Supreme Origin: Time King

Chapter 191

Chapter 191: Sky Beast

Before leaving the alternate world, Elijah was climbing on a immensely tall pillar that extended to above the clouds.

"How much do I have to climb until I see the Primal Elemental Temple? I can't even fly!" Elijah cursed loud.  After two days of climbing, he could not wait to reach the temple.Sometimes, he would also communicate with his armament.

"Can you explain why having the armament, wings and beast is so important?"

[Of course, as you know your wings are the manifestation of your energy while the armament is the manifestation of your body/blood and the beast is your spirit. When merged together, you can choose either of them to have the power of trinity for a short moment of time. At the same time, the standalone version of each one of your manifestation would be able to evolve with time just like you can merge three sky beasts together to make a definitive Ultra Sky Beast.](Armament) 

[Exactly! I can also evolve given certain circumstances. Evolution is very good, but of course it's impossible for us to beat our trinity forms just with evolution alone.](Wings)josei

[Brother Wing, are you awake too? Finally someone I can talk with, did you know I saw our highness mastu...](Armament)

"Shut up! Speak one more word and I will cripple myself." Silence followed afterwards and Elijah smiled victoriously. Like this, he climbed the pillar with the voices of two annoying beings in his head and when he thought it could not be worse, the four silly angels woke up inside the origin gate hall and joined in the conversation.

"With so many voices in my head you might as well call me crazy." Sighing sadly, Elijah acted like he could not hear anything and just continued with the climbing. Finally, he could  see the silhouette of a huge island devoid of anything other than a pure-white temple surrounded by a four-colored aura.

[Welcome your highness into this temple.] A respectful voice spoke as two tall gates opened revealing a translucent winged-man. Noticing Elijah's vague glare, the man bowed and continued.

[Of course, how could I forged... This one is your  highness faithful servant and keeper of the temple, Nevae. Follow me] (Nevae)

Walking behind the keeper Nevae, Elijah noticed they were in a hall surrounded by huge ivory statues. Each one representing a specific scene. A small boy standing before a crowd of old man  with two winged figures flying above him. Next was two middle-aged, one with golden hair and the other with silver hair standing side by side, facing a galaxy-size huge eye and many giant squids in a sea.

Without noticing the passage of time, he continued until he stopped before a white snow-white altar covered in frost. Above the altar, a fist-sized egg could be seen radiating with a colorless light. A intense familiarity was felt by Elijah who put his hand on the egg without even thinking.

Shiiii! The density of the light increased before the egg dissolved in a white soup leaving behind a snowy and fluffy ball. Moving its head gently, it open its thin mouth devouring all the white soup. 

"Kriii!" Staring at Elijah's two golden eyes and hair. This thin creature flickered while screaming.  Soon, it's white fur and red eyes gained a golden radiance. It was clear that this furry little thing was trying to look a bit more like Elijah.

Seeing the small rabbit staring at him with its two intelligent eyes before turning around like it was asking if the new look was good.

"Oh... You are a pretty amazing creature aren't you?" Taking his sky beast in his arms, Elijah could feel the deep connection between the two of them. Because it was just a newborn, it could not speak or send mind-voice to him, but Elijah felt they would be great partners.

Returning to the camp, Yawen was waiting for him in the bedroom when she saw the golden rabbit resting on top of his head.

"So cute! What is it?" Taking the little sky beast in her arms, she felt the the soft fur with her fingers as she devotedly petted the sky beast who was closed its eyes contently.

"It is my sky beast. I guess my destiny has been decided for a long time." Knowing things would change anything as all will end the same no matter what he did. So Elijah has given up on discovering the truth. Sometimes you just need to let fate follow its course.

"Oh..." Yawen lowered her head to continue stroking the sky beast while waiting for Elijah to speak.

"I was thinking of having you stay here while increasing our influence on this side. Take this ship with you, it is a origin spaceship and it can travel beyond dimensions and even return to our reality. I've cracked the code and I'm able to teleport back and forth so I will come back every month."  


A masked-man was staring at the void. At this moment, all the illusions he cast vanished and only there was only him left.

"I have been running all my life, but now it's time for me to stop." Taking out the mask, he turned his old eyes to a particular blue star hidden in the darkness of the universe. 

"Soon, the last time war will start. The last time war where only one person will survive and where the beginning of the end will be set." Inside his mind, he thought of the promise he made. This promise has been hidden in his heart for more time than this universe itself. 

Behind him, a blond female appeared. Black-white aura around her, she was obviously more powerful than most gods.

"Sis, i send you to a place but I will have to wipe your memories about this me before I do that." His voice was serene and without any emotion. But it was completely different for the female as she could feel the deep feelings of worry he was hidding.

"Okay, I trust you Ell."

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