Supreme Ruler: Reincarnated as the Emperor's Bastard Son

Chapter 50 Spar

Chapter 50 Spar

Days passed by as Ashoka grew. Before realizing Ashoka had grown into a healthy kid.

His daily training got harsher as time passed and his powers increased by leaps and bounds.

At the age of ten, Ashoka managed to become a three-star knight surpassing the record of Ashera Maurya!

Of course, No was aware of that fact, he made sure to only display the strength that he intended to show to others on the outside.

[I am sick of this boring place...]

Draco's annoyed tone was heard. He was already tired of living in the tempest manor by now.

In the first place, he was a Dragon, not to mention the monarch of dragons.

Dragons were the species that acted on their instincts, they did whatever they liked without any hesitation. Being confined in one place was unfamiliar for them.

'Stop whining and let me concentrate.'

Ashoka was as usual training to improve his strength.

There was not a single day in the tempest manor where the day went by without Ashoka sheeding sweats of hard work.

And today was no different either, He was casually training immersed in the repeated movement when Alberad came to him and offered to spar.

Ashoka being the training manic he is, didn't let go of the offer and readily agreed to it.

"Ready your sword, Ashoka. Let us begin."

Alberad said taking out a sword himself.

It was the first time Alberad wielded a sword since coming to the tempest manor.

Even when teaching the sword, he never actually held the sword, he either just monitored the movements of the children and corrected them or left them to the other instructs as a whole.

So, Ashoka was pretty excited to spar with Alberad, who was called the sword of the emperor.

And the excitement didn't come alone, he was just as nervous facing an expert.

He nervously gripped the hilt of the sword.

"I am ready, Sir."

Even though Ashoka was excited to spar with Alberad, he couldn't help but shudder at his Aura.

His consciousness was screening that the one in front of him was an opponent whom he couldn't even dream to defeat at his current level.

But despite that, Ashoka was holding his ground because he knew that it was a valuable experience and he wouldn't get another chance like this to spar with a high-class knight.

[Make sure to pluck out the ear of that bastard]

Draco who hated Alberad from the get-to-go screened with excitement.

'you think I will be able to?'

The reality was harsh.

The one in front of Ashoka was an 8-star knight, nicknamed the sword of the emperor, Alberad Agnus himself.

It would be good enough if he manages to land a strike on him not to mention plucking out his ears.

What Ashoka was aiming for was to gain a valuable experience from this fight.

"Remember to maintain a strong stance and keep your eye on your opponent at all times. And don't forget to breathe."

Ashoka took a deep breath and assumed a defensive stance at Alberad's instructions.

Alberad smiled in content and lunged forward with a quick thrust.

It was a fast and fierce attack without any unnecessary movements.

The attack came as a surprise but Ashoka managed to parry the attack.

He even counterattacked with a swift swipe.

Alberad blocked the strike and stepped back with swift movements, "Good form, Ashoka. But your movements lack conviction. You must commit to your attacks and follow through with force."

Ashoka nodded and got ready for the next exchange.

Alberad launched a flurry of attacks, testing Ashoka's defenses

Ashoka gritted his teeth and defended against the attacks while using his sword as a shield.

It wasn't very effective but nevertheless better than receiving them head on.josei

Each attack was fierce and receiving the attacks felt as if he was slammed by a mammoth.

Despite that Ashoka managed to fend off the attacks with quick and agile movements, dodging the attacks he could and defending against those he couldn't.

"Impressive, to think you can defend against my attacks! But don't get too cocky. You still have much to learn."

Ashoka grinned in response to Alberad.

"Yes, instructor."

Alberad paused for a second and observed Ashoka's stance.

"Your footwork is sloppy. You need to focus on your footing and maintain a strong foundation."

As expected of an 8-star grand knight, one look was enough to find loopholes in Ashoka's form.

Ashoka tried to adjust his stance but the lack of a good footwork technique was clearly showing in his form.

Alberad didn't wait around for Ashoka and suddenly charged forward with a powerful strike.

Ashoka sidestepped and barely managed to dodge the attack and countered it with a swift strike to the Alberad's side.

Alberad dodged with ease while stepping back and grinned.

"Well done. You're getting the hang of it."

Ashoka smiled bitterly and raised his sword again.

"I couldn't even touch you though."

It was harder than Ashoka had imagined.

Alberad didn't even seem to be trying while it was taking his all for Ashoka to fend of Alberad's attack.

"You are disappointed that you couldn't harm me? Haha! You are the only 10-year kid who would dare of thinking of hurting an 8-star knight"

It was like a kitten going against a fully grown tiger, even the comparison between them was unfair.

"Nothing is impossible if you have the will to do it"

Ashoka said with a serious expression, he was genuinely trying to at least graze Alberad in the spar which he failed miserably.

Alberad nodded, "Of course, Having the will is important but you must also be wise enough to choose the correct opponent"

A resolve without power is meaningless.

Ashoka understood Alberad's words and bowed to him.

"I'll keep that in mind"

Alberad smiled in content and said, "Remember, sword fighting is more than just technique. It's about discipline, focus, and the hunger for strength. Keep practicing, and you'll become a true master."

Ashoka said respectfully "Yes, instructor. I will do my best."

"But you have to continue the spar right now"

Alberad said as he launched a barrage of attacks again.

Their spar didn't end for another four hours and that day, Ashoka was seen crawling back to his dorm in a bloody state where as Alberad was seen once again sleeping carelessly on the stage built at the corner of the training grounds.


Power System:-(filler)

In this world, there were two kinds of systems to represent an individual's power.

They are Circles and Stars.

Circles are used by the mages who form circles around their mana heart. As a mage's mana density and knowledge of the magic increases, new circles will form around the mana heart, continuously circling over it.

The number of circles represents the strength of the mage.

For example, Sage Vyasa, the master of the 7th magic tower was an eight-circle grand magician where as Sage Chanakya, the sage of wisdom is a 9th-circle Archmage.

According to the number of circles one possessed, a unique title was given to them.

One circle  -> Apprentice Mage

Two Circle  ->  Beginner Mage

Three Circle  -> Intermediate Mage

Four Circle  -> Mage Marshal

Five Circle  -> Mage General

Six Circle  -> Advanced Magician

Seven Circle  -> High Magician

Eight Circle  -> Grand Magician

Nine Circle  -> Archmage

Similarly, for Knights, the power of an individual is represented by the number of stars one has.

Instead of circles, Knights form stars around their heart, which continuously revolve around the mana heart.

The reason for the change is that it is easier for the knights to draw out mana and imbue it into their body and physical objects when it is in the form of stars rather than in form of circles which helps the mage to imbue the mana into their magic circle.

Similar to Mages, Knights also have their own power system.

One circle  -> trainee Knight

Two Circle  -> Beginner trainee Knight

Three Circle  ->  Beginner Knight

Four Circle  -> Intermediate Knight

Five Circle  -> Knight Marshal

Six Circle  -> Knight General

Seven Circle  -> Advanced Knight

Eight Circle  -> The Grand Knight

Nine Circle  -> Astral Knight

Aside from Knights and mages, there are other types of professions that people pursue like healers, alchemists, physicians, scholars,s and many more.

Many other rare professions also exist in the world of 'Pruthvi', which will be introduced and explained further into the story.

That's it for the power system explanation about the mages and knights! (^.^)

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