and boost his proficiency with the skill to an acceptable degree.

Not wasting time, he went through another learning sprew as he started with Regeneration, a process that took him less than 10 minutes. Perhaps because his compatibility with the skill was good.

With that in mind, he quickly upgraded the skill to Hyperspeed Regeneration in another hour. He then moved on to the three skills that activated Wisdom of Uriel, starting with Clairvoyance, followed by both divine skills, World Divination and Divine Appraisal.

All three skills had only taken him a grand total of five hours which was half the time he had predicted originally. Still, this had till taken more time than he had wanted so he had to be pickier with the other skills he learns.

The moment he mastered Divine Appraisals, he heard Uriel's angelic voice speak directly in his mind this time. It was unlike the previous genderless and ethereal voice he heard outside the library.

[Notice: The requirements have been met. Skills, clairvoyance, World Divination, and Divine Appraisal will now be assimilated in order to activate the God Tier Skill, Wisdom of Uriel.]

"God Tier?"

[Notice: Skill Wisdom of Uriel has been activated. A general description will now be provided.]


Wisdom of Uriel.

A God Tier skill that was born from the living properties that was imbued from the Spatial Infinity after activating the artificial soul of Uriel who possesses the essence of a fallen angel. The artificial intelligence known as Uriel has now been fused with the living property that granted her a parallel existence that has now bonded with the soul of her master due to her strong desire to serve.

Granting him an innate connection to the Boundless Void Library and its infinite knowledge in a limited way. As a wisdom skill, Uriel also possesses various other subsidiary abilities.

Divine Appraisals: The ability to view the complete status of anyone or anything, allowing you to see any/all powers/skills, secret techniques, magic potential, overall health, and flaws the target possesses. You may also transfer that information to another medium so that anyone else, including the target, can view the information for themselves.

World Divination: The ability to comprehend any non concealed information in the world as long an idea of the information is known. Can also receive certain hidden information from the Astral plane although the concealer will become aware of the breach and may counter or provide false information. Also contains the ability of FutureSight and can receive certain information from the immediate future that concerns you.

Clairvoyance: The ability to acquire information using sight outside the normal range of detection about an object, person, location, or physical event. Able to see through invisibility, illusions, and through weak concealment abilities. At a higher level, you will be able to directly see the soul as well as one's mana body or straight through dimensions.

Void Librarian: Any new magical knowledge or ability that you encounter will be automatically recorded and stored in the void Library incomplete details.

Imbued & Assimilation: The ability to imbue compatible skills from items and artifacts into your soul with maximum proficiency. Also the ability to assimilate the essence from strong souls to evolve compatible skills. When used on others, the ability can imbue them with a copy of compatible skills from the user. Success rate if 30% (Can be boosted by a higher authority.)

Uriel's Oversight: Manages and maintains all her master's abilities and resistances as well as the soul and physical body while stabilizing the connection with the Boundless Void Library to prevent any information overlord while maintaining perfect health.


Tyler was speechless.

A thorough description of the skill Wisdom of Uriel was listed in his head as it seems the skill was considered a God Tier skill and from the looks of the various abilities, it didn't seem to be an exaggeration.

He had already experienced the effects of the Imbue and assimilation skills and it had been the sole reason he had gained the skill Spatial Domination and was indeed a very powerful ability. However, the pain he felt the last time was no joke and it made him not want to use that skill again in his life.

Still, most of the other skills were insanely powerful and as though she wanted to stay true to her name. The skill seems to be geared towards the ability to gain information more easily.

The fact that his appraisal could now tell him so much information about an individual was incredible. Although there would be those that would be able to block the ability. However, that would only reveal to him who he needed to take note of.

World Divination was impressive as well, it not only help him gain common information of the items and phenomenons in this world, it also granted him future sight. A skill that would definitely become very useful in battles as may help him avoid another Mammon situation again.

Then there was Uriel Oversight. Although he didn't like the idea of being watched over, the skill mainly seems to be precarious against the drawbacks of being connected to a near-infinite source of magic knowledge like the Void Library.

Tyler just stood in place stunned as he processed the information he had just reviewed in amazement. He may have remained standing there for hours if Uriel's voice hadn't snapped him out of his daze.

[Notice: A thorough analysis of master's body will now be carried out to aid in future management and prevent any information overload. The time frame set for analysis is 10 hours 37 minutes and 14 seconds.]

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