Supreme Monarch

Chapter 312 C312. Unknown Behemoths

Chapter 312 C312. Unknown Behemoths


"Lord Ty, these are Mr. Oxa and Mr. Onyx. They are both behemoths that hailed from the Primordial behemoth of Pride's region and seek to become one of your subordinates in hopes of learning from you after witnessing your esteem might by accident during one of their exploration mission across the scarlet seas at the time."

After hearing Cora's summary of the reason why these supposed behemoths were seeking an audience with him. Tyler shifted his gaze to the two young men she was eluding to and they both naturally lowered their gaze as a show of respect.

Dressed from head to toe in all black, they were both dark-skinned men that looked to be in their early 20's (human age), with short brown hair and light brown eyes, they could be considered to be quite handsome and had air of dignity around tnem.

Their well defined facial features were similar which told of their relationship but while one of them had a huge burly build, the other was quite thin, tall, a bit lanky and his eyes flashed with a gentle yet mysterious gleam.

The larger one of the two behemoths wore a dark grey shirt and black pants with a bright yellow fur winter's coat that was complimented with yellow boats. A few rings were adorning his finger but none of them exuded any aura.

The second behemoth wore a white shirt, black pants, and a grey jacket to compliment his outfit. He didn't seem to have any equipment on him besides the black gloves on his hands that exuded a faint demonic aura.

While they had been inspected before entering the city for any dangerous weapons or artifacts. There were probably several ways for people of this caliber to hide their items away from prying gaze or the low-level inspections tools Tyler had provided to the guards.

Still, a magic item as strong as a God Tier artifact could not be completely hidden from Jarret's gaze so whatever they brought with them would not pose a threat to Tyler.

This was why there was currently no guards stationed inside his office. It didn't matter that he was capable of defending himse

"You may have a seat. And please, do make yourself comfortable."

After observing the two behemoths without using his appraisal skill on them, Tyler permitted them to take a sit in his presence and Cora ushered them forwards and showed them to the couch directly opposing Tyler.

After entering the massive office with Cora leading the way, the two men immediately felt stifled by the aura they felt as they cautiously observe their surroundings.

Although there were only five people within the room, it felt as though there were more than a dozen gazes locked on them.

While it was normal for both parties during thwor first meeting to observe each other, this felt a lot different as even with all tgere resistances, they could not trace were these extra gazes were coming from.

As their minds rapidly tried to unravel the mystery of the situation. They had unknowingly remained standing for an unatural period of time before suddenly being snapped out of their daze by Cora's inviting words that sounded more like a polite command, completely disregarding the level of difference between their strength and hers.

It felt as though she regarded them as lower creatures simply because they were not considered her master's subordinates when in other regions of the continent, she— as a demi-human— would be considered less than them— who were actual demons even though they were only half demons and could not be considered demob nobles.

However, Tyler's first impression was that they had been taken aback by Rain's appearance and perhaps there was some truth.

Their gazes seem to have been fixated on him and there was a high chance they were attempting to use their appraisal skills on him. However, not only could Tyler simply resist such a skill from weaker beings, but his ring of nullity also had the effect of hiding even his data from prying eyes.

After a brief moment of observation, the two behemoths finally located the source of that stifling feeling they had felt all along. It was passively being exuded by the god-class beauty seated next to the master of this city.

For some reason it seemed like they were the only ones being affected by his aura but that wasn't even the surprising part.

What surprised yet confused tnem the most was the man who was supposed to be the master of this entire region.

Not only did he look like an ordinary man, but even their keen senses could not pick anything emanating from his person. Both in body and spul. He truly felt like an ordinary Humana being.

However, not even a fool would consider this man to be ordinary. From the way he sat on the couch with a world class beauty on his arm, the level of his clothing and the absurdly ineffable rings that adorned his fingers.

The look of absolute confidence in jos eyes and the adoring gazes from the maids that surrounds him.

Nothing about such a being could be considered ordinary.


A subtle sound of the pair swallowing their saliva escaped their mouths as they tried their best to remain composed.

They had both witness a sight that was completely beyond their comprehension a week ago and could only imagine what a being capable of such power would feel like only to come to find out that he felt like nothing.

Yet, this was far more terrifying than they could've ever imagined that all thoughts thoughts of doubts completely disappeared from their mind.

In only an instant, an image was forever immortalized in the hearts of these two behemoths. It was the image of a being far above what anyone could comprehend. An illogical conclusion that had solidified this Great Demon Lord as a God.

With a renew determination in their hearts, the two behemoths moved in front of their assigned seat and swiftly lowered their heads in a graceful bow before taking their seats. Like clockwork, Varys and Verlia moved in the moment they sat and offered them food and beverages.

