Supreme Monarch

Chapter 301 C301. Management

Chapter 301 C301. Management

Still situated on her chair behind her desk in her master's office. Liz scanned through several hundreds of paperwork that had been neatly placed on her desk.

Frankly, they had only just discovered how to create such high quality pure white paper like these without the use of Magic thanks to Tyler's input but they had only managed to succeed in mass production only two days ago so she was confused about how there were already so many complaints since then.

The people she had sent to monitor the state of Paragon City and report back to her seems to work extremely fast and really paid attention to the details on their reports.

The problem now was that she could not go through all her work fast enough due to the fragile state of the paper. If she was to use her full speed in writing on them they would immediately be reduced to ash.

This had caused her great discomfort as she now had to work at what she considered a snail's pace. Even though any onlookers that could watch her right now would most likely be stunned speechless as her hands and eyes would be a blur as she went though one stack of paper after another.

After clearing out a section of the files on her desk, Liz moved on to a binder containing detailed reports from two of her master's shadow rogues. With his permission, she had tasked them with investigating the rather unseen parts of their city.

After all, every city had its dark side and even if they could not completely eliminate such aspects of Paragon city with Tyler's presence alone, as long as she monitored it thoroughly, she would be able to quickly eliminate anything that had the potential of becoming a problem.

With a quick glance, she finished analyzing the report and a faint sigh escaped her lips.

Although Tyler's shadows had confirmed the presence of spies from The Great Five families as well as other nobilities, perhaps even ones not loyal to the Greats, none of them seems to behave with any intentions of causing trouble, only opting to observe for now.

With them taking that approach, one which was well within their initial predictions, there was no need for them to act against any of the spies for now and it was best to simply observe their activities for now. As Z was in charge of these affairs, all Liz had to do was memorize the reports in front of her.

Regarding the Internal Affairs of Paragon City, which was a growing metropolitan city with a multitude of different cultures, styles, and personalities due to its large diversity in the races of its residents as there was no hierarchy set up for them. The chances of clashes between residents with different views was extremely high which could lead to a multitude of conflicts and incidents.

Even so, Paragon City hasn't experienced many incidents caused by racial tensions, or differences in political views. It wasn't as though there were none to speak of as Demons and Demon nobles were present in the city, however, compared to other regions, their numbers were shockingly low.

The citizens weren't technically being threatened into this state either. While they did have a clear understanding of exactly how terrifying their current Demon Lord and his demigod subordinates could be, they've also witnessed their Lord's benevolent and after experiencing how the Kobolds, ogres, hobgoblins, and lesser demons worked happily together with actual dwarves, a race that up till this point had refused to side with demons.

Even the demon nobles who could not fully understand or comprehend their master's ideal had decided to put their faith in him and had all choosen the live by it.

The crime rate in the city was also almost none existent as food and shelter were currently being provided by the city until a solid infrastructure for the city has been established.

Although misdemeanors had occurred, none dared to commit a felony. Currently, Paragon City had become as its name intended, a haven where the weak could walk the streets at night without worrying about their safety.

Of Course, this was the demon continent and much like humans, some demons just can't have nice things so they had to stir up trouble trying to expose the fake demon king, as they proclaimed.

As far as Kali and Flare had been able to investigate, none of these people were instigated by the spies so they were all just fools trying to create chaos where there was none in an effort to provoke the Great Demon Lord as they didn't seem to believe in the rumors circulating about his might.

Some thought he was just a lucky demon noble that had somehow lucked into the demon king's castle by accident and was relying solely on the treasure he had found within.

Other's thought he was just a puppet of the Great Five and wasn't deserving of their respect or loyalty. Either way, they were the minority that wanted to stand out by any means necessary so they chose chaos.

Well, that was exactly the best idea, after all, the lord of chaos was becoming bored with playing with her only subordinate so those people are sent to her and never heard of again.

While this might be considered a bit harsh, the city was just getting started and there weren't many laws already enforce yet so there was no established punishment for criminals and it would be a waste of their dwindling resources to keep them alive.

