Supreme Monarch

Chapter 264 C264. Water Goddess

Chapter 264 C264. Water Goddess

Marching out of the darknar forest was an undead army of more than 3,500 strong, led by the 4th regiment's undead General, the Angel of Decay Azratta. A demigod level General that had been conjured by Mammon and contracted to serve Zerahut in dominating the demon continent.

While he was not quite as intellectual as the other generals. He was most likely the strongest of them all as he was a conceptual being that could not be destroyed by normal means.

He led the 4th unit from the frontlines as part of its vanguards and left command of the rest of his forces to his assistant, a Tier 4 Great Lich that led the mage artillery Corp and Magic support unit. The rest of his forces would follow after him as he led the charge to attack any enemies that came before them.

As a conceptual entity that could not be destroyed, he acted as his unit's tank and took on his enemies head-on without any tricks or complicated strategies, opting to crush his opponents with brute and decaying force.

However, he possess no skills or spells that could be used for attack and had no talent for magic, but that didn't mean he was defenseless. His only means of damaging his enemies was by the corrosive and decaying liquid his body was made of and constantly produced. It was capable of decaying everything in existence and could not be stopped.

He could also hurl pierces of himself as long-range attacks but was still limited in a variety of attack methods. There were other abilities he had but those were only useful against vastly weaker opponents so he needed other means of attack.

Hence, his unit was compromised of mostly undead mages and archers, giving him all the firepower he needed to completely annihilate whatever stood in his way.

However, the moment the last of his forces had left the forest, they were met with their doom.

•Pure Water Infusion - Water Meteors•

Their advance was met by a single individual floating in the air above them. Her figure was gently glowing as she looked ethereal as though her body was made of the purest form of flowing water.

Her aqua blue hair flowed down like gentle waterfalls, her enchanting figure was only complimented by her alluring beauty. Her eyes glowed in blue light as her gaze met Azratta for only a moment when suddenly—

The heavy clouds gave way for countless massive balls of faintly glowing water that descended upon the undead army like an endless bombardment, destroying everything in its wake for more them a 10-mile radius in a purifying glow.

Her skill had been infused with the purification properties of pure water which was one of an undead's creatures' weakness; thus, an entire army of 3,500 strong had been completely annihilated by a single attack as they couldn't even hope to defend themselves with their Magic barriers.

Erin sighed in relief that everything had gone smoothly as she had been incredibly nervous the entire time. Even if she was stronger now than ever before as she now had actual offensive capabilities that would not drain her life force, she still wasn't cut out for being in the frontlines much less going in alone.

Her heart had been pounding the entire time and all she wanted to do now was to hide her face in embarrassment as she knew Lord Ty was watching.

While it was still uncomfortable for her to interact with the outside world after shutting herself off for so long, she knew she had to do this to help Lord Ty and her new friends Liz and Rain.

However, it was still incredibly embarrassing knowing she was being watched by not only Lord Ty but so many others as well.

Naturally, as a spiritual being that was practically a literal goddess, she could easily sense those concealed gazes of the Great Five and two others.

Of course, she could easily counter these remote viewers and even kill the spell casters or simply just prevent them from monitoring her, that would defeat the purpose of this war.

Even her friend Liz who had been gifted an item that prevented scrying had been asked to disable the effects before heading out.

Thinking of that event, Erin's thoughts suddenly drifted off to another detail as her expression became somewhat melancholic.

'Why wasn't I given a gift as well. Have I perhaps been a burden?...'

Her mind suddenly flashed back to the time Lord Ty had gifted Albert, Z, and the girls items to aid them in the battle. Perhaps he just didn't think she needed it but she couldn't help but feel a little sad and left out.

'I'm being stupid, what do I do now?'

As her mind wandered off in an unexpected direction, her attention was suddenly jolted back as her body automatically reacted to something aimed at her.

[Rot Blast!]

Seeing the water nymph stare into space no longer paying any attention to him, Azratta quickly reformed his scattered liquid form after easily surviving her attack even though he had taken a lot more damage than he had ever before in his entire existence.

He disregarded that thought as he was the Angel of Decay, a being that would not be destroyed so easily.

After reforming his body, his wings flapped rapidly as his body slowly left the ground. He then gathered a tight ball of brown muddy liquid that was originally part of his body in his hands as he threw it at her with a force that even broke the sound barrier and shot at her like a laser.

These attacks induce rot and decay even in the purest of things and could even corrode those with rot resistance. It didn't matter if they were demigods or higher.

[Beguhn with theh Decayh ouf Time!]