The thin behemoth silently declined their offer but the larger fellow happily accepted it as the maids proceeded to serve him but a glance from his second behemoth made him nervously restrain his appetite.

Following that sideways glance, the thin behemoth returned his gaze to Tyler and then shifted it towards Rain who had barely even noticed their existence as she seemed excited over something they were unaware of.

Without allowing his gaze to linger, he quickly returned it to Tyler before speaking in a respectful tone.

"Mr. I mean Demon Lord Ty, I humbly thank you for your most generous welcome and for granting us an audience with your esteemed self."

Lowering his head once more, the thin behemoth expressed his gratitude in an unusually docile manner for a behemoth of his caliber.

"I have to admit. I did not expect to be visited by a behemoth hailing all the way from Pride's region. You have both taken quite the long trip to seek an audience with me, I'm honored."

"The honor is all ours, your Grace. Please allow us to humbly introduce ourselves. I am known as the Grey behemoth, Oxa Necronn, and the one besides me is—"

"The mighty Savage behemoth, Onyx Necronn. Respect!"

Interrupting Oxa's introduction to do his own personally, Onyx puffed out his chest as he spoke proudly despite him irritating his own brother.

"Please forgive my elder brother's indecorous and unruly mannerisms. I'm afraid he's more a brute than a demon. However, he means no disrespect your Grace."

"Yup, no disrespect. That's why I said respect, duh..."

For some reason, it didn't seem like the two of them were on the same page but at the same time it did. It was a strange spectacle that Tyler actually found amusing.

At this point, Oxa wanted to facepalm himself but managed to hold back his nerves as he maintained eye contact with Tyler.

"It is fine. While I do not mind the little misconduct, I employ you to keep in mind that I have taken the time out of my busy schedule to arrange an audience with you. That being the case, rather than wasting time to no use — by beating around the bush and bandying insincere flattery — let us be frank with each other. I trust there are no objections?"

"I understand. As we explained earlier to your maid. My elder brother and I had borne witness to the might displayed by your Grace over the scarlet sea only a week ago."

"Indeed! We have never felt anything like that even in the seven most chaotic regions on the continent. I was in awe."

"As my brother had said. What we felt that day was something that has etched itself into our very souls to this day and we can no longer forget it. This is something we had never experienced even when faced against the seven Primordials. For some reason, our entire being was being drawn to you that day so we decided to seek you out."

Oxa did his best to speak frankly and to the point. Not wanting to be accused of being insincere.

"Exactly. Of course, I only wanted to fight such a strong opponent but my brother felt strongly agaist it. Although I never would've guessed the person I was after would be the one who was taking over as the new demon king. I would've died like a pig, whahahahahahah..."

Onyx suddenly burst out laughing as he imagined himself challenging this fellow and not even living past one second to enjoy a glorious death. For some reason, he found that funny and couldn't stop laughing.

"Again, please pardon my brother's rudeness. He's... quite dumb."

"Hmm, that's rude."

Pouting at his younger brothers words, Onyx folded his arm and Tyler couldn't tell what was happening anymore.

Tyler was silent for a while as he finally decided to use his divine appraisal on these two. Naturally, he couldn't control who stayed in his city but he had no intentions of having any spies as his direct subordinates.

The two behemoths froze at his penetrating gaze and the air around them seems to stand still for a moment before returning to normal. What Tyler had confirmed was that these two were ridiculously strong.

The strongest amongst them was unsurprisingly the younger brother who was at the basic stage of the 7th Tier with an impressive number of skills and could use two magic types. He had no innate ability but was a freaking demigod.

The elder brother was also at the basic level of the 7th tier but couldn't use magic and still had fewer skills than his brother. However, Tyler could understand why none of them had felt intimidated by the seven primordials when they had easily matched Mammon in strength.

Although Tyler was aware from Levi that Mammon was the weakest amongst the seven primordials, and could only made up for the difference with his overabundance of skills and spells, combined with his vast mana reserves.

With the capabilities of these two fighters who had just handed their services to him, it was hard for anyone in their right mind to miss out on such a golden opportunity to gain more cards to play against all the other superpowers in the demon continent and the world alike.

However, the possibility of this being a trap to insert moles into his inner circle was quite high so Tyler had been thinking carefully about his decision. The fact was, their level of strength was not even a factor when chosing his companions do it didn't matter to him that these two were actual demigods.

With one more use of his ability on Z and Albert, they would both cross that seemingly boundless threshold and step into the domains of the gods.

Still, if he could actually trust this two behemoths then it would be a waste not to accept them into his fold. This was quite the difficult decision.

However, just like always, Uriel immediately came up with a solution to his problem as though it was nothing. But upon hearing, in details her explanation, Tyler immediately got annoyed at her.

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