Supreme Monarch

Chapter 246 [Bonus Chapter] Syphilia’s Day

Chapter 246 [Bonus Chapter] Syphilia’s Day



Standing at the center of her office at the top of one of the towers in the Zorak magic institute was Syphilia, the guild leader of winged city's magic institute.

A frown was plastered across her face as she paced slowly back and forth. The large wooden door to her office gently squeaked open as a tall man walked casually into the office.

He was a somewhat handsome man standing approximately 6'6 with short red hair and scarlet eyes. He walked casually inside the office then shut the door behind him as he noticed Syphilia pacing back and forth with a worried expression on her face.

"Hey Leader, what's wrong with you?"

Suddenly hearing a deep voice from beside her had startled Syphilia a bit as she immediately sent a wind spell slamming into Kal, sending him ceasing into the wall. It seems she had been too engrossed in her thoughts and had failed to sense his entrance. Mistaking his sudden appearance as a threat.

"Oh, it's just you Kal. What do you need?"

"What the hell is wrong with you. Don't you act casually after using your spells again me?"

Kal complained as he struggled to stand back up after that attack.

"Fine I'm sorry, I had a lot on my mind that's all."

"What's going on with you?"

Syphilia saw the look Kal's was giving her and sighed. She then took a seat on the sofa by the side and poured herself a drink. Ivan didn't wait for an invitation as he dusted himself off and took a seat in one of the sofas facing Syphilia.

After downing the contents of her glass in one gulp, she sighed once more and spoke bluntly with a usually serious expression on her face.

,m "I don't know why but Aur has been gathering information on our recent member Lix and his beastman companion. He's been pacing a lot of pressure on me and with so many missing high ranking Hunters and Merchants recently, it's been hard to reject granting him access to Winged city's magic institute."

"What's his interest with that Lix fellow? If I remember correctly, he had only recently visited us and only joined the merchant guild before joining us."

"Who knows, still, letting Aur in here even for something as little as that is dangerous. I've been spying on the inner workings of the entire family and I can't let any of his ghosts figure anything out. Aur's an extremely opportunistic fellow and he'll do whatever it takes to get to the top. Including throwing me to the wolves even for the chance of a favorable opinion from the elders."

Upon hearing Syphilia's reasoning. Realization dawned on Kal as he understood why she had been so panicked when he entered the room.

"So that's how it is. Still, we've already denied him access ones before. Can't we just do it again? The institute was designed to operate independently from the family and the only one that can overrule your authority is the headmaster of the magic academy."

The magic academy held more value than every one of the magic institutes located in various cities under the Great Five. As such, the headmaster of the academy held more influence than any of the Guild Leaders of the various branches.

"That may be true. But there is one more person that has the same authority."

"Huh, who?"

"The young master of course. The demon lord of the Zorak family."

"Oh right. He's never shown his face in public since he took power so I completely disregarded that possibility."

"Indeed. That is very bizarre. The family host a lot of elaborate events throughout the year that even the demon lords are expected to show themselves a few times. Yet, no one had ever seen him since the day he ascended to take over from his father."

"True. There was a rumor going around at one time that he was dead but that story was quickly abolished. Now people just think he has an incurable illness."

"Yes, so far the Grand Elder Lady Marline has been the one standing in for him."

"Isn't that a good thing? With the young master out of commission, Aur won't be able to force his way in here."

"No that's wrong. It's the opposite."josei

"How so?"

"The headmaster is a good friend of mine and won't accept any request coming from Aur against me but that's not the case with the Grand Elder."


"Yes. The Grand Elder has the authorities of the young master and can grant Aur's request as long as he provides a good reason for it."

"So that's where Mr. Liz comes in?"

"That's right. I don't understand the importance of the mission so many merchants and Hunters undertook a week ago but it's important enough to warrant Aur's full attention. This mission was also taken a few days after Lix left the city and he had before that, left with some hunters on a mission."

