Supreme Monarch

Chapter 219 C219. Analysis And Reports

Chapter 219 C219. Analysis And Reports

'My word is law.'

Frankly, Tyler had only said those words in a joking fashion. However, he was now fully aware of how the residents in the castle saw him. After all, the Boundless Void Library said he had the demon's king seed inside him sounded a lot dirtier than it needed to be.

To be honest, the only reason he barely had any reaction to that information when he heard it was partly because he had predicted it in the back of his mind and he was just filled with excitement on returning to the wondrous Magic Library.

There was also the fact that the demon king's last name was being attached to his. Even if he was dense, there's no way he wouldn't put the pieces together after all that. He had already figured out the fact that he had been summoned to this word by the effects of a failed summing spell.

The person most likely to have summoned him was indeed the demon king himself and Tyler couldn't even fathom how he did it but he had managed to control the situation until Tyler had eventually ended up being imprisoned in his castle.

However, it would seem like the betrayal of his generals had come as a surprise for him as he had been unable to exercise whatever plans he had for Tyler's body which should've been summoned as a vessel for him. Still, Tyler couldn't figure out why.

The demon king was strong. At the very least that is what he was lead to believe. He was strong enough that even gods would hesitate to challenge him. So why summon a weak human body with a similar wavelength as his vessel.

'Hmm… perhaps his summoning spell hadn't failed at all.'

It made sense. Tyler's empty mana body was perfect for absorbing the energy that had been underground so perhaps the demon king had summoned him that way on purpose. If that's the case then it stands to reason that he was either dying or had reached his limit for growth and decided the only way to save himself was to prepare a vessel.

Tyler shivered internally as he caressed Rain's head. Whatever the case may be. It would seem like he had the betrayer of the great five to thank for his life.

So, except for the brimstone family, maybe he should try getting along with them.'I doubt that'll happen though.'As his thoughts trailed further and further away.

His mind was suddenly dragged back by the sound of several knocks placed on his door. Turning his head to look at Cora who was still kneeling by the entrance.

He gave her permission to stand and attend to the door. He then moved Rain to the bed as he sat beside her. His energy manipulation in her brain had needed up inducing fatigue in her so she had now fallen asleep.

Soon Cora returned and informed him of his new visitors, granting her permission to let them in. Both Liz and Erin, who seemed to have originally chased after Rain but due to the differences in their movement speed, had given up halfway and decided to just walk her instead like proper ladies.

"Welcome back Lord Ty."

"Welcome back."

Tyler turned his head to face the Boeing girls and with an arm, he motioned for them to relax. He had expected Albert to be the one at the door but to his surprise, he hadn't come yet.

"Hmm... I didn't really go— well whatever. How have things in the castle been the past two days?"josei

Tyler asked as he stood up from his bed and walked to his desk. The girls seemed to be surprised to find Rain lying there but didn't say anything. They seem to have understood something so Tyler didn't think there was a need to explain himself.

"Just as you ordered. The dwarven leader Ragdek and his friend, along with the blacksmith Bungo has succeeded in fixing all the walls with the materials you provided. According to their report, they ended up using more than 90% of the Runites in reforging the main gate so they are unable to start their research on magic artifacts."

"They've also created pieces of furniture for almost all the rooms in the castle as well as new and improved weapons and armors for our forces, but those have exhausted all the resources we have in the castle and until we get a supply from Azar's group, there isn't anything else for them to do so I let them focus on the vineyard they were interested in."

The one who spoke was Erin which would normally be a surprise for Tyler but this was expected.

While she had a slightly flushed face all through her report to Tyler, she had surprisingly been able to speak clearly without being shy.

Perhaps her increased strength gave her more confidence in herself or she hadn't wanted to disappoint Tyler after he left her in charge to manage the castle in Albert's stead. The change was because of Albert's request.

For some reason, he had felt inadequate and unworthy after his loss to Mammon's generals even though he had been the only one to kill one of the generals.

'Wait that reminds me. The body of Mammon and his generals is being preserved. I wonder if they would make stronger undead now that my mana control is quite high.'

As Tyler mused about the prospect of creating more undead. His thoughts slowly returned to Albert who was now in charge of training his fighters with the use of Z's regimen. He was trying various methods to improve his strength.

That was properly why he had tasked Cora with his self-assigned responsibility of looking after him for the time being while he worked hard to improve himself.

"Still, it's only been two days. How were they able to accomplish so much. I guess the dwarven race really is on another level."

"Umm yes, they tend to work faster than we anticipated as long as we send them enough alcohol."

