Survival Story of a Sword King

Chapter 255

Chapter 255

Chapter 255

I Do What I Can Do (4)

Lelm de Fars, the headquarters of the Althea Church in southern Allendia.

A golden river flew over the holy city, built at the foot of the huge Taron Mountains to the south.

Catillon of Light and the tens of thousands of angels he led were hovering above it.

Standing tall amid the brilliant sky, Catillon frowned as he looked at the city.


Was that the city of light?

It was glowing too much.


The entirety of it was in flames.

Most of the buildings collapsed, and the towers and battlements were charred.

Still, there was not a single person in it.

Of course, that wasn’t done by the Devil’s powers.

When the apostle arrived, it was already in that state.

The Althea Church set its territory on fire and fled to its headquarters.

“I’m at a loss.”

Catillon was ordered to attack it, properly filtering out Latnains and destroying the entire city to a state of suspension as a result, but…

“What am I supposed to do?”

The other apostles of the Devil were also having similar problems to Catillon.

It wasn’t just Althea of Light.

Yessen of Fire, Rhamniana of Water, Preleu of Wind, and Sorondi of Earth.

The locations of their Churches were in the same situation.

Their cities had already been destroyed, and those who needed to be filtered out had already scattered.

“How do I proceed?”

But the suffering of the apostles didn’t last long.

“Judgment is for Omphalos, our great Lord.”

“Faithful servants just follow.”

Their prayers reached their God.

‘What should I do?’

They heard a response from God.

“It’s unexpected, but those aren’t beyond the scope of our plan.”

Omphalos continued nonchalantly, examining the burning Churches through his apostles.

“Come back. There’s nothing more to do there.”

* * * josei

At a large building that was once the western residence of Armorica and was now a temporary palace, hundreds of priests gathered.

Pope Atlas I of the Althea Church and Saintess Alexis Renaulta.

Pope Tolston and Saintess Cecilia Bayle of the Rhamniana Church.

They were seniors of both Churches.

The Fairy King Sormel greeted them politely.

“Well done. It would never have been an easy decision…”

Atlas shook his head.

“The incarnation of darkness commanded it. How can we not obey?”

As always, Ryu Han-bin’s opinion was simple.

If they couldn’t protect all six Churches, they just had to bring them all together.

Using Effir’s mobility, he found a way to contact them.

Armorica’s network was destroyed, but some temples of the Churches were still intact. As the center of the continent where all the wealth of Latna gathered, there was a separate crystal ball for communication.

Artis found a usable one and activated it. Leon Hart, the Templar Lord of Kybriel, delivered the command of the incarnation to each Church.

Each Church, of course, didn’t take it easy.

It was unthinkable for those who served Goddesses to abandon the main headquarters of their denomination, especially since they were meant to be protected even at the cost of their lives.

It was no different from telling the head of the household to kill their beloved family and seek refuge alone.

But they couldn’t help it.

The situation was that urgent.

-Human life is more important than mere buildings.

They left their bases with tears of blood under the incarnation’s command.

They set fire to and destroyed the cities as well.

Each Church had accumulated valuable treasures, knowledge, and wisdom for many years, and they couldn’t take all of those with them.

But they couldn’t let the spawns of the Devil destroy such precious objects.

Hence, they buried everything deep in their basements and made the structures collapse over them.

Only by direct destruction could the underground warehouse appear to be completely collapsed on the surface while actually keeping it safe and sound.

Afterward, they gathered in Armorica, avoiding fights as much as possible.

The relatively close Althea and Rhamniana Churches had already arrived, and the Yessen, Preleu, and Sorondi Churches were also moving across the continent.

Of course, they couldn’t help but run into the escapees of the Four Prohibited Areas, so just retreating to where the rest were already cost a lot of bloodsheds.

Cecilia, the Saintess of Water, anxiously asked Sormel.

“Have you heard anything about the Templar Lords?”

Sormel shook his head without saying a word.

There was still no information on the elite forces of the defeated Three Continental Powers.

Alexis, the Saintess of Light, suddenly looked around.

“By the way, where’s the incarnation of darkness?”

They couldn’t see Kibie and her colleagues like the Sword King and the Spiritual Boxer. Only an old Spiritist was there in their stead.

Plater spoke.

“They’re heading to the Church of Darkness.”

The Darkness Church hadn’t arrived yet.

Since it was the closest to Armorica, they should have arrived first.

“I hear they have work to do there.”

* * *

At the headquarters of the Kybriel Church, in the middle of the sky overlooking Scotaskia, the silver-maned Wyvern carrying a giant warrior on her back actively flew among a large group of angels.


A red wave separated the golden river with a shout.

Dozens of angels fell like leaves at the might of his sword.

“Let’s go again, Effir!”


Holding onto Effir’s mane, Ryu Han-bin glared at his opponents.

A group of angels was split once more, causing them to spill golden fluids.


Flying swiftly through the explosion, Han-bin squinted.

As he had felt in Armorica, these angels were a little different from the other enemies he met in Latna.

“As expected, no matter how many times I kill them, I don’t get any experience.”