Some of them were even being experimented on by Emrys in order to create stronger undead with less, but frankly, there weren't that many of them which was slowing down his progress. Although for the city, the lack of insane criminals was a good thing as it was laying the foundations for the peaceful city that Tyler desired.

A crime that occurs in such a peaceful city is then a matter of utmost importance to Liz and Jarret, the newly appointed Captain of the city's Guards and in charge of security.

He was currently in the midst of training and recruiting strong intelligent candidates to assist in the management of the city's security as well as stop any thoughts of crimes.

Of course, not all crimes would be that straightforward so complicated and premeditated crimes would soon become a thing. However, this was not earth, and unless the criminal was stronger than Erin, there was nothing they could hide from her.

Besides, once they had even identified the suspect, it would be impossible to lie to even Jarret who possesses the innate ability of Spirit Vision and after receiving a boost to his potential by Tyler, he could now see straight into the soul and gain a lot of information from anyone he simply took a glance at.

This was why Tyler had made him the Captain of the city's guard as he could easily monitor the entire city from the comfort of his office which was made to have an absolutely massive glass window.

Of course, the construction of the city was still in its infancy stages so no offices have been built yet but that was Tyler's reasoning.

As Liz went through the mountain of paperwork on her desk, the pen in her hands moved at a staggering speed but was still nowhere close to what she was capable of.

She did more than sign off on the reports and jotted down a summary of her work as well as on the things she didn't feel comfortable approving of without her master's input.

After all, it was her job to prepare a summarized report for her master on a daily basis. With that in mind, she continued to go through the stacks of paperwork on her desk at a staggering pace while simultaneously taking notes on the white sheet of paper she had prepared beforehand.

After about a few more hours of this, her pen finally stopped moving as soon as she finished reading the report and the process to transcribe the keywords she had noted down began.

After spending more time transcribing the most important details, proposals, and other such documents than she had spent reading, it was finally ready.

Skimming over the completed document from top to bottom, Liz's lips formed the tiniest sliver of a smile. This wasn't for the fact that she had just completed another task, but was simply borne from the gratification of knowing she had been able to live up to Tyler's expectations when he had given her this responsibility.

She placed the documents back into the binder and raised it gently into the air where it was received by the maid on standby, who subsequently placed it on Tyler's desk.

This was actually the fourth binder she has had to go through today. A slightly concerned expression could be seen on her face, her current situation isn't great, to say the least.

The Darknar Family has steadily been expanding its influence over all areas of the Darknar region recently, causing them no end of troubles and hiccups along the way.

Thanks to that, even when she did her best to compile only the most important details of her work in a compressed report, the number of documents that must be brought to her master's attention was far larger than she would like.

It was supposed to be her job to make her master's work easier yet there was nothing she could do about that. The main reason for this was the lack of truly capable subordinates.

Even with the help of everyone Tyler had bestowed with his name, it wasn't enough as most of the people working in the city and even the castle were not used to paperwork and tend to write reports with minimal information, forcing her to halt her work and investigate.

She had already met with countless examples of such cases yesterday, causing her to spend the whole day in her former office working.

Aside from the Demons and former Demon nobles in the city, most of the demi-humans and lesser demons around were not capable literates as living as freemen in a dangerous region like this required more brawns than brains.

The only exception was the Raven settlement whose strength was based on their intelligence and strategies. They were the only ones keeping the city afloat at the moment as most of them held a managerial position.josei

However, freemen settlement's population tend to be few in numbers, leaving no actual need for a stabilized Infrastructure to be set up as they also needed to be able to relocate at a moment's notice.

Tyler was also against hiring strictly those demon nobles as he wanted to give everyone a fair chance.

That was why and educational system was being designed by Erin so she had to hang one for a while longer.

With that last binder, Liz was finally relieved as she was now done with her work for the day and could now rejoin her beloved master in the city, leaving Albert in charge of the castle until her return.

"I'll be heading out for a while, If anyone comes looking for me, tell them that I'm absent for the moment and they should report to Albert if it's important."

Before the maid could even find the chance to reply, Liz's figure had already disappeared from the room as she had used Spatial Teleportation to transport herself instantly to Paragon City.

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