Supreme Monarch

Chapter 238 C238. Wand Of Chaos

Chapter 238 C238. Wand Of Chaos

"This item is just as interesting as I remembered."

[Notice: Perfect conditions have been met. This item is currently in the most optimal state to be used.]

Tyler's interest was piqued further upon hearing Uriel's notification. The item had a condition for stronger summons if used in certain locations so he had always wondered how he was supposed to determine said location but lucky for him, he now had Uriel to inform him of that.

He stretched forth his arm and the wand of chaos flew from the ground into his palm as Tyler observed the magic item closer.

The wand's core was pulsating while realizing a faint layer of corrupted energy that would normally destabilize the mana essence in the air but currently, it was having little to no effect on the surrounding mana that was denser here than anywhere else.

This was most likely due to the effect of the training hall that stabilizes the mana in the air to prevent anyone from going out of control in here. This was probably the reason why this place was the ideal location to use the item.

The wand's connection with the spiritual plane meant most of the creatures the item could summon were most likely spiritual lifeforms which were quite strong amongst summon creatures.

Even a weaker spiritual life form like a wraith or phantom would prove difficult to handle as they couldn't be killed by normal means and low-tier casters would have a hard time dealing with them.

Although the chances of summoning stronger monsters were higher now. That didn't mean it was 100% guaranteed. The item was still chaotic and random and he could still get a bunch of weaklings but this was the best place to make that gamble.

The level of the monsters also increases with the user skills and the only one more skilled than him in the castle was Erin. He should be able to get something good.

Making his decision, he told Cora to step back even further as he activated the wand while using Probability Correction to improve his chances of success.

The moment the item was activated, the gem embedded in the wand instantly began to glow fiercely as a massive three-fold magic circle appeared on the ground before him.

"Wait! This is wrong. Why is there a tear in space."

Just as he had said— above the magic circle that glowed an ominous red while slowly rotating on the ground— was a tiny tear in the space above it.

The tear rapidly got larger and larger as it connected to another plane of existence, forming a portal as extreme amounts of malice gusted out of the still miniature portal in an oppressive force.

Pressure the likes of which Tyler had never felt before shot out and encompassed the entire castle with a devilish aura that would make one claw their eyes out.

"You've got to be kidding me. How the hell did I get a Devil from only a 2% chance."

Tyler wasn't fully aware of the implications of summoning a Devil but he knew if he let it happen, he would have wasted the wand one use as no other monsters would be summoned.

Having an uncontrollable Devil causing trouble for him wasn't something he wanted either. He quickly tried canceling the summoning and was succeeding when two pairs of blackish-red claw-like hands the size of boulders shot out of the shrinking portal and grabbed a hold of it. Forcing it open with brute force.

Tyler tried to focus more on canceling the summoning but there wasn't much he could do as this was a magic item and he couldn't influence the strength of the spell with Potential Break.

The four blackish-red hands continuously pulled the spatial tear apart and Tyler knew he could no longer save the wand so he had to let it go.

He quickly tossed the wand aside as he used spatial domination to forcefully collapse that tear in space. As his power overwhelmed the strength of the creature within, four beams of red light shot out of the portal at the concentrating Tyler.

He had Universal barrier active around him so Tyler thought he would be fine. However, his senses warned him of danger regardless.

It seems the creature was trying to force him to make a mistake so it could escape and it almost succeeded as Tyler was about to counter the laser beams with a skill when two shadowy figures rose from within his shadows and swung their blades at the attack.

Their blades were immediately flung aside as their bodies shot back and Tyler had to stop what he was doing to catch them even though he knew they would not die.

He was able to easily catch both Zelda and Nessi and upon observation, he had been right to worry. The beams of light hadn't actually damaged them. Rather, it continuously dances across their bodies effectively keeping them in a state of temporary stasis. This was an unblockable attack.

Whatever that creature was, it was clearly quite an intelligent fiend as he accurately predicted the best way to escape against a force it couldn't overpower with just brute strength.

,m Even Tyler would need a second to resist such an attack and that was all the time it needed to escape.

The portal had now fully opened and a 27 foot blackish-red Devil with two pitch-black curved horns and four arms and four eyes walked out of hell itself with a grin the size of a continent.

[Ghahahahahah... Gahahahahha... Finally, Moloc is free! This world shall know chaos!]



—On a small island located somewhere on Neron.

A dark cloud constantly floated only a few meters above the ground. Casting a constant shadow over the entire island, effectively preventing any sunlight from reaching the surface.

Located in the center of this small island was a small city with a population of less than 5,000. Despite the state of perpetual darkness looming over the city, the city seemed to be a very prosperous place that was quite advanced for its time, housing technology that could not be found anywhere else.