“So do I.”

Was it because they were under the Devil? Or was there another reason?

“It doesn’t matter.”

With a smile full of ferocity, Ryu Han-bin swung his Gigant.

“I’ll be able to fight without worrying about leveling up!”

Effir focused on flying, and Ryu Han-bin kept bombarding the opponents with Aura.

It had long been proven how powerful their combination was in aerial warfare.

Many angels died without even being able to touch them.

Some of them ignored the two and aimed for the Kybriel Church directly instead, but Ryu Han-bin didn’t care.

There was no need to worry.

A large number of powerful allies were guarding it.

Leon Hart, Artis, Kibie, and of course.…


Green Breath raged and wiped angels on the ground.

A series of colorful Breaths followed it.

Earth Dragons Saltus and Cranolus, Fire Dragon Willard, Black Dragon Spianon, and Blue Dragon Capinotia.

As many as five giant Dragons were guarding Scotaskia with their lives on the line.

They were the Ancient Dragons of Upper Draconium, held in the Church of Darkness since they lost against Han-bin and his group.

Instead of standing on Saltus’s back and swinging her spear, Kibie smiled bitterly.

“I didn’t expect you guys to be so aggressive.”

The Ancient Dragons protested, saying they were falsely accused.

“We were just tied up.”

“I thought you were just a false incarnation.”

“Now that I know the truth…”

“As a Latnain, how can I not do my best against the power of the Devil?”

Kibie squinted.

From the eyes of an incarnation, not a goddess, she could tell what they were thinking.

‘You’re trying to make a good impression, aren’t you?’

Well, it wasn’t bad.

No, rather, their credibility went up dramatically. That was how hard they were fighting.

She yelled.


“I know!”

Agreeing with her, Ryu Han-bin glared at the angel with the silver armor, hovering beyond the group of angels. He conjured up all of his Aura.

-Valtara’s Fighting Spirit!

His 90%-complete fighting spirit wrapped around his body with an explosion.

Bleeding, Han-bin stood tall on Effir’s back.

“Let’s go, Effir!”

“Got it!”

Telbaran of Darkness opened his wings and pulled out his golden sword.

“Latna’s strongest!”

They watched on purpose to see how strong the giant Valtara warrior was, and they finally got an answer.

Only with the divinity that Omphalos had given them could they handle him!

“Taste the power of the true God!”

Telbaran activated the entirety of his power.

At that moment…

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

Han-bin stretched out his Gigant with a sly expression.

-Lord Throughout Heaven and Earth!

Intangible energy bound the apostle of the Devil tightly.

Telbaran turned pale.

“Oh, my God, how? Is he a chosen one?”

He didn’t expect or understand what just happened.

‘Didn’t I beat your colleague already? Why are you so surprised?’

Regardless, it was a good opportunity.

Even if Ryu Han-bin was superior in performance, his opponent wasn’t weak, but he just showed an opening!

‘No matter how dull I am, I’m not going to miss this!’

Gigant shone red as he unleashed the Valtara’s Three Swords.

Valtara’s Pierce, Valtara’s Cross, Valtara’s Hack.

A series of destruction was fired through Telbaran.

-Triple Cross Attack, Cross Impact!

* * *

Han-bin didn’t use the Heavenly Sword Diastima on purpose. He didn’t want to give the Devil all the information about him yet.

Cross Impact was enough anyway.


Telbaran crashed to the ground in a torrent of blood.

Ryu Han-bin and Effir immediately descended and followed. Kibie, Artis, and Leon Hart quickly chased after him as well.


When Telbaran managed to raise his head, he was already surrounded by all of Han-bin’s party.

“I refuse to be humiliated in defeat…”

Gritting his teeth, the apostle of the Devil opened his eyes.

“I can’t afford to be caught up in this.”

Light emerged from his eyes.

“Mistakes must come at a price!”

With a low voice, Telbaran exploded.

His particles spread all over the place, and he soon completely disappeared.

Han-bin murmured in surprise.

“Huh? Did he just kill himself?”

Leon Hart shook his head.

“Probably not… suicide.”

The body disappeared.

It was a phenomenon similar to what happened to Aliens upon death.

“Isn’t it because he’ll just return to Omphalos and be resurrected?”

“I see,” Effir said.

“I guess the only reason he had left was that he wasn’t dead.”

Certainly, if Earthlings didn’t die, parts of their bodies would remain in Latna for a while.

“I’m sure he’ll be brought back to life sooner or later.”

Ryu Han-bin scratched his head, finding it hard to understand.

“Why did he struggle to live like that?”

Kibie sighed with relief.

“That aside, we’ve accomplished our mission.”

Telbaran had completely disappeared. Fortunately, however, they got what they wanted.

The gap and loophole of the apostles, barely identified by Shadow-Reading.

Han-bin looed at the faint golden particles on both of his hands.

“What’s that?”

“A key to unlocking the door I need to open.”

Nervous, Kibie folded her hands in front of ers chest.

“If everything works out well, this will open the way to Kybriel’s sanctuary.”

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