Seeing as her holy attributed attacks had failed to destroy the Angel of Decay, Erin— who had activated thought acceleration automatically, and had a reaction speed to match— easily moved out the way of the rot attack.

She then switched her nature of attacks as her form lost its purity and became darker, giving her a more devilish feel and aggressive appearance that would bring out certain urges in the opposite sex.

"Devour everything, Abyssal Water Dragon."

At her command, a liquid black serpentine dragon materialized from the air behind her and shot at the Angel of Decay who rapidly tossed balls of decay at it but the dragon devoured them all until even the monster was consumed in a splash of destructive water.josei

Not even a conceptual entity like Azratta could survive the absolute destructive power of the Abyssal water from a being that surpassed him by leaps and bounds.

"Is it finally dead? That kinda scared me a little."

Mumbling to herself, Erin scanned the surface below trying to find any signs of the Angel of Decay but failed to notice anything as it seems she had completely destroyed it using her Abyssal water skill.

She had been warned the Angel of Decay would be troublesome to deal with but everything had ended too quickly for that to be the case so she has taken measures against any surprises that may occur during the battle.

With that, she was able to fully destroy him without any chance of survival.

'At least that's over. I still have one more unit to destroy so I should probably get to it now right? Wait, wasn't there something else here—'

Just as she was about to dismiss her worries and focus on her next assignment, she suddenly remembered something as in the next moment, another attack suddenly came flying at her without warning.

•Waving Inferno Slash•

With an unnatural speed. A wave of fire hotter than one could comprehend came gusting at her in a vertical line that threatened to cut her in half before proceeding to burn the halves into smithereens.

•Water Serpents•

Reacting quickly, seven massive water serpents materialized around her as they spiraled their bodies and wrap themselves around her in all directions, forming a tight ball around her.

However, as the slash of inferno came into contact with the water serpents, it quickly vaporized every single one of them before gusting past her and splitting the clouds behind her as far as the eyes could see.

'Wow, that was a surprise. My nerve is making me too careless, for me to completely forget about them, how embarrassing. I really should calm down.'

Although she had neither augmented the water serpent with either Pure water or Abyssal water, those were the skills created by an 8th tier being and that single attack had vaporized them. Even if they had used an item to achieve that, whoever made that Attack was seriously impressive.

*Tsk! "She managed to block that, don't hold back, let's hit her with everything we've got."

Taking a look down. Erin could see two slender figures that had emerged from the piles of ash from the ground and one of them had swung her blade at her.

She had known they were here yet for some reason it had slipped her mind. Probably because she had been too distracted by the spike in her emotions. Ever since she had seen everyone receive an item from Lord Ty except her she had been a little too distracted and had almost gotten herself injured by these two weaklings.

These were obviously the representatives from the brimstone family and the reason Tyler had sent her here by herself was because of them.

p They appeared to be twins, two tanned female demon demigods with short brown hair and brown eyes. They both had similar facial features that made it hard to tell them apart. Both of which were extremely pretty.

One of them appeared to be a mage and the other a swordsman wielding a curved blade engulfed in flames.

They were both clad in expensive looking equipment and looked formidable. Judging by the last attack they probably had a Magic artifact on hand but that no longer mattered to Erin as she couldn't afford to disappoint Lord Ty.

"Greater Magic - Sword Storm!"

The mage yelled her spell and over a hundred swords of light appeared floating in the air around her and shot at Erin with insane speed, cutting through space itself as they moved.

•Volatile Blade Slash•

Complimenting her sister's spell, the swordsman swung her blade once more and a bright sword slash came storming behind the flying swords as the slash's temperature rapidly increases indefinitely.

Such attacks could split the moon in half and would surely be able to kill a demigod no matter how they tried to defend themselves, However, with Erin, it was useless.

•Abysal Water - Thousand Water Lance•

In an instant, a thousand black water lance appeared behind her and shot at the flying swords and sword slash that came at her, shattering everything easily and the rest lances proceeded down at the twin.

However, as they decimated the ground below, none of them had even made contact with any of the girls.

"What the—"

"Did she mISS? Or are you fucking with us!"

Shocked by the strange turn of events after their attacks had failed, the mage flared up at the blatant attempt to spare their life as she began to gather all her mana for a special spell.

"Please do not be offended I missed my attack. I was only told not to allow you to die that quickly. Do your best to struggle as much as you can."

•Omni-Burning - Deadly Rain•

Hearing the water nymph's gentle voice as she stared at them with opting but pity, a cold thrill ran across their bodies as they instinctively took a step back. It was so bad that the mage had even forgotten to cast her fO Biden spell.

After all, what was to happen next, was nothing less than torture. One that would make one beg for the sweet release of death.

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