Supreme Monarch

Chapter 364 C364. Tyler

Chapter 364 C364. Tyler


"Then my lord, if you don't mind me asking, why have you visited the Darkin mountain range today?"

Doing his best to ignore the strange sight before his eyes, Albert proceeded to inquire about his master's objective. Albert was well known as a very intelligent and knowledgeable gentleman with immense leadership qualities and a sense of honor and integrity.

One of the many reasons why he was able to perform so well as one of the Six Great Generals of the Darknar family, as well as Tyler's personal butler even though the latter was self-appointed.

However, not only was he able to easily control the vastly diverse personalities in the castle after earning their trust. Making Liz's work easier as she now only had to focus on paperwork, but he was also able to balance his work within the castle and Paragon city flawlessly. As well as the training of both new maids and butlers but also continuing his trading of the castle's guards.

Yet, there was one thing he seemingly could not do, and that is predict the actions of his master. He wasn't as preceptive as Z, who seems to be able to perceive what his master was thinking for the most part. Nor was he as empathic as Erin and the girls that he could understand what he was feeling.

There were times when he felt out of place because of that but his devotion to his master could never waver. For Albert, trusting his master completely was only natural to him as he was the one that not only saved his and Erin's life without hesitation but also the entire Red ogre settlement when there was no reason for him to do so.

As such, Albert had planned to devote his entire being to serving Tyler even before he knew who he was. So naturally, his master could do no wrong in his eyes. I mean, if the word of a king is law, then what is, the word of a god?

Just as Albert strengthened his resolve in his mind, he unconsciously taps into Tyler's innate ability through his connection with both their family pact as well as his demon's pact with Tyler. His potential seems to crack for a second, on the verge of breaking when Tyler answered his question.

"Well you see... it will take a normal carriage traveling through the main route to Farbelt pass at least 2-3 days to get to its destination. Even the shorter more dangerous route through the border between the Sentro region and ours will take a full day's journey."

"I see."

Naturally, Albert quickly understood what Tyler was talking about. As he could easily teleport to and from the Farbelt's pass, there was no reason for him to actually make such a trip so he planned on using this time for something else.

"Still, forgive me but I still don't understand why My Lord has chosen to come straight here instead of returning to the castle."

"That's understandable. The truth is, one of the evolved trolls has discovered a rather strange monster nest deep within the mountain range. According to Liz's report, the nest may house an unexplored mine, not unlike the one in the Farbelt pass. I take it you know what I mean."

"I understand. Most of the mines in the Darknar forest may be of the highest grade but they have all been mined for millenniums now and are soon running dry. In such a case we would have to wait centuries for the mine to replenish itself."

Albert calmly nodded in understanding.

Due to the density of the mana essence in this world, rare elements like Duranium and Orichalcum would slowly form in certain locations over a period of centuries.

"Exactly. I've heard from Moloc that she discovered a new mine deep within the northern region of the Darknar forest as well, she's currently in the process of clearing out the monster nest inside and requires no assistance, I think she might even be having fun."

Due to the immense danger within the Darknar Forest, even families as capable as the Great Five could not fully explore the entirety of the forest and only chose to mine the few mines they discovered closest to the safe zones. Hence why they needed the safe zones in the first place.

This was also why Tyler had decided to render the safe zones unlivable by infusing magic crystals with negative energy every week for the time being. A job he had delegated to Bones until they are able to completely solidify their claim of the Darknar region as the territory of the new Darknar family.

As such, there were probably tons of unexplored mines hidden all across the Darknar region albeit protected by powerful monsters that even the Great Five could not dare carelessly provoke. Monsters that may even be more terrifying than the four kings who ruled the Darkar forest because of their intellect in combination with their strength.

This could also mean there were more terrifying monsters that were either less intelligent than them but far stronger, or weaker but with superior intellect. There was also the rare possibility of one with far superior intellect and strength but wasn't territorial, making it remain hidden till now.

Hence why the Darknar Forest was such a fearsome place to date.

However, Moloc was a different story entirely. Being the Chaos Lord of the Underworld, she was a force to be reckoned with, and aside from gods and another devil Lord, there was nothing in this world that could challenge her.

This was the reason why Tyler has given her control over the Darknar Forest along with the subjugation of the demi-humans living there with the aid of the Queen of the south, Daenerys who already held control over the southern region of the forest.

"Umm... If I remember correctly, those two demigods from the behemoth of Pride's region are currently under Lady Moloc's command. With Azalea also assisting her, I don't believe there is any creature in the Darknar forest that is capable of standing up against them."

"That's true. By the way, have you found any information on those two?"

"Yes, sire. As expected, there were no lies in their story and they did desert the behemoth of pride's region. However, it seems they hadn't told the whole truth either as there's been confirmation that they have communicated with someone from Pride's region fairly recently."

"Is that so? How unfortunate. I'm even scared of what Moloc will do to them when she finds out."

"I believe they'll get what they deserve. Unfortunately for them, not even death will save the from a devil."

"You think so... Anyway, make sure this information does not get to anyone else. I'll have a shadow monitor them myself. Let's allow things to play out as Pride has planned. I'd like to see just how clever he is for myself. Hmm..."

