Supreme Monarch

Chapter 297 C297. Nullen’s Schemes

Chapter 297 C297. Nullen’s Schemes

Nox stared angrily at what he considered to be a bunch of buffoons that called themselves high-ranking nobles of the Great Zorak family as they looked dumbfounded at him after hearing his question on the involvement of the seven Primordial behemoths.

It felt as though he had been speaking a different language as none of them could even mutter up a response.

Just seeing his great noble heritage being dragged into the mud by these self serving idiots caused a wave of intense anger to surge through his veins as it took a great deal of willpower to restrain himself from going on a rampage in front of his mother, the Grand Elder.

"Please calm yourself brother. For families as large as the Great Five, I'm sure it's easy for us to continuously underestimate the strength of the Seven Primordials. After all, they are known mainly as a bunch of unruly barbarians."

"Yes, yes that's true. It's not as though we hadn't considered the involvement of the seven primordials but there's simply no way those unruly and ununited bunch would have been able to pull this off under the noses of the Great Five. Besides, commoners like them has no right to the throne. Even barbariahs like them should know that such an action would only bring down the wrath of the entire demon nobility upon them."

Seated next to Nox was his childlike younger brother Nullen, who spoke for the first time since this meeting had started as it seems he was trying to look out for his brother who was on the verge of losing control over pointless thing like his noble pride as a direct descendant of the Zorak family.

However, none of that really mattered to Nullen as he wasn't delusional enough to consider himself as some sort of royalty. He had found the perfect chance to appeal to the family's elders and all the high ranking nobles gather here today in preparation to rope them into his corner for his future plans.

His adorable smile was enough to complete erase the worries of everyone in the room but the aggressive aura still gushing out of Nox retained the Renton in the hall.

Immediately picking up from where Nullen left off was Elder Grey who tried to explain his own negligence always even though he truly believed there was no way any of those primordials would be able to pull off such and elaborate plan.

After all, those were behemoths they were talking about. They were nothing more than bloodthirsty beasts that lived for war.

The entire idea of behemoths had begun around 800 years ago, more than a century after the death of the demon king and during the great civil war that saw the expansion and rapid growth of the Great Five as they destroyed and absorbed one demon family after another.

As newly established family at the time, they needed to resort to all manner of unspeakable thing in order to force in entire continent into submission. However, in their wake to power, countless demons, lesser demons and demi-humans were caught in the crossfires.

It was at that point when 7 extremely powerful demigods had suddenly arose from the common folks as they took the battle back to the nobles in dazzling fashion.

These beings were unlike anything the Great Five had ever had to deal with till then as they could not be contained in their revolt against everything the Great Five had stood for.

Each of them was a match for a Great Demon Lord in raw strength but unfortunately, they were all still commoners from lesser species like demi-humans and lesser demons so they did not possess the resources that could enable them to stand on equal footing with the Greats.

However, even by themselves, they were all still walking disasters that almost destroyed the world countless times in their battle agaist the Great Five, and if it was not for the Grace of the gods dwelling in the astral plane that saturated this planet with excess amounts Vp of divine mana, allowing for the planet's rapid growth and recovery from any damages not made directly to the planet's core.

Their unstoppable rampage continued for decades as the Great Five found it difficult to corner individuals with nothing to lose or defend and finally gave in.

Since they were finding it difficult to kill strong individuals that could move freely around the continent, making their movements unpredictable, the Great Five then collectively decided to accept those seven's demands and grant them the titles of primordial behemoths, as well as providing them with right to govern over the lands at the far end of the demon continent, independent of the Great Five influence.

This also served as a way to restrict the movements of those monsters in the guise of their independence.

While the lands offered to them was considered wastelands at them time and even seeing through the intentions of the Greats, the primordial behemoths still accepted the deal as they created their own Independent refion witgon the demon continent where strong ruled regardless of where race or gender.


Feeling as though they had successfully outwitted the seven, the Great Five chose to no longer bother themselves with the seven's activities as long as they remained in their lands and did not interfere with the matters of nobility.

Given as they had kept to their vow for centuries despite the few changes amongst them, it was only natural that the nobles would not consider their involvement in what they believed to be an elaborate scheme by a member of the Great Five for the title of the demon king.

"Is that so?"

Having finally calmed down from his brother's words, Nox retracted his aura and the entire room finally returned to normal as he slowly returned to his seat.

Silence seemed to reign over the hall for a moment as everyone stared at themselves unable to continue when they finally heard the cold voice of their Grand Elder reverberate over the massive hall.

