Supreme Monarch

Chapter 349 C349. Syphilia

Chapter 349 C349. Syphilia

"Guild Points?"

"Yes. Guild points are the Magic Guilds' most common form of compensation that can be easily exchanged for actual currently at a 2:2 ratio. However, they are the only currency accepted by the Magic institute I'm exchanging for our members-only services."

" Is that so? How convenient."

"Indeed it is. As for the reward for your Personal request, it is a lot higher than even the most lucrative Rank 3 quest reward. Upon completion, it offers an instant promotion to Rank 3 which is something we normally don't do but a special exemption has been made for this. Besides, the guild points awarded upon successful completion are enough to raise your ranks by one full tier. Making this a 2-rank promotion quest."

An instant double promotion quest. That's ridiculous. Who are these people?"

Although the receptionist's voice was relatively soft and she hadn't spoken loudly at all. There were still some relatively high-ranking Magicians around with sharp ears.

Most of them were already paying close attention to the pair and had been listening in on their conversation with the clerk the entire time.

Hearing the possibility of an instant promotion quest made their ears perk up instantly. Not to mention this was a double promotion quest. It was very common knowledge that increasing one's rank in the Magic guild was considerably more difficult than it was in the other two guilds.

As one not only needed to have the magic potential and skill required to be qualified for the rank. But, as a show of survivability and resourcefulness, they all needed a considerable amount of guild points to attempt the test.

The magicians that understood the inner workings of the magic guild were at a complete loss for words as they stare blankly at the pair, completely dumbfounded.

"A quest granting instant promotion huh... How... Strangely convenient."

While the female staff couldn't see through the shadows that covered the face of the hooded Lix, for some reason she could easily just visualize his mouth slowly curving into a smile.

The fact of the matter was, private requests like this were incredibly rare, to begin with, much less one that carried such ridiculous rewards as compensation.

Even her colleague who was stationed next to her today was completely blown away when she heard that, not to mention the increasing murmuring in the hall.

To them, it was incomprehensible to understand why the Guild was willing to allow such stipulations to be added to a private quest unless the quest came directly from the top brass.

Bringing to mind another question, just in the world were these two that even the higher-ups were willing to grant them each 2 instant promotions just from completing a single quest?

Naturally, one question led to another as they couldn't help wondering just what sort of quest was difficult enough to warrant such lucrative rewards.

Just as the female receptionist was about to respond to Lix's comments, the doors to the left suddenly swung open as the room's activities grounded to a halt.

Two men of impressive builds and geared in gleaming full plate armors suddenly ushered in a beautiful demoness in an elegant and stylish red dress.

She had long light brown hair that was styled gorgeously, narrow brown eyes that glistened beautifully with the light, an enchanting smile that drew men in, and a figure that wouldn't fail to drop the jaws of any one of the opposite sex that laid eyes on her, and that was exactly what it did to the men in the hall.

Without even sparing a second glance at the awe-struck men staring lustfully at her and the confused gazes from the magic institute's staff, Syphilia walked gracefully towards the hooded man and the young adorable beastgirl who had remained silent the entire time.

Her smile radiated an alluring aura that could easily melt the hearts of even the coldest man. Still, as someone who has faced many more tempting temptations recently, Lix was able to maintain his calm as he turned his head to face the Magic Guild Leader after she had come to a halt in front of him.

As Syphilia's beautiful brown eyes stared at the hooded Lix for a moment, her head gently tilted slightly before she silently let out a sigh of resignation.

"I guess it still doesn't work on him Huh, what a shame."


Those words had been little less than a fleeting whisper said under her breath yet the man seems to have perfectly heard her.

"Never mind that Mr. Lix, I would like to talk with you privately about the private quest awarded to you. Do you mind?"

Wave a surprise washed over the entire hall and the jaws of most of the low-ranked Magicians not unlike Lix himself dropped to the ground. Most of them were completely at a loss for words the others are stricken with envy.

"That's fine. You've piqued my interest."

"Really, I'm flattered. Please, follow me."

With that said, the three of them were escorted by the large guards into one of the VIP meeting rooms on the middle floor of the first tower, under the curious and mostly jealous gazes of the masses.

After settling down in the VIP meeting room, Lix finally spoke to Syphilia, who had been trying to strike up a conversation with them the entire way there but was met with silence the entire time.

