Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 150

Chapter 150

Chapter 150



One of the White Tiger students was astonished by Yi-Han's impassive reaction.

Shouldn't he be more surprised?

"Isn't that surprising?"

"Not particularly," Yi-Han replied coolly.

In fact, that level of treasure was probably among the easier ones to obtain.

A blazing pile of firewood.

Even from the outside, its danger was palpable.

The real peril lay in the traps that could not be detected until one reached the treasure chest.

Yi-Han had not forgotten how the skull principal had once laid a trap beneath the sandy beach after making him cross a lake.



Yi-Han greeted the muscular, short Dwarf—no, Elf.

It seemed Salko and his gang were also eyeing that treasure chest.

The White Tiger students, arms crossed, looked on unwillingly to retreat.

The ownership of the chest was still undecided, a palpable tension hung in the air.

'Are there no students from the Blue Dragon?'

Among the followers of the princess, he spotted Nebren of the Kirak family.

Yi-Han asked Nebren, "Where have our tower's students gone?"

"They thought it better to look elsewhere than get stuck in the middle of this..."

"And you?"

"I was considering how to present this to the princess."

'Royalty lives too comfortably,' thought Yi-Han, annoyed.

"Nebren. The princess wouldn't want you to present that to her. Why? Because a treasure only holds value when obtained through one's own strength."

"Is... is that so?"

Few among the Blue Dragon students could withstand Yi-Han's serious words.

Moreover, Nebren, who admired the princess, was swayed by Yi-Han, the student closest to her.

"Look at Prince Gainando. He always seeks to achieve things on his own."

"But Prince Gainando never had anyone offer him anything to begin with...?"

"Royal dignity isn't just inherited by blood. It's completed by one's own actions. Now, Nebren. Do you truly respect the princess?"

"I... I see... You're right."

"Right. Don't present anything, just live your life."

As Nebren left, impressed, someone began to clap.

Salko and his gang clapped, deeply moved.

"...Stop that."

"Why? Others should hear this too..."

Left alone, Salko might drag passersby, saying, 'Hey, Wardanaz will give you a great speech.'

Yi-Han quickly changed the subject.

"So, about that pile of blazing wood... Have you tried putting out the fire?"

"Wardanaz. Aren't you underestimating us?"

One of the White Tiger students grumbled.

A month into the magic academy, they could all use some magic.

Of course, they couldn't compare to someone like Wardanaz, who had mastered ancient magic and various dark arts even before entering the academy...

"We tried, of course. Look."

One student summoned water.

A fist-sized ball of water was poured over the burning wood, instantly evaporating.

Salko nodded in agreement.

"We tried with earth too."

Salko, reputed in earth elemental magic as befitting his stonemason background, had also failed to extinguish the fire with dirt.

"Did you fail too? Then it must be a tricky magic fire," Yi-Han concluded.


The White Tiger student was infuriated.

Was his attempt ignored in favor of the elf's?

'How many spells are on this?'

Yi-Han, unconcerned, approached the pile of firewood.

He felt the complex flow of magic intertwined within the blazing flames.

'First, there's a spell to keep the flame burning...'


Yi-Han swung his staff.

Apparently, there was a precaution against magic removal, as the magic didn't take hold.

"It seems we must enter directly."



At Yi-Han's words, the other tower students sighed as if they were resigned to this fate.

In fact, they had somewhat anticipated this before Yi-Han's arrival.

-Do we have to go in and fetch it ourselves?-

An unquenchable flame and an immovable treasure chest.

There was only one thing this implied.

Enter and retrieve it yourself!

"Isn't that basically a death sentence?"

"Really, he's too much, being an undead."

Watching the murmuring students, Yi-Han spoke.

"I have learned a spell to resist fire."


Salko nodded expressionlessly. One of his gang, surprised, asked, "Salko, did you know? Isn't that astonishing?"

"I was just getting surprised."

"Oh, I see."

The White Tiger students gathered and discussed among themselves.

-Wardanaz knows how to cast a fire resistance spell…-

-Who will go in?-

-Isn't it too dangerous, even so?-

-Wardanaz isn't one to boast about magic. We can't let the students of the Black Tortoise go first.-

-Fine. I'll go in.-

One of Salko's gang cocked his head, overhearing the conversation.

'Those White Tiger guys. Does none of them feel suspicious that Wardanaz knows a fire resistance spell?'

As far as he knew, casting a fire resistance spell on someone else was significantly more difficult.

It wasn't a spell for a freshman to claim they could calmly perform.

"Wardanaz! We're ready. Cast the spell!"

"But do you really trust me enough to enter the flame?"

Yi-Han asked, as if puzzled.

The White Tiger students fell silent, then looked at each other.

"I don't trust your character, but I trust your magic, Wardanaz."