On the hill at the extreme end of the city was a castle smaller than most but seemed to be made completely out of some sort of black metal with high-tech weaponry mounted on several towers around the castle.

The halls of the castle were well illuminated with colorful crystals that shone white light without producing any form of heat. On one of these halls, a slime figure could be seen stealthily moving towards one of the open windows as he tried to jump out of the castle when a cold voice suddenly called out to him.

"And what do you think you're doing Lord Ferlis."

Ferlis's figure suddenly tensed up as he froze and slowly turned his head around with an awkward smile on his face.

He was an extremely handsome young man with scarlet eyes and vertical slits. His skin was extremely pale and he had long white hair that fell gently to his back. He wore a simple black robe made of silk with black pants and golden-colored boots.

"Oh Umm, I was just going on a little stroll to get some air. Yeah, that's it. Just getting some fresh air."

He spoke semi awkwardly to the female figure that was staring daggers at him. She had silver hair that only went down to her neck and a pair of red pupils. Her skin was as pale as Ferlis and she had an entrancing figure to go with her pretty face.

Walking towards the escaping Ferlis, she grabbed him by the collar and dragged him back with her.

"Please don't try to run away every time I turn around. You still have a lot of work to get through. Now let's head back to your office."

Her incredibly respectful tone and polite words were only contradicted by having a tight grip on Ferlis collars as she dragged him away against his will.

They soon arrive inside a large office that was well illuminated by the colorful crystals. There were stacks of paper almost everywhere that made the incredibly large room appear small and stuffy.

"Please get back to work Lord Ferlis, you've already wasted a lot of time trying to escape."

Ferlis who was dragged back into this place seems to have lost all his energy as he listlessly walked behind his desk and sat down tiredly.

*Sigh... "This is boring. Why don't we just skip today's work and do something fun? What do you say Silver?"

"I'd rather not. You've missed several years of work already so please focus else the Elders won't be pleased."

Ferlis grumbled as he reluctantly began going through the paperwork's on his desk while sighing repeatedly. Silver stood by his side and strictly monitored him while passing him new stacks of paperwork to go over.

They had only been working for a few more hours when she suddenly received a telepathic message.

"Lord Ferlis. It seems one of the Void Dwellers captured on our moon base managed a temporary escape just now."

"Ohhhh... Did it get far?"

"No, apparently, its descent was stopped by a barrier that suddenly appeared around the planet."

"A barrier capable of stopping one of those creatures. Do we know who's responsible for it?"

"I'm afraid not. Observation spells were countered by his anti-divination magic. Before we could observe him manually, he had already disappeared."

"Him? Such a barrier was created by a single individual."

"It appears so."

"Interesting. Must be a high Tiered Demigod. What became of the Void Dweller? Was it seen?"

"Uncertain. We were able to reel it in with the device almost immediately and given their nature it should be hard for it to have been spotted even by a Celestial."


"That's good I guess. I wonder..."

"That reminds me. It appears the Great Five are moving together once again."

"Hmm... oh really, well that's interesting."

"According to the report, they've all sent demigod representatives to infiltrate the undead army in an attempt to flesh out the traitor working for the behemoth inside the castle."

"Uh, they really believe one of them is working with him? How interesting."

"Do you not think that's the case."

"Doesn't seem likely but I could be wrong."

If there was one thing Silver knew about her lazy master, it was simply the fact that he was never wrong. His fascinating mind worked differently than most which were why the elders still respected him despite his constant long absences."

"With the Great Five so preoccupied, wouldn't this be the best time for the Vampire king to make his return. No matter what family gains control of the castle and becomes the demon king, it wouldn't end well for us you know. After all, you were the only one that did not betray him."

"There's no need for that. Being something as troublesome as the Demon King is not something I'm cut out for. Besides, I have a feeling something interesting is about to happen."

"Please do not say something like that. If your subjects were to hear such weak words from their king they would be heartbroken."

"Hmmm... how troublesome."

"Should we at least send some representatives to capture the behemoth? As long as we're able to prevent any of the Great Five from claiming the castle, that would be enough."

"Umm... you may do whatever you want. Just don't get on his bad side, you might regret it. I'm quite interested in him. I wonder how those two girls are doing? This has turned out to be even more interesting than I had hoped."

Ferlis muttered to himself subconsciously but the moment the words left his mouth. The temperature in the room dropped rapidly which startled him.

"Oh Silver, I didn't mean anything naughty I'm just interested in how things turn out you know."

Silver just glared at him with her usual cold expression as she turned her head away and made a thought link with her subordinates to issue orders.

"Oh, dear..."

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