"So tell me Guild Leader. Why did the Magic institute issue me a personal quest and what might it entails?"

As she heard Lix speak in such an overly former tone asking an insincere question, Syphilia sighed for a moment before speaking again.

"Sigh... you're such a shrewd fellow, Mr. Lix, it's clear to me that you've already figured out everything by this point so why are you trying to make me spell it out."

"Please, you overestimate me. My assumptions may be completely correct or just as incorrect. So please, enlighten us."

Not expecting such a valid response, Syphilia was momentarily at a loss for words before promptly snapping out of her daze.

"Fine then. Allow me to enlighten you, the Magic institute has been tasked with a job to rescue the missing Hunters and Merchants that had ventured out on a joint quest only a month ago but have yet to report in. The mission compromised of only the strongest Hunters and Merchants so we have no choice but to put together our strongest force to investigate and we believe your presence there is a must."

"I see... I have to say, I was way off."

"Fufufufu... you're quite the jester, Mr. Lix."

"The true irony might be the details. Alright then, let's move on to my main point, who exactly commissioned this quest for us? The receptionist earlier seems to have completely disregarded that little detail in her explanation."

The smile on Syphilia's face seems to fade for a moment before being restored almost immediately. Anyone else would've easily missed this minute detail but Lix didn't fail to notice it.

"I suppose at this point, there's probably no reason to hide this from you."


"You see, this request was issued to the Magic Guild directly from the Zorak Magic Academy's Headmaster. We can't refuse such a request."

Although Tyler already knew that the Zorak family was involved in this. He also knew that the Magic institute strived to operate independently from the main family but like all organizations of this size. There is always corruption at the top and he simply wanted to know who that was.

Apparently, it was none other than the Headmaster himself. Tyler assumes this Headmaster was a high-ranking noble of the Zorak family so is directly under the influence of the Elders or Grand Elder of the family.

Meaning this quest came to him as a direct result of the Grand Elder's influence.

"Is that so?"

Thinking those words were in response to her previous statement, Syphilia happily continued.

"Yes... I'm sure you're aware of the Headmaster's connection with the main Zorak family. Normally they wouldn't interfere with the Magic Institutes duties but it seems this time is special."

To Tyler's surprise, Syphilia didn't attempt to hide the connections between the Headmaster and the Zorak family and he couldn't help but wonder why.josei

"Special? What do you mean by that?"

"Simple. It's because this quest came with a special reward."

"A special reward?"

"Yes, one completely separate from the ones listed alongside the quest. Upon the completion of the mission. You will receive an invitation to visit the Magic academy as a substitute teacher."

"A teacher? Why would I want that?"

"Your ignorance is understandable as not many a privy to such information but the Magic academy possesses a vast array of Magic knowledge than any of the various Magic institutions. So if you're this interested in our Magic library, the library on the Magic academy is a must."

"So that's it. How impressive, the Zorak family seems to have covered all bases."

It seems his goal of joining the magic institute had already been seen through. This was something that was expected as using the library in the magic institute was the first thing Tyler had wanted upon joining the institute.

Giving as he hadn't displayed many spells to the public. It was easy for her to surmise why he wanted to join the magic institute despite already becoming a VIP merchant.

"Naturally, when the Zorak family makes a move, they like to be prepared. So, will you take the quest?"

"I don't see how I can possibly refuse such an offer."

Of course, Tyler had already decided to accept the quest from the very beginning. He already expected something like this after interrogating the Ghost girl last night but he hadn't expected such lucrative rewards to sway him.

Hearing his response, the smile on Syphilia's face grew radiant as though a huge weight came off her shoulders and her expression became more relaxed.

"Excellent. Please visit the Lord's mansion by noon today, so you may meet the other members of the Magicians that were given the same quest as you as this will be a team mission. Any other detail will be provided by the new lord of Wingedcity himself."

"The new lord uh... very well."

"Umm... is something the matter?"

Noticing the shift in Lix's tone for a moment, Syphilia was a bit worried that something had gone wrong with her explanation, however, the demeanor of the hooded man seems to get a bit more friendly as he spoke.

"Quite the opposite. Everything seems quite straightforward to me."

"That's great then, I suppose. That will be all."

"Indeed, we shall now take our leave."

Syphilia nodded gently as she stood up to escort the pair to the door despite her being of a higher status than them. For some reason, she didn't even realize what she was doing.

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