Supreme Origin: Time King

Chapter 142

Chapter 142: III Thinking of a New Plan

In the glass room located in the middle of the Orion Palace, they chat for countless hours as Elijah had too much to tell. And so he did, in those hours, Elijah told them about Peuh's destruction seven months in the future as well as explaining his relationship with Cassie while he intentionally hid some of his secrets like the past civilizations that existed before the gods, the universe's heart and the reboot it makes every few eras erasing all the living creatures.

"Ell, why are you wearing this mask?"After these few hours, Luna who was looking at Elijah's Masked-Figure, could not hold anymore and rose her voice in a question. Cassie and Keith also perked their ears as they were curious about this too.josei

"Ah this? There is two reasons. The is because this artifact has the ability to conceal some of the energies and forces that gathered around me since my last breakthrough. Before, I could sense only three types, being vital power, spiritual force and elemental energy. Now, I realized there is a infinite amount of energy types, each with their uses and uniqueness. If something with a high enough sensibility, I believe they would know all these energies around me." Hearing his words, they all assented with their head as his reason was really good as having unique energies could call unwanted attention. Luna and Keith felt admiration towards his vision, but Elijah's next action left them without words.

Taking off his mask, two shiny multicolored pupils stole their minds leaving them as soulless state before putting the mask again as the two of them stood for a moment before recovering their senses, breathing quickly in horror.

"What was that? I lost myself for a moment." They looked back in their memories feeling intense fear and a slight wish to see his face again and return to that state. Cassie was observing their horrified expressions then she looked at Elijah with curious eyes, without understanding what they experienced.

When they noticed Elijah was walking towards a elevator as he called them: "Follow me to the Dinner Hall. I'm going to prepare something for us to eat."


Orion's Palace kitchen, Elijah connected on Peuh's network and started searching for what he should cook.

"Let me see... Golden Silk Egg and stewed Crescent Moon Wolf for Dinner. As for dessert, I will try this magical cream cake." Removing the ingredients from his spatial pocket and placing them on the table, Elijah started from the ones which would take longer, cutting out a crescent moon wolf's skin and organize the pieces before putting the meat on the pan with a special spice he made using a few herbs he gathered on his travels.

Later, when he had finished preparing nearly everything and put the cake in the oven, he took five mid-grade magical crystal and crushed each of them and collected the colorful fluid that flowed out of it and mixed with sugar until the liquid turned into a cream.

After thirty minutes, Cassie and the other two were seating on the dinner table when Elijah approached before taking three dishes out of his phone and put on the table together with bowl full of golden eggs and a large cake with a multi-colored cream and several strawberries.

"Wow dad, I don't remember you being such a good cook in my world."

"Well, maybe this is some of the differences of two timelines but I think she's right, this cake is amazing! I can feel my cultivation moving upwards, its like a high-raked potion but with a good taste. What did you use to make such effect." Keith was the one who suffered the greatest impact towards Elijah's food, he could not even think of the time he had something as good as this.

After they finished eating, Elijah who was siting in the center chair gave a solemn look at the three of them.

"Now that we have all eaten it is time to think of an plan. In seven months, Cosmos, the same organization that has made a mess out of our world will invade Peuh and cause its destruction. I don't know how many people they have, but they were capable of doing all of them under the watch of three Immortal Lords, I believe their true strength must not be lower.

Thus I decided we need to raise the number we have on our side... Keith and Luna, I will bestow my imprint upon the two of you and send you with good amount of money from this palace's treasures to buy some spaceships with these specifications here." He passed a list to Luna and Keith.

"One of the ships must be huge and have a dock where all the other spaceships could land, medical bay, and a powerful cannon that can hold the power of a prime crystal and of course and the most important, I wish a lot of Neon lights. Don't worry about the price or other dangers you will face while trying to get the ships, if someone tries to do something to you two, I will teleport immediately to you using the coordinate from the imprint." Focusing his will, he condensed two marks in the shape of an old pocket clock that was stuck in his mind.

"So, what do you say? I am not exploring any of you, I can say you two will have the easiest part. As Cassie and myself will the ones to participate in the hard battles."


Many days later, on the Blood Dragon Tribe. It was a day where the sun burned several times more than normal and most of the people there wished to jump in a pool.

Then, a blond man with a simple-looking and honest face was heading to the entrance of their base, walking towards one of the people with high positions in the tribe standing right before the entrance gate.

"Elijah, I don't think you should do this." Said a void full of worry inside the blond man's head.

"Don't worry Yawen. I know what I'm doing, just believe me. When did a plan of mine go wrong?" Just as the voice was about to respond, he quickly says: "Don't answer this question."

"He he, I believe in you just like I always have and if you need me I will give my best to help." Said the voice sweetly.

"Its good to know you have my back." Sighing to himself, Elijah gave a deep breath to preparing his acting and continued on his way before he stopped in front of the same person who was leading the Blood Dragon Tribe's people on Kine Village in his past time and asked in a slightly scared tone as if he felt intimidated by the man's presence.

"Hello mister, I would like to join in tribe."

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