"Oh, I get it now. Whatever the mission Lix and those Hunters had done has something to do with the mission so many high ranking hunters were sent on."

"Yes, and with those five missing and presumed dead. Lix is the only one who can shine a light on what had happened to those Hunters. If the reason for this mission is as important as I think, the Grand Elder will surely grant Aur the right to investigate the magic institute and it's impossible to erase all the evidence of my investigations into the family. I'm doomed."

"Now I get it. This surely isn't good."

"Please stop stating the obvious, it pisses me off."

"Oh, sorry my bad. Wait I got it. Why don't we locate Mr. Lix and bring him back? With him, in the city, there would be no reason to investigate the guild."

"Say, Kal, that's a great idea. Are you by any chance friends with Lix and know where he is?"

"Umm... No..?"

"Then please shut the fuck up. Do you think I've just been pacing around in agony here because I'm bored? If I knew where he was or even where he went I wouldn't be in this state. I even sent a spy after him but he teleported away a few meters from the city so the hell is I supposed to do."

After hearing Syphilia go into a rut of frustrating rage. Kal just lowered his head and apologized.

"My apologies. I was only trying to help."

Hearing that, Syphilia sighed deeply and tried to calm down.

"It's fine. I'm sorry too. I'm just a little on edge. I was so close to figuring out something important and this happen. Moreover, it seems the family has been eliminating spies recently, creating another headache for me."

"Eliminating spies, why? Didn't they usually try to feed them wrong information? What changed."

"Apparently something is going on in the darknar region and one of the Great Five is making a secret move who cares. I don't have any interest in their pointless struggles to get to the castle. Not anymore."

Seeing as he couldn't think of a solution to help his guild leader, Kal decided not to suggest anything that would offend her and get to why he had come in here to begin with.

"Oh. Well, whatever. I came in here to inform you, the Guild Leaders of the Merchant and Hunter guild are here to see you."

"Wait what! Why?"

"Don't know. They were told you were busy but they insisted on waiting. Seems like this may be related to what you were talking about."

"Shit. Why's troublesome stuff just stockpiling on and on for me."

"I afraid I can't help with thay either. Still, what should I say to them. They've already been waiting for long."

"Fuck it then. Just let them in, give me about 5 minutes to freshen up."

"Alright. 5 minutes it is."

Kal said nodding as he stood up from the sofa and walked out the door. Shutting it behind him.

Syphilia sighed again and poured herself another glass of wine. She downed it all in one gulp and stood up. Walking over to the restroom inside her office, she then washed her face and freshen her makeup. Walking out of the bathroom with a charming smile as she say behind her desk.

In the next second, a knock came from her door and she spoke sweetly. "Enter." It has been exactly 5 minutes since Kal left and the two gentlemen enter her office alone.

One of them was a middle-aged man with a prominent mustache and the other, an aged man with a long white beard and a full head of white.

Syphilia stood up to greet them in her usual smile and ushered them to a set. She rang a bell and the men were offered beverages as well as snacks but they refused.

"Please allow us to go straight to the point Lady Syphilia. We have a request to make it you."

The one who spoke was an acquaintance of hers Rio. The Mervhant Guild Leader.

"A request?"

Syphilia's mind instantly calmed down as she realized they hadn't come here to put pressure on her but ask for help. She adopted a serious expression to hide her relief as she asked the question.

"Indeed. A lot of our members have been on a mission with any constant for more than a week now. I'm afraid we fear the worse and with the anxiety of our guilds increasing. We would like the Magic guild to host a search and retrieve quest for them."

Ivan Geriyl, the Hunter guild leader added with a serious expression on his face. Something terrible must've happened to the Hunters it both of this figures came here to ask her for a favor.

With Aur'a ghost looming over her, literally. This may be the golden opportunity she had to make a move. Having such prominent figure own her a favor was something she couldn't turn down.

"So that's it. That shouldn't be a problem."

With a gracious smile on her face, Syphilia immediately accepted their request.

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