Supreme Monarch

Chapter 280 C280. Too Late.

Chapter 280 C280. Too Late.


With a single slash, Tyler's blade tore the world apart.

Or so it would've been if his target hadn't been hovering several meters above him, preventing the force from his blade from being affected or effectively splitting the planet he was on.

Narsil was only an Epic rank Magic weapon made out of Duranium and a 6th tier Magic crystal. On its own, it lacked the power to even cut through the solidified ball of shadows much less the world itself.

This was a sword that, while naturally overflowing with Magic energy, was still weaker than the divine. Its only skill was called Rapid Burst, an ability that sends out continuous streams of energy slashes at its target while draining the weapon's durability in the process.

This simply meant this was a weapon that relied solely on its Magic energy to function else it would just be a slightly harder and sharper metal blade.

However, using the Magic artifact, Depths of the Abyss— which Tyler actually still had on but had used an invisibility spell on it to make it transparent, as he no longer fancied the design and creepiness of the glove, while also tasking Uriel with maintaining the spell as it did not take much mana.

Not that the amount of mana matter much to him at this point. Anyway, Tyler used the invisible item to drain the Magic power that was constantly being emitted by the weapon as he had noticed that the only attack the shadow body could absorb was magical in nature.

This meant he had attacked with practically an ordinary weapon while applying no other special effects to the strike, only putting all his might into that swing and the wind pressure alone had split the skies as well as space itself.

The pure force from his abnormally sharp blade had even cut through the fabric of reality as the strike traveled faster than light, cutting straight through the planet's atmosphere and barely missing the moon as it traveled far and wide, splitting everything in came across in the vast universe for what seemed like it would be going for at least a few hundred lightyears.

Naturally, the round floating mountain of shadows had been split in half as well, cutting even Zerahut in half while his core had been barely spared from that attack.

However, as the current vessel for the King of Shadows, even such a powerful attack would not kill Zerahut even if he were to be cut to pieces. As long as his core remains intact, he would always be fine.

However, killing Zerahut was never Tyler's intention as he simply used the brief moment of distraction to teleport his shadow guards back to his side and they immediately sunk back into his shadows.

[Notice: Monarch Authority has overruled the Shadow Authority of the Shadow king within 100 meters of the Monarch.]


Tyler wasn't too sure on what that meant but at the very least it seems the shadow king would be unable to influence his shadows as long as they were close to him.

Tyler mused to himself as he nodded, the sword in his arm seems to have lost most of its durability from his last swing even though he hadn't used the skill that came with it.

The weapon was simply not strong enough to withstand a swing that defied even the laws of reality as several cracks had appeared all across the blade but Tyler felt there was no point in trying to save the weapon. It was best it went out swinging.

As the spatial tear that had been cut across the skies repaired itself, it didn't take long for Zerahut to do the same as the two halves of his Bobby figure rapidly merged back into one but it didn't stop there as the rounded mountain of solidified shadows continuously morphed into something completely different after recovery its size with more of the shadows on the ground.

Within a matter of seconds, the massive ball of shadows had morphed completely into a humanoid form that resembled a Devil with large curved horns, glowing white eyes, and a faceless head.

The moment its transformation was complete, the entire planet felt its presence and everyone from each continent capable of sensing the divine was frozen in terror for a brief moment.

Zerahut stay suspended in the chest of the massive creature as the beast towered over Tyler like a mountain.

"I probably should've seen this coming wouldn't I?"

Tyler still fouling the time to muse to himself as he wondered why exactly did he choose not to just kill this skeleton the moment he had laid eyes on him.


He was not that deep into his thoughts when the embodiment of the shadow king suddenly moved like lightning with its more than half a kilometer tall frame and appeared before Tyler, slamming its fist down and shattering the ground around them in a resounding quake that sounded like the planet would be split in half.

However, Tyler had reacted quickly as he instantly teleported away when he suddenly lost sight of the monster. Having had a bad premonition before the shadow had even moved, he didn't stop there as he quickly teleported again.

His bad premonition was a result of his skill FutureSight as it worked in different ways depending on the situation.

The massive shadow lord had used shadow teleportation and instantly appeared behind Tyler, swiping its massive claws as its force cleaved the tops of all the trees in a massive range around them.