"Is something the matter?"

"Now that I think about it, I may be able to get under Pride's skin if I pay a visit to Envy's region. With Levi now under me, I'm sure Levian be making a move soon."

"I'm afraid I can't foresee as far into the future as you my liege, so I can't offer my opinion."

"Don't sell yourself short like that. No matter, let's get back on topic, Moloc and those two's primary mission seems to be going smoothly. So that brings me to the current situation."

"If that's the case we could always send--"

"I'd rather not risk it. The task Erin and Liz are currently engrossed in is vital to the growth and survival of the Darknar family and I can't pull them away from it at such a crucial time. As I said, Moloc is busy and so is Rain who is finally being a proper adult. So given as there isn't much information on this monster nest, sending the trolls or anyone else is far too risky. As for you and Z, well-- "

"Please forgive my tardiness, Lord Ty. I have returned as you asked."

As though waiting for the right time to make an entrance, Z casually walked out of distortion in space and stepped on the mountain peak as he proceeded to approach Tyler and Nadine before making a graceful bow. His golden mask still adorns his handsome features.

"Don't worry about that. I did call you back unprompted. How's your job going."

"There's still a lack of manpower to expand the network across the entire continent yet but we now have a significant information network capable of rivaling a ruling class noble family. It will only be a while before we will surpass the great five in the information given the effort Ms. Erin has taken in improving our communication methods."

"And the spies?"please visit

"It will be impossible to infiltrate a true noble family with a spy in such a short amount of time. However, thanks to lord Ty's blessings, I've been able to place some mental cues on key figures in almost every nobility on the continent. Currently, your shadows are performing the majority of the work."

"So where's Nessi?"

"Investigating the situation with the primordials."

"The seven huh? What about your plan with those underground organizations for more valued Intel?"

"There are a few prominent underground organizations with a wide enough influence that meet our criteria, but the most influential one around the Great Five is numbers. You may be familiar with them."

'Hmm... I am?"

"I suppose to you, such an encounter was nothing to bother with but I've deemed our most effective way in as discreetly as possible will be with the aid of that Mr. 99. My information tells me he's captured a few hunters in an attempt to lure your identity as Lix out."

"Huh, is that what happened to Unrivaled? Unreal."

"If you'd permit me I'd like to engage this Number 99 of Numbers. It's best if the identity of Lix isn't associated with the underground."

"I see... Then go ahead."

"As expected, I've created a clone in the area, it should be done soon."

"Impressive. Good work as always."

"You flatter me, lord Ty. I hadn't expected the Primordials would make a move so soon. As expected of my master."

"Is that so?"

"Well, that's only to be expected."

"All right, the greetings are over. From now on, I will be going onward with Albert and Z. Nadine, return to the castle with Gail and Lora... and have them retrieve any items found on the bodies of the Magicians, and have the dwarves inspect them thoroughly. I am curious to know the quality of items Magicians of that rank would usually carry on their person."


Nadine's reply was quite energetic.

Tyler nodded and created a gate directly to Emrys where the other bodies would soon be deposited before the captives would be taken to the underground cell.

"Now then, shall we head to the mountain settlement? I'd like to see how far it has developed without much aid."

"Would we be taking the trolls with us to the monster nest?"

"No, that would be too dangerous for them. We would only be requiring a guide to the place."

"The skies are crawling with Wyverns and thunderbirds and the mountain range is the mountain golems territory. Disturbing them would cause a bit of chaos and may be dangerous for the guide. Should we try to clear them out first?"

Hearing Z's suggestion, Tyler raised his head and scanned the skies around. There weren't any Silver Wyverns flying close to the mountain they were on but he could see them gathering on a mountain a distance away.

Thunderbirds made their nest on the other side of the Darkin mountain range so they were not really that common in these parts.

"No. Such a thing would damage the ecosystem in this region and destroy the castle's natural protection from any possible invaders. I'd like to avoid that if at all possible."


"I see..."

For the first time since Z got here did he understand why there was a mountain golem stuck in an uncomfortable pose in front of them? Both he and Albert could now understand why Tyler had not chosen to destroy the monster, although paying no mind was not something just anyone could do.

"Umm... Well, I suppose taming a few more Wyverns isn't a bad idea. It would making transportation between Paragon City and whatever city we establish here easier until Ragdek is able to build what I told him to."

"It is as you say, my lord. Shall I go hunt them down?"

"Oh, no need to go out of your way for that. I'll just drag anyone that flies by us down for you, we wouldn't want to attract more than necessary."


"Alright, let's head out before it gets dark. Common Mike."

Straddling along down the mountain path, the massive Silver Wyvern, which was only slightly smaller than Drago, acknowledge its new master's orders and immediately stood up and crawled down behind him.

Albert and Z could only stare blankly at this scene as they could also see the mountain golem in front of them slowly moving its head to glare at Tyler, unable to move any other part of its body.

"Well then, shall we? I take it flying is out of the question."

"Indeed Mr. Z, please, after you."

With that, the two walked behind their master and his strange new pet as they headed down towards the Mountain settlement hidden somewhere here in the Darkin mountain range.

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