Supreme Ruler: Reincarnated as the Emperor's Bastard Son

Chapter 91 91

Chapter 91 91

The day dawned and the son rose in the sky driving away the darkness.

Ashoka along with Hema who had accompanied him to the Tower of Wisdom was ready to set off to the capital.

"The preparations are complete, young master"

"Hmm...I will say farewells to the master before we depart, make sure to pack everything we need"

Ashoka wanted to meet Sage Chanakya once before he left for the capital since he didn't know when he would get the chance to see him again.

"Yes, young master"

Hema replied faithfully and began to load the things to the carriage with the help of some maids of Tower.

Walking along the corridor of the tower, Ashoka was the remainder of many fond memories.

It has been 4 years.

And there were thousands of memories he had made in the meantime.

The repetitive daily training he had with the knight cadets and Sage Chanakya.

The spars he had with knight Karguel.

The launch time, that he enjoyed with the cadets.

The time when he sneaked out of Tower to see the nearby village festival.

There were many movements like this that were very precious to him.

To him, who only knew suffering in his past life, these four years have been the happiest thing that he experienced.

"You seem to have had a good time, Ashoka"

He didn't know when but Sage Chanakya had arrived before him when he was lost in his thoughts.

"It has indeed been a time where I enjoyed my life, master"

Ashoka wasn't very surprised by his sudden appearance, as he was aware of his master's powers.

For someone like him, who has reached the pinnacle of magic, bending the space to his will was nothing but an easy task.

"You seem to have something to say for me"

Sage Chanakya asked smiling in a mysterious manner.

Ashoka smiled back in response and bowed respectfully.

"I have learned many things from you and the Tower, thank you for having me here for all these years, Master"

Ashoka didn't lift up his head and waited for Sage Chanakya's answer.

It was the respect that he had for his master.

"You are not the only one who had learned something, Ashoka. I too have learned things from you, as for as that matter goes, I am grateful for you to have become my disciple"josei

Sage Chanakya, the 9th star mage, who was said to be the strongest mage in the Mauryan empire is saying that he had learned something from a 14-year kid!

It showed the humbleness of the man called, Chanakya.

His nature of speaking truth regardless of his position or power. It was something that was hard to come by.

"All I have to say for you is just one thing, Ashoka. Never, ever use your powers on the weak and innocent. Whatever the situation may be, Use your power for the sake of others not for your own greed"

That was all Sage Ashoka had to say to his disciple.

"I will follow you will, Master"

"Then, go on your path, we shall meet soon if fate decides"

That's the last words Ashoka heard before the silence once again descended in the hallway.

There was no trace of Sage Chanakya left anywhere, that was the power of the strongest mage of Maruyan.

"Thank you for everything, Master!"

Ashoka once again bowed in the direction where he disappeared despite Sage Chanakya's absence and left after some time.


The carriage to carry Ashoka and Hema to the capital was ready and waiting for the master to arrive.

Just before the Carraige, the whole knight cadets group along with instructor Karguel were standing to send off Ashoka.

Ashoka arrived shortly and everyone exchanged a few words before his departure.

"Be healthy, my prince"

"I will look forward to our next spar, young master"

"I will definitely try to get a hit in our next fight, young master"

"Don't forget to train every day, prince Ashoka"

There were all kinds of things being said to him and Ashoka simply gave them a wry smile.

The talk went on for some time before Ashoka bowed to them deeply.

"Young master....what are you doing?"

"My prince....."

He was the prince of the empire, and bowing in front of some mere cadets was unacceptable, more than that there were even some peasants in the group.

A prince bowing in front of peasants was simply unacceptable.

"Thank you for having me"

Ashoka didn't care for any of their concerns and shouted loudly.

The customs, difference between classes, peasants and commoners, status, it may all go to hell for all he cared.

Ashoka was truly thankful for them and wanted to express it, he didn't think of anything more or less.

Hema who watched Ashoka's figure smiled with pride. The pride of having risen him in a good way.

The cadets and Karguel gave a wry smile and bowed back to Ashoka in response.

""It was a pleasure, My Prince""

No more words were exchanged as Ashoka rode his carriage with Hema along the dusty road that led from the Tower of Wisdom to the center of the Mauryan capital.

"Wait for me, young master"

There was that one murmur that disappeared without being heard by anyone as Ashoka's carriage disappeared along the dusty road.


The journey was long, but Ashoka knew he had to reach the royal palace as quickly as possible.

The ceremony was nearing and he had to receive the land personally from the emperor.

He couldn't afford to make the emperor wait.

Along the way, Ashoka switched to raiding the horse as he was getting bored inside the carriage.

As he rode, the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the road.

Ashoka urged his horse to go faster, knowing that he needed to reach the royal palace soon.

However, Ashoka soon realized that something was wrong.

"My prince"

Hema to too seemed to have noticed the things as she urged Ashoka to stop.

"I know, Hema"

Up ahead, Ashoka saw a group of trolls blocking the road.

There were about ten to twenty of them.

Trolls were massive creatures with thick, leathery skin, and razor-sharp claws.

Although Ashoka need not be worried about them as he had Hema, who was a 6-star knight just beside him, He was interested in them

He was interested to find out if he was strong enough to defeat them.

The trolls had incredible regenerative power, which meant that they could heal from even the most serious injuries in a matter of seconds. This made them almost impossible to kill. But Ashoka was not afraid. He was a skilled warrior, and he had faced many dangers in his life.

He drew his sword and charged at the trolls, his horse galloping at full speed. The trolls roared in anger and charged towards him, their massive bodies shaking the ground. Ashoka swung his sword, aiming for the trolls' heads. But they were too quick, and his sword missed its mark.

The trolls attacked with ferocity, their claws slicing through the air. Ashoka dodged their blows, moving his horse in a zigzag pattern to avoid their attacks. He struck back with his sword, aiming for their limbs. But the trolls' regenerative powers allowed them to heal from his cuts almost instantly.

The fight went on for what felt like hours, Ashoka and the trolls locked in a deadly dance. The trolls' claws tore at his clothes, leaving deep gashes in his skin. Ashoka gritted his teeth and fought on, his determination unwavering.

Finally, Ashoka saw his chance. One of the trolls had lost its balance, and he took advantage of the opportunity. He rode his horse towards the troll, aiming for its head. His sword hit its mark, and the troll fell to the ground, its regenerative power unable to save it from the blow.

The other trolls roared in anger, but Ashoka did not back down. He charged at them, his sword flashing in the sunlight. The trolls fought back with all their might, but they were no match for his skill and determination.

In the end, Ashoka emerged victorious. The trolls lay scattered on the ground, their bodies broken and lifeless. He breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had survived one of the toughest fights of his life.

He rode on, his horse carrying him towards the royal palace. The journey was long and tiring, but he pushed himself to keep going. Finally, he arrived at the palace gates, his horse covered in sweat and dust.

The guards at the gate looked at him in awe, marveling at his courage and strength. They opened the gates and let him in, and he rode through the palace courtyard towards the throne room.

As he entered the throne room, he saw the emperor sitting on his throne, surrounded by his courtiers. Ashoka dismounted from his horse and walked towards the emperor, his head held high.

"Your Majesty," he said, bowing low. "I have arrived"

"Your Majesty," he said, bowing low. "I have arrived"

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