"That's rather bold for someone about to receive a fire resistance spell from me."

The attitude of the White Tiger students became markedly more respectful.

"No... Wardanaz... Why are you..."

"Just kidding. Wait a moment."

Before casting the spell on the White Tiger students, Yi-Han summoned a ball of water to slightly reduce the firewood's flames.

"Spring forth!"

No matter how strong the magic, continuous attacks would weaken it.

A gigantic water ball, unlike anything the other students had summoned, sprang into existence.

'To summon this much water in a place without a single drop nearby...?!'

The other tower students looked at Yi-Han's magic with a mix of awe and reverence.

It was easy to forget, seeing him often defeat others with mere water beads, but the boy before them was not just skilled in magic combat.

A masterpiece raised by the Wardanaz family, known for exploring the mysteries of all magic!

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Yi-Han summoned and threw water ball after water ball onto the flames.

Then, the flames of the firewood pile simply extinguished.josei





The first to regain his composure was Yi-Han.


Yi-Han leaped onto the pile of firewood, grabbed the treasure chest, and dashed off in the opposite direction.

His speed was so astonishing that even the students from the White Tiger, who were of knightly heritage, reacted a step too late.

"Hey!! Hey!!! Wardanaz, you rascal!"

"Come back! Let's talk this out calmly!!"

Salko, with his arms crossed, watched Yi-Han's disappearing figure and said to his gaping gang.

"See? I told you. Never deal with Wardanaz alone."

"Understood... Understood, Salko."

Yi-Han, having enhanced his physique with and distracted his pursuers with , quickly shook them off.

'No one's following.'

Confirming he wasn't being pursued, Yi-Han walked proudly with the chest tucked under his arm.

"Professor Garcia!"

Upon spotting the Troll professor walking ahead, Yi-Han felt a sense of warmth and comfort.

This professor offered a reassurance that others in the magic academy simply could not.

"Student Yi-Han?"

"Good day, Professor."

"That treasure chest... Isn't it the one the principal enchanted? Impressive that you retrieved it."

Professor Garcia deduced the magic on the treasure chest just by its appearance.

Indestructible flames, anti-control spells - a culmination of efforts to challenge the freshmen.

"I extinguished the fire and took it."


"But Professor, there's something I'd like to discuss."

"Ah... How did you...? Yes, of course."

Though curious about how Yi-Han obtained the chest, Garcia knew this student wasn't one to seek help without reason. It must be an important matter.

"Let's hear it then. Please, sit down."

"So, Professor Beavle Verduus keeps saying I have no talent for enchantment magic, but I feel I could learn it to a reasonable level, so I'm in a dilemma. If it's possible, I'd like to seriously study enchantment magic... I wanted your advice, Professor Garcia."


Professor Garcia clenched her fist under the table.

Then she grasped a pebble.


The pebble turned to dust.

"Don't take Professor Verduus, that bast... that person's words too seriously."

"Did you just say 'bastard'?"

"Professor Verduus is indeed a great mage, but he's somewhat indifferent to student education and levels."

"I thought as much."

Yi-Han had already sensed it.

That's why he sought Professor Garcia's opinion.

It wasn't really surprising.

Embarrassed to have acknowledged the poor state of the magic academy's education in front of a student, Professor Garcia cleared her throat awkwardly.

"Student Yi-Han."


"You do have talent in enchantment magic."


"To say you just have talent would be an understatement. You're practically a prodigy. You should definitely pursue enchantment magic. You must."


A spell that etches the illusion of a dragon made of light inside a paper.


A spell that projects resistance against fire elements not onto oneself, but into another matter.

These weren't spells a first-year student, just starting to learn enchantment magic, could master.

'Perhaps the unique amount of mana that student Yi-Han possesses is best suited for enchantment magic...'

His enormous mana often caused destruction and failure during enchantment, but considering that, it became a powerful advantage.

He could attempt endlessly without rest.

Effects that normally required different methods could be achieved simply through sheer mana.

Even if there were errors in the structure or circulation of the magic circle, leading to an overall lack of mana, it didn't matter.

Upon reflection, these were all formidable advantages.

These strengths, combined with Yi-Han's exceptional magic talent, likely contributed to his success in enchantment magic.

"Thank you, Professor Garcia. Your words have helped me decide. I will diligently learn enchantment magic."

Hearing Professor Garcia speak so, Yi-Han decided to focus solely on learning enchantment magic.

Originally, he was highly interested in it, being the most lucrative field of study. Having heard such words, there was no reason not to pursue it.

'The professor is a bit odd, but all the professors at this magic academy are, anyway. If the other seniors have managed, I certainly can too.'


As Yi-Han spoke, Professor Garcia suddenly snapped back to reality.

How many magic subjects was Yi-Han planning to specialize in again?

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