"Is there something else you'd like to share with us, Nox?"

Her gaze remained fixed on the same spot as she could not even be bothered to look at him but her words seems to elevate Nox's fallen moral as he quickly replied.

"I apologize for my rude outburst earlier Grad Elder. However, while I do consider the seven behemoths to be rather barbaric in nature, I do not believe they are incapable of analytic thinking. I believe they're the most likely ones backing up this mysterious behemoth that seemed to come out of nowhere and suddenly controlling such frightening military might."

"Do you have any proof of that?"

"I'm afraid I cannot call it proof, but ever since we noticed the movements of the undead army, I've had my people investigating the actions of the primordials and according to the information I received, the recently added behemoth of Greed Mammon had been making strange moved over the years, including the gathering of the corpses of those that fell within his territory."

"Oh, bravo brother. It seems you've hit the nail on the head."

Clapping his adorably tiny hands, Nullen seemed genuinely happy for his brother at making his point but their lord Oder brother, Nedi had little to no reaction as he maintained his silence.

"I take it you believe this Mammon is behind the existence of this behemoth in the castle, is that it?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple Grand Elder."

"And why is that?"

"Well that's because the Primordial behemoth of Greed, Mammon, had recently been declared dead and a tournament of power is already being prepared to decide on his successor. However, there had also been a lot of chaos going on in the Behemoth of Envy's camp recently, this could simply mean that one if not all of them had taken care of Mammon to maintain their secrets."

Hearing Nox's explanation, everyone took a breath as they tried to comprehend what he was trying to say when he suddenly continued.

"In order words, there has been a rapid change in the movements of the Primordial behemoths over the last few months and that cannot just be a coincidence, especially with the death of Mammon. It is far more likely that we're being tricked into suspecting each other so we would be hampered in making any decisive actions as any reckless move on our part will result in a civil war."

"So you're saying that this is all the plot of either one or more of those Primordials to slowly take control of the demon continent from us? That's a bold idea brother."

Hearing Nullens passive comment that didn't seem like it meant much, Nox narrowed his eyes at him and received a rather warm yet chilling smile in return.

With an agitated expression, he proceeded to further Break down his thoughts on the situation, leaving no room for his scheming brother to take advantage of.

"Has no one ever wondered how the hell did that fool who called himself an undead king gathered so many corpses without our knowledge? From the scouting report only a month or so ago, he only had an estimated army of about 2,000 and yet, he expanded them to more than 30,000 in only a month, ridiculous."

"Oh come on brother. I'm sure you know that one of the Greats could've easily supplied so many corpses, don't you think so. Thousands of people die across our region every day and most of them would not be missed, snuggling a few hundred bodies a day would not be that difficult you know."

"I'm aware of that Nullen. However, we all have spies stationed on every region and territory owned by a Great so there is absolutely no way such a massive resource could be moved without our knowledge or even leaving a trace behind, especially in such a short amount of time. Even if they've been planning this for a while, the odds of getting g away with it even with the use of a separate organization is slim."

"And what about the scouts who were killed by two high-ranking demonesses according to the intel we had gotten from the escaped scout of the Mereotti Family."

"Memory alteration. There is no way a scout of that level could come face to face with an actual demoness of a noble family and live to tell the tale in such details. The only explanation is that she was allowed to escape to feed us with force information, delaying our response time, and frankly, I think they've already succeeded in that aspect. After all, we have all been action under that information for a month now and where has that gotten us? Nowhere!"

Seeing his brother grow more agitated by each question caused the smile on Nullen's face to brighten even more but even though he had come this far. He was brilliant enough to understand what his brother was trying to say and opposing it for much longer would not serve to advance his plans in any way.


"That's all good in theory brother, but if you're wrong, are you willing to handle the consequences of leading your family down such a path if a civil war were to erupt because of this?"


"Of course, everyone has to be held accountable for their actions don't you agree?"

"Is that so brother. Then what consequence are you proposing if I may ask?"

Hearing those beautiful words coming out of his brothers mouth could not have been any more perfect as Nullen struggled to contain his excitement while pretending to contemplate on an answer for Nox.

"Well, it has to be something worth the risk of placed on the family so a simply punishment would not be ideal don't you agree?"

"Just get to the point Nullen."

"Very well, why don't you just renounce your rights to the throne if things turn out not to align with what you have said. After all, I would absolutely hate it if you were to furfit your life for this so we'll have to make do with this."

"What the hell do you think your saying Lord Nullen. That's not something for you to decide by yourse—"


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