Supreme Origin: Time King

Chapter 139

Chapter 139: Fate VIII (Last Part)

"What happens next?" Asked a voice in the middle of a blank space, the source of this voice was a young man in his twenties and with a short golden hair as if was all made of threads of gold. He was wearing a simple armor set made of a dark-gold material, his smooth jade-like eyes radiated peaceful light as his mind assimilated all the new memories, knowledge about origin and even many different unique spells and other things of the previous eras.

With a single intention, his surroundings changed into a beach. Under a breathtaking view of a scarlet sky, turning the crystalline blue sea in a reddish hue, stretching until the eyes could not see. Another man, this one seeming relatively older with a long black hair walked over the sea until he stepped before the younger man.

"Elijah." "Old Elijah."

Old Elijah, the man with the long black hair was completely different from all the previous memories. Wearing a standard white shirt and left it unbuttoned at the top for a more casual look and long black silk coat.

"I think you already saw everything you needed to see, seeing my failure with your eyes would do nothing good to you as all of that is past for both of us. The reason I'm here is to show you your true enemy, in my time It took to much time for me to become powerful and it made me lose in the end because I didn't knew the magnitude of their power."

Threads of energy gathered before them and formed into a gigantic form that sprouted a seed of intense dread, it was impossible for Elijah to explain what he was seeing but this thing was certainly the scariest he saw, more than all the visions and memories he saw of Old Elijah and the creators of the past ages.

"This is the universe's heart and will. It is also the source of all the energies and laws we see know by others as the heavens will. While it exists, even if all life is extinguished, the universe will continue to give birth to others lifeforms and continue to expand itself..."

"Wait, this is not a good thing then?"josei

"No, it is not. At first it was just a natural force that works without intelligence or intellect but with with time it started gain intellect and the fact we living beings are always fighting or killing each other, slaving the other creatures just because we think we are superior..."

"One day, the universe's will reached the conclusion we are a plague to all its creation and once each few billion years will clean all the most powerful and intelligent living beings. As for the Prime King, he is just a unlucky person and I really can't make myself hate anymore as he/she is wife's brother/sister... If you have the chance, I think you should try to help him/her."

"What?" Elijah could not see the his astonished face as the something in what he just heard made him feel something was wrong and as he noticed this, Old Elijah let out a laugh as he explained.

"Hee, sorry. I forgot you don't know about that thing and I believe my daughter did not tell you about this too. When I head to the abyss as you just saw, I had a reason for that and I think you must know by now that the abyss is an artificial universe made by the some of the creators who wanted to escape the calamity of the heavens will and the all seven royal families of the abyss are descendants of the seven families that escaped at that time. "

"Seven Royal families? I believe it is eight, Eternal Void, Eternal Blood, Eternal Circle, Eternal Tempest, Eternal Abyss and Eternal Time. This is what I learned." As Old Elijah listened to Elijah listing the royal families, it was his time to be left startled.

"Oh! Eight? There is eight? This is so great! it means it is possible to create a new destiny. But let me continue, I believe what I have to tell you will be of great help in the future. Because of the abyss not having a heart like our universe, it does not have natural laws."

"When I arrived there, I discovered all of them are born with a rune in their souls similar to the supreme origins. As for their cultivation path, it is different from what you would think, it is not about power, the greatest gain is their lifespan. Each step means another life you have, but each life also means a different body. "

"In my daughter's case, she is on the eleventh step which means she has eleven bodies or lives. The only problem is that they can't control what their next bodies will look like and some personality changes also happens too. The same goes for Yawen, if she dies right now, there is a possibility of her turning into a man, however the chances of this happening for someone who their first body was female is very small..." Lowering his voice, Old Elijah approached Elijah and said to his ear. "This is a secret that not even Cass knows, but Yawen's last body was that of a man."

Elijah's face grew as pale as it could get as he shot an strange look at his older self.

"Hey! don't give me that look. I saw your memories, the Yawen you saw in the shadows before was a man, it was inside the shadow that her body changed in the one you know."

"Oh." Elijah become more alleviated as he understood it was only at that time. Of course he could not tell why he felt this way.

"When Yawen was first sealed, Yakhan ran away from the abyss in fury searching for a way to help her. He even took the inheritance of the Ark-One and the only completed supreme origin but this time the heavens will saw some use on him and took control of his mind turning him in a mindless Prime King that was defeated by the gods."

"The last thing you need to know and is something I noticed in your body is that you already noticed is that all ninety-nine supreme origins are in your body. I have no idea how or why, as even if I tried I never finished the creators work. I only made a few of them and they were the lowest in the rank, between the 91st and 99th in the rank. As for the ones in you body, it feels somewhat different the runes is completed but these are lacking something, like a soul. If you manage to find their soul, then the heavens will or alien races form other universes will be nothing to you."

"This is the last time you will see me. My will is vanished as we speak. When you open your eyes, you will notice I reverted time to the day you arrived on Peuh, no one other than you, Cass and your ship will remember what happened and you will retain some of your powers as you will start as an in the Supreme Trinity realm just before the sixth stage, Trinity Apprentice."

"You can think of saving Peuh and all its inhabitants as an test to see if you have what it takes to face our true enemy." His voice grew weaker and weaker and his figure was faint as he started to vanish.

"Farewell, my younger self."

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