Supreme Monarch

Chapter 310 C310. Life-Force Augmentation

Chapter 310 C310. Life-Force Augmentation

After entering the room with divine Grace, Erin walked up to Tyler and bowed before switching her attention to the other party in the room and staring at her.

Giving as this was their first time meeting, as Erin had been stuck helping him out over the past week, Tyler figured an introduction was in order.josei

"Erin, this is Leviathan, the former Primordial Behemoth of Envy. She is currently in a weakened state as her soul has been damaged and her lifeforce is almost at an end. Do you think you can help her to fully recover?"


Levi was already at a loss for words at the sheer force that was currently suppressing her very being. So she was completely dumbfounded at the word that came out of Erin's mouth.

Unlike the case with Tyler, she could sense the divine aura emanating from the person before her as well as her emotional fluctuations. So when she had been asked that question, Levi had focused all her attention on her to Ascertain if she would lie or not.

However, contrary to her expectations, she hadn't even hesitated when she said the words 'easily'. It was as though the issue was merely child's play to her. This was something they had spent decades trying to find a cure, they had tried every conceivable method they could think of.

Yet, she had just dismissed her predicament as though the solution was the easiest thing in the world befor her.

'How frightening.'

The scales on Levi's tail trembled slightly as the thinnest of smiles adorned her curios face, trying really hard to hold back her excitement and anticipation as her emotions stirred in a flight of envy.

"Oh, I suppose I am yet to announce this to the public so you'll be the first to know. This is one of my six Great Demon Generals, the Water Goddess, Erin Darknar."

"Demon General? Darknar? You're kidding right?"

Levi's smile suddenly froze yet again. At this point, it seems like she was getting surprised over and over again just for kinks. This time, however, her mind was completely blown away as she could not believe what she had just heard.

It was one thing to take over the Darknar region by rendering the Great Five unable to move with the threat of a traitor in their midst. As well as with the display of strength equal to their by means of the undead war.

However, for some reason, this demon hadn't just stopped there. For someone to actually adopt the Darknar name was insane.

This was something that even the Great Five stayed away from as the name itself held tremendous authority and power. Anyone foolish enough to adopt the name of the demon king should be ready to go to war with the entire world and not just the demon continent.

Such was the curse of the infamous name, Darknar.

A name that was capable of creating chaos and destruction all across the entire world.

Still, Levi couldn't see this demon as a fool who was just seeking fame and attention by gaining notoriety from the entire Demon race by any means necessary. No, that was definitely not the case.

"Huh? Why would I be joking about that?"

Tyler may not be able to read Levi's mind at the moment but even he could accurately guess what this girl was thinking by the expression on her face as the glow in her eyes seems to die and be reignited over and over again.

Apparently, she was going through an internal struggle on whether or not she wanted to remain anywhere near him when the entire world learns of this.

Tyler was aware that the Darknar name was both feared and respected all over the world and once news of him using the name goes around it would cause some level of chaos and they may be attacked by the entire world.

However, that would happen sooner or later regardless. It didn't matter if he used the name or not, for as long as he remained in the Darknar castle, those that lusted after the possible treasures that were in the magic Library would have found a reason to start a war just as what they had done a thousand years ago.

For now, all he needed to do was make a stronger statement that whoever was foolish enough to do that would end up just like the undead king. For that, he needed a far stronger opponent than the undead army had been.

An opponent that was already both feared and respected by the world. One whose authority and power cannot be denied.

'Is that why he is so interested in the Primordials?'

Levi's mind quickly caught up to the possibility after remembering the series of questions Tyler had just asked her only a moment ago. A cold thrill ran down as spine as cold sweat could be seen on her forehead.

Her mind was completely at a daze as she tried to compute the situation and find an answer that made more sense. However, her attention was so drawn by, Tyler as he spoke again.

"With that, we've completed our agreement so I'll be taking my leave. Erin will take it from here and handle the rest. I'll also send over Hecate later to discuss the nature of your new job in Paragon City."

Tyler spoke as he casually stood up to take his leave when Levi quickly called out to him after taking a moment to digest his words.