"Oh, that does sound like dwarves."

"Also, Mr. Z wanted me to give you this lord Ty."

Erin seemed to have materialized a parchment from thin air as she handed it over to Tyler who was still seated behind his desk as though he was doing something important.

He then spread open the parchment on the desk and to his surprise, it was a detailed map of the underground labyrinth he had tasked him in making.

According to this, there were three exits from the labyrinth. One led to the Darknar forest. It was the same one Tyler had exited from on that faithful night. The second exit led to the Red River and the last led to the Greyad plains where his new settlement/town/city was being built by the Kobolds who were led by Tarka.

While this all seems like it might be a great underground escape route in case of emergencies. There was actually no way for anyone to use it as there was no passage to that place unless Tyler decided to construct one or create a teleportation point in there which would be of no use of for some reason teleportation becomes unusable.

There were still a lot of mysteries surrounding that place and until he completely understood what they were, he didn't want that place to be known to many and thus needed to protect or defend it.

The layered barrier around the castle extended down but it did not reach the lake so that place could be accessed by anyone. The options he considered were completely sealing two of the entrances so he could adequately focus on defending the last. Or assigning golems, undead, or monsters to patrol the tunnels while using illusion magic to prevent anyone from locating the lake.

However, he didn't have that many undead, and even if Ragdek could recreate the Mech golems, using them for that would be was full. The only viable option was taming monsters for the task.

However, he needed a skilled beast tamer to help him with that but he had no such individual current within the castle.

Tyler leaned back into his chair as he considered this issue and thought of a solution. With his new Domination demonic eyes, he could technically dominate a powerful creature and get them to obey him without the need of a beast tamer.

Although, doing the same for magic beasts may prove more difficult than ordinary monsters as magic beasts had more Magic Resistance and some even had mind attack immunity.

'Still, this method is still very useful. Frankly, I don't even need a magic beast to achieve my goal.'

Tyler nodded his head with satisfaction as Uriel confined his theory. He then turned to face the girls as he stored the map inside his infinite pocket dimension.

"So how's the castle defense looking?"

"Everything seems fine. Most of the defensive runes have been restored with the exception of the advance runes in the North wing. The traps have also been fixed and a second defensive torrent was made for the tower based on your design. I was told Ragdek had also improved the design he the lack of materials had stalled production."

"Oh, is that so. They still continue to impress. By the way, have there been any words from Tarka and the other Kobolds?"

"Yes, sire. We receive a report from her just this morning. It says all the temporary housing has been completed and they are now clearing out the area where the city will be."

Tyler nodded once again and was about to say something when Liz who had moved closer to the sleeping Rain suddenly spoke:

"Oh umm, I recently received a message from Nadine and the others. It says they've made contact with the Raven settlement and will be returning with exactly 1580 hobgoblins, 111 Karma Onis. They should be arriving in two days. According to her, the fighting force of the settlement is 1,212."

"That's higher than I expected, our current fighting force even when including the Kobolds and trolls is still less than a hundred. Still, even with the addition of that many, against an army of 20,000 powerful undead. It doesn't seem like much."

Hearing Erin's conclusion after Liz report, Tyler couldn't help but chuckle as he spoke:

"That's fine. In a battle like this, numbers won't mean much."

He was about to say something else when he suddenly paused for a second as though he was listening to someone but the girls could not hear anything.

"Alright, I've heard enough. You guys return for now. In five hours, gather all every able body including the children in the inner ward and await further instructions."

"Umm, oh okay."

"Understood. But what about Rain."

"Hmm… I guess I'll just send y'all to her room then. You can handle the rest from there."

Seeing them nod, Tyler waved an arm and teleported them to the room he had assigned to Rain. He then ordered Cora to leave as well and return to her post outside.

The moment she left, Tyler signed in relief as he replayed the information he had revived from Uriel in his head over and over again.

The reason he had given them five hours to report to the inner ward was that he had planned on using that time to increase his undead forces that had been absolutely decimated by Mammon and his generals like they were nothing.

He had a small stockpile of corpses and wanted to carry out a few more experiments on the type of undead he could create now that he had the proper spell. Besides, he now had some negative resistance after looking at the data Uriel had shown him.

[Notice: The Analysis on Master's being has been completed. Physical and Magic abilities have been completed. Would you like to view your status.]

[Notice: Master mana's body has been severely damaged. Repairs will begin shortly. Chances of success have been deemed to be too low, temporarily disabling all resistances to improve the success rate. This may hurt a bit.]

"You know, I'm beginning to dislike you, Uriel."

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