Noticing that the valuable forest would not survive this fight, Tyler teleported higher, more than 30,000 meters into the sky and the Shadow King followed.

[Is there a reason why you flee from me now? There's nowhere to hide! Just stand still and die!]

Zerahut knew he didn't have any time to waste in a pointless chase as there were no longer any souls around to balance the massive amounts of the negative energy he was receiving from the orb of death.

Using shadow teleportation, he appeared behind Tyler once more and swiped its claws at him, however, this time, Tyler did not move to avoid it as he simply swung his blade to meet it.


Surprisingly, it was as though his sword had hit something hard as Zerahut had further hardened his claws and reduced the possibility of Tyler's sword cutting throw it.

More cracks appeared on the Magic weapon but Tyler did not mix it as his mind was focused on one thing.

"Interesting. So you want a battle of wills, let's put that to the test shall will."

Tyler happily accepted a challenge that had not been issued as he swung his weapon at the shadow king's massive claws and like a hot knife through butter, he cleanly sliced through the claws as they dropped to the ground before disappearing in mid-air.

He had simply fated that outcome by imposing his will on the situation using Fate manipulation. As Zerahut was only trying to make his claws harder which was a defensive mechanism, it was natural that Tyler would cut through such weak resolve.

[Arrogant Fool!]

The shadow king's missing claws regenerated instantly as it grew another set of arms and lunged at Tyler.

"Don't get a cocky brat, you're not the only one that can solidify energy you know. Hope you can keep up."

Saying that as Tyler readied his stance, he stopped devouring the energy Narsil emitted as he forced his energy into it, creating a longer blade with solidified energy.

No longer holding back, his energy or presence did not change thanks to the ring of Nullity but the air around him had completely changed.

Even Zerahut who was currently an embodiment of the shadow King, a pure deity that had transcended time and space— could not comprehend his movements as Tyler appeared before the charging black figure and rapidly swung his sword tens of times faster than light.

For a moment, Zerahut had thought the world had gone black as the shadow king's body had been split into a million pieces and if the shadows did not have the survival instincts of the shadow king attached to it, causing it to move Zerahut's real body in between the slashes, he probably would've been dead by now.


Zerahut was now panicked as he didn't expect this man to last this long against the avatar of the king of shadows and he was rapidly running out of time.

He knew he had to finish this with his next few attacks but he was finding it difficult to lock down the man in place as his movement speed and instant teleportation abilities were proving hard to handle.

[Fine then!]

Zerahut bellowed as all the solidified shadows of his bodies turned semi-liquid as they shot back towards him and reformed the massive frame of the Shadow king.

"I guess It'll be impossible to kill you without using Magic Huh."

Tyler was still speaking when the Shadow king suddenly shot out a beam of pure darkness at Tyler who tried to cut through it with rapid burst but the beam just passed through him as though it was nothing but inverse light.


While it seemed like the attack had done no damage, Tyler suddenly frowned as he realized the darkness beam was infused with the overflowing negative energy surging in Zerahut's core.

Unfortunately for him, it seems Zerahut had sensed the corrupted energy within him and decided to take advantage of it by infusing him with more negative energy.

While the outcome of the attack was bad, the attack itself wasn't dangerous which was why Tyler hadn't opted to get out of the way.

A surge of pain suddenly shot into his brain as Tyler's movement suddenly halted for only a brief moment but that was all Zerahut needed to take advantage of.

The massive frame of the Shadow king instantly appeared behind Tyler as its mountain-like first came storming at Tyler within that brief moment of pain.

Unable to resist the pain in time, Tyler felt the massive fist that was literally larger than his body and harder than diamond slam into him with a force that would pop a mountain like a ballon.

His figure shot out of sight like a rocket as he was sent out of the darknar region and thousands of miles halfway around Neron, and slamming into the scarlet sea.


Tyler's body crashed into the oddly colored waters like a meteor in a massive impact that literally created a tsunami for miles around him.

"Damn, that actually kinda hurt, my pride."

Perhaps it was as a result of his entire body being seriously corrupted to the point of no return as he could no longer feel anything below his neck but Tyler actually felt pain deep in his heart as he wondered how he had made such a glider, to begin with.

"I think I might be getting a little carried away with this whole overpowered thing. Note yourself Tyler, don't underestimate a desperate skeleton. Now then, good thing I always have a plan B, C, and D."

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