Supreme Monarch

Chapter 99 C99. Throne Room

Chapter 99 C99. Throne Room

Tyler stood on one of the towers in the walls of the castle as he watched Bungo install the large turret-like marching gun although this one had a bulkier design to it as several runes were carved on the barrel giving it a mystical feel.

The installation process took quite a long time as Bungo wasn't really accustomed to this type of machinery. Tyler had thought it was strange for Bungo not to know more about this type of artilleries as it should've already been invented in the human continent by now.

While most summoned heroes wouldn't bother with inventions, there were bound to reincarnate that would use their knowledge to survive in this world. Still, he had to start somewhere, perhaps even find more blacksmiths to make more complicated machines.

The installation was soon completed and Bungo began teaching the sentries how the machine was operated. Tyler didn't need to learn that so he left the tower. The skies were still as cloudy and ashen as always but it had been a while since the snow fell from them.

The area inside the barrier was still warm from the constant use of the temperature manipulation scrolls. He had quite a few of them and couldn't think of a better way to use them.

After leaving the tower, Tyler headed straight for the topmost floor of the North wing, the fifth floor. As he exited the stairs he came before a slightly different sight than he had first seen.

He came into the large hall that held the massive and exquisite golden doors with crystal ornamented carvings on them. The door stood at the end of the hall in front of him, looking as imposing as ever as it towered over Tyler even from a considerable distance away. It was surely large enough to fit a giant.

Last time the doors had been covered with a thick layer of dust and even though it had still imprinted its magnificence on him, this time was on a whole different level. Tyler could almost swear the doors were glistening in the light.

The 21 Alcoves were still present on both sides of the wall and still contained the 20 broken statues of what may be considered holy knights, the last one was an angel, or what looked like a female fallen angel. The statue was cracked and one of her wings had fallen off but Tyler could no longer locate the broken pieces of her wings of any of the holy knights on the ground.

There was instead a large pile of the. at the corner of the hall. Albert probably felt the pieces were too valuable to be tossed out so he left them there.

Tyler walked over to the statue of the fallen angel and took a better look at it. He felt a strange sensation from just staring at it— at her. However, unlike the last time, he didn't feel threatened just looking anymore and could resist whatever it was that had intimidated him previously.


Naturally, he wanted to know what these statues that exuded a faint amount of pressure even after a millennium were. He hadn't done this earlier as either Albert or the girls were next to him. However, Albert was now preparing for his departure and only God knows what the girls were up to.


Lillith Marble Sculpture [Legendary Sculpture]

A Tritanium infused marble sculpture of the fallen archangel Lillith. This sculpture contains traces of the magic metal Etherium and may possess living properties. A semblance of divinity lurks around it.

Primary Effect: Unknown.

Secondary Effect: Unknown.

Requires 1,000 magic crystals to activate.


Tyler stood rooted to his spot, his face plastered with shook. He had no idea what a legendary sculpture was but it absolutely wasn't ordinary. It took him a while to regain his senses and think about the information he had just received.

The statue or sculpture before him was clearly not meant just to be a visual art that adorned this hall. Judging by the appearance of Effects it was more like a type of Artifact or a magic item but why he couldn't see the effects were beyond him.

He tried over and over again but nothing changed no matter how much mana was used. With a deep sigh, Tyler promptly chose to give up. All he needed to do was learn high-tiered appraisal magic or skills and try again.

He took his attention off the statue and walked to the door in front of him, on the way he felt the eyes of the knights move to stare at him and Tyler no longer considered it his imagination. However, he ignored their stares and arrived at the giant door that made him feel like a dwarf.

Without any hesitation, he pushed lightly. The doors opened without any resistance and Tyler didn't feel like he was even applying any amount of pressure. As expected the door slowly open without making a single noise that made him think the world had gone mute.

As the door slowly opened the scene from the interior of the room came into his view once more.

A light breeze swept past him as the door opened. The previous pressure he had felt was no more. He looked straight and as expected, there was a throne made of materials he had never seen before but he assumed there must've been some amount of Quantium mixed within it.

The metallic yet crystalline look and feel of the throne had made him think of the insanely rare metal. Of course, he couldn't ignore the magic metal his Appraisal magic had told him about in the sculpture of Lillith.

Tyler stood there and admired the throne for a good while before he finally took a step forward and walked to the base of the short flight of stairs that elevated the throne that still looked intimidating up close.

Not wanting to waste more time he climbed the short flight of stairs and now stood in front of the throne as he extended an arm to touch it once more. The metallic yet crystalline surface felt cold to the touch but strangely soothing... With a strange compelling force telling him to have a sit once again, he withdrew his arm and proceeded to cast his appraisal spell.

"Over tier magic - Appraisal."