"Okay... wait! Please hold on."


"What about my students?"

Hearing her question, Tyler pretended to think about it for a moment before promptly remembering who she was talking about.

"Oh right, those two, I almost forgot. They would be released from their confinement by morning. Don't worry, they'll be completely fine after their senses are restored."

Tyler spoke casually as he dismiss the question as though there was nothing wrong with his statement. However, Levi wanted to palm her hand on her face as she could not believe her ears yet again.

"You took away all their senses?...", 'That's, that's just too harsh.'

Indeed, all Tyler had done was sealed away the senses of those two who relied heavily on their predator's genes heightened senses far too much. Causing them to be far too impulsive for their own good.

He had then locked them in a sealed and isolated room, forcing them into experiencing a state of absolute nothingness.

Of course, such a thing could be called another form of torture as losing touch with all your senses, especially for beastmen like them was absolutely terrifying and theg would slowly drive a person insane.

However, mental illness was something he could easily fix and thus, that didn't matter. No matter how much it drove them mad, he would always restore their mind until they've served their time.

The reason for this brutal treatment was simple. Tyler was just trying to get them to detach from their senses and see if their survival instincts help them develop a skill to survive or if they would evolve.

Basically, he was using this opportunity to conduct on experiment about the various species not know for their evolution and try f to force one. Zelda was also there to record the results and observe their bodies reactions to the process.

Naturally, Tyler didn't mention this to Levi, he only hoped they didn't surfer any permanent damage he could not fix.

Still, if there was really something like that then Uriel would have been aware of this and informed him. FutureSight also didn't reveal any such possibilities. However, Tyler hadn't used Fate Manipulation or Possibility Corrections as that would taint the purity of the experiment.

"Well then, I should be on my way."

With his business with Levi completed, Tyler quickly teleported out of the room. Leaving Erin alone with a stranger which was not ideal as to those who didn't know her, they would consider her to be rather cold and distant.

An after her source was restored, anyone trapped in a room with her in this state would privacy die from the anxiety and fear her demeanor would inflict on them.

"Let's begin. Please keep your eyes closed."

Not wanting to spend any more time awkwardly staring at each other, Erin quickly went to work as she used her skills; Physical Augmentation and Life-Force Augmentation to control, manipulate and improve her physical condition before augmenting her life force.

Perfect healing was used to fix the damage to her soul before she used Life-Force Augmentation again to restore her soul energy to its peak. As Erin had an infinite life force while connected to her source, she could easily restore the life of a god much less a demigod.

In an instant, the air in the room completely changed as the weak Divine aura Levi was emitting suddenly spiked and an oppressive aura—that would immediately kill any mortal that sensed it— exploded out of her.

Her eyes began to glow as her tail got a bit larger and her appearance got wilder in comparison to her much tamer demeanor only a moment ago.

In less than a second, the illness that had plagued her for centuries since she lost to Levian had completely disappeared as she could feel her energy rising and her skills returning to their peak.

However, even with her returning to her demigod status, she still could not feel herself a match for the lady before her. It was obvious that she was a being that had surpassed the level of a common demigod by leaps and bounds.

To think Ty had a powerful being serving under him. And there are six Demon Generals aren't there? With such a force, why wouldn't he feel confident enough to use the name of the Demon king? It would be hard for anyone to even refute his claim to the throne.

After all, almost everyone that had moved to his city already believed in their hearts that he was the reincarnation of the demon king and perhaps that was true. Such an answer was easier to accept given all that she had just witnessed.

After confirming that her soul had been completely restored to normal and her strength was returning. Levi raised her head to look at Erin before lowering it once again and expressing her deepest gratitude.

Erin coldly dismissed her thanks as she said she was only doing as she had been told and doesn't deserve her thanks. Still, Levi did not stop as she could barely contain her excitement and gratitude.

After forcing her thanks on Erin, she simply nodded and then told her to wait in the office for the person that Tyler spoke off to come to see her.

As she left, the High Hydriad in the room quietly followed behind, living Levi along as she stayed back down and waited patiently for Hecate to arrive an explanation the details of her responsibilities in Paragon City.

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