Throne of the Supreme—

Unable to appraise

Unable to appraise

p Unable to appraise

Unable to appraise

Unable to appraise

Unable to appraise

Unable to appraise

Unable to appraise

Unable to appraise

Unable to appraise

Unable to appraise

Unable to appraise

Unable to appraise

Unable to appraise

Unable to appraise

Unable to appraise

Unable to appraise



An immediate overload of useless and repetitive information was suddenly forced into his head by whatever it was that was protecting the throne from being read. Tyler's brain suddenly felt like it was about to explode as the information kept repeating itself in his head with no sign of stopping.

Tyler held his head as he was forced to his knees in excruciating pain. His mind was about to go blank but Tyler knew he couldn't let that happen. If the information kept coming it might kill him. He tried as hard as he could to muster up the strength and quickly canceled the spell that had been hijacked by the throne.

The pain slowly subsided as he began to regain some semblance of his thoughts. He quickly cast placate on himself to calm his mind as he managed to stand up, panting heavily. Tyler glared at the metallic throne with clear malice in his eyes. He really wanted to just smash this thing apart for that but was wary of any more defensive mechanism.

He had wanted to attempt entering the secret room without activating the monarch ring but this was not a good sign as he climbed down the stairs and exited the throne room. He clearly wasn't ready for anything in there and he didn't want to know what type of protection was in the secret room.

As he came out of the throne room a sudden ringing entered his head which made him flinch in fright but soon realize it was just the communication spell being used. He accepted the communication request and Albert's voice entered his mind.

He was reporting his completion of the preparations for Tyler to leave for Winged city today and Tyler thanked him for his hard work.

Tyler also told Albert to tell Nadine she was accompanying him right before he hanged up the call. He had already informed her beforehand so this was merely a reminder.

He took his time heading to the gate so he could continuously use his healing spell on himself to be fully recovered from that mental assault. Upon getting to the gate he saw a single six-eyed bull attached to a single carriage. It was obviously the same carriage as the ones that brought the ogres here but right now the carriage wasn't as large as he remembered.

It was of relatively normal size with the same simple design. It wasn't until he focused did Tyler realize that this carriage was a magic item. He wondered how a tribe of freemen got their hands on so many rare mounds and magic carriages before his eyes settled on the two people standing by the carriage and it clicked for him.

It was Albert... He remembered asking a question previously and Jarret had given him an answer that also answered this question. When the Great five had tried to influence the lives of freemen, stating that they needed to either become the citizens of a region or relocate to an unoccupied region. Albert who had been a Lord of a small region had provided this tribe with everything they had needed to survive.

Perhaps he had also done that because he knew he would need their help in the future, his foresight wasn't bad. Albert and Nadine dropped down to a knee upon Tyler's arrival and Albert spoke first.

"We've completed all the preparations you requested."

"Nice, good job my guy."josei

Tyler said trying to lighten the mood but it didn't seem to work as the girl Nadine looked incredibly nervous and was trembling visibly.

Tyler looked at the petite girl with a very cute face and fluffy tail that made him want to pet her. He remembered the wild side she showed in the magic crystal mirror when she had fought against the unique trolls and even when she had defeated the Lich last night and couldn't believe she was the same person acting timid here.

Tyler chuckled before walking over to her and calming tone, he greeted her. "Hi there, looks like I'll be in your care for some time."

Nadine's face flushed red as she tried her best to compose herself in her response. "I- I'll d-do my best."

Her shaky voice made Tyler laugh a little and that made her face get even redder.

"There's no need to be so nervous, I'm not scary am I?"

"Uh, n-no... just, err, sorry"

Tyler didn't understand why she was now apologizing so he thought he would stop there before she broke down or something. He turned to Albert and asked. "Is everything in there?"

"Yes, Nadine is also aware of what to do to get into the city."

"Alright, Let's head out. Oh and, do keep an eye on Z, I'll call you if his information checks out so you can let him out of confinement."

"Yes sir."

"Is he done with the training regimen for them?"

"I believe so, I'll implement it as soon as the competition ends."

"Alright, I'll be back sometime next week, maybe earlier so see you then."

"Yes sir."

As Tyler turned to board the carriage, he suddenly saw a dark figure running towards him from the castle. He instinctively knew who it was and he could see two other figures that were flying after her.

As Rain bolted to a halt she grinned at him and before Tyler could even ask a question, she had already moved forward and kissed him. Unlike the last peck she gave him on the tower, this was a deep kiss.

As she pulled herself away from him, she quickly whispered something into his ears before bolting away like lightning just as the other two girls had reached her location. They flew down in front of Tyler and Liz felt like she should apologize for her friend. "I'm sorry about her Lord Ty, we couldn't stop her."

Tyler's mind finally spun again as he chuckled trying to hide his surprise. "Hmm, it's fine... Are you guys here to see me off?"

"Um, yeah... we were all supposed to do that but Rain wanted to sneak into your roo— Oh umm, she was just sad you weren't taking her along."

"Wait did you say sneak?"

"Oh no, we have to go please be careful out there."

Before Tyler could find out more Liz had already dragged Erin in the air as they flew away. Erin looked helpless as she was being pulled around by the two.

"Well, that was weird."


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