Surviving in my Own Unpublished Failed Novel

Chapter 111 Urum (UR)

Chapter 111 Urum (UR)

"Mom... Dad... please go first, I have one more business to finish."

Maya missed her father and mother so much, but she knew better that it was not the right time to be emotional as it would affect her cognitive thinking to make rational decisions.

Although it's been years since she last saw her parents, she vividly remembers their eyes that were full of affection towards their daughter, and their embrace that made Maya felt safe whenever her skin touches theirs.

She's been suppressing herself to not make an outburst of emotions the moment she recognized her parents when she entered the Strayed Dungeon with Urum (UR), but she knew that every second mattered, and it made her appear like a cold daughter who seemed to be only forced in rescuing her parents.

Her father and mother looked at each other and obeyed their daughter. As parents, they inwardly knew that their daughter changed after those years that they were gone, but they clearly felt, as transparent as clean water, that their daughter's affection was being kept inside by her due to the situation they were in at this moment.

"Here's the money, please go to one of the nearest hotels from here. I'll catch up as soon as possible... Mom... Dad..."

For some reason, Amelie and Russell didn't wait for her. They even warped through her home a few hours away from this region instead of waiting near an Air Train Station. She didn't know why Russell and Amelie did it aside from avoiding being recognized by hundreds of people.

And as if her thoughts could be read from afar, another message from Amelie rang in her ears, prompting her to bid a temporary goodbye to her parents, and started to walk through the wide metallic hallway back to the central area of the underground facility.

Maya read the message, causing her lips to curl up warmly.


"Instruction from Russell on how to blow up the carts of Urum.

"Use your Delayed Bomb skill, and set it up for ten minutes, then leave the area. Don't think about the cart's composition, it seems like the cart was meant to hold the Urum exclusively, and not withstand an explosive skill.

"It's that simple, but be quick so you won't be caught up. Enjoy the fireworks!

"Anyway, we left earlier so that you can have a moment with your parents. See you, Maya. Heh heh."


Central Area, Underground Facility

Maya arrived at the central area and almost instantly saw the three carts of Urum, these carts were made from sturdy metal that was probably unordinary, it also contained glass that covered it from the top.

The blazing of fires that were caused by Markim didn't even die down, but rather still burning the metallic environment.

"Alright... this is it."

Maya took a deep breath before using one of her skills that certainly saw by Russell or Amelie using their Status Appraisal Skill.

[Activating Skill: Delayed Bomb (D+)]

Soon, bombs made of Mana with a timer attached to them as if it's something holographic appeared on Maya's hands.

These bombs were square and has a black cover, but one could see inside each bomb the bluish Mana flowing calmly, which would become soon chaotic as time passes.

Maya attached two bombs on each exterior of the cart, totaling six for three carts.

"Sigh... Done."

She turned her head and was about to quickly take her pace to leave the underground facility through the Emergency Exit when she saw a greatsword with a tail of a dragon carved on its blade.

"That's a loot."

She recognized the greatsword... It was what Markim used. Although she was curious about what fate befell him, she has no time to think about it as she grabbed the greatsword, and put it in her Dimensional Inventory as she was recognized instantly as the owner of it due to its original owner who died for reasons unknown to her, then she quickly left the area.


After two to three minutes of running, Maya arrived at the Emergency Exit that was left open, then set her foot outside as the deep night entered her eyes, as well as the bluish moon hanging on the starry sky.

She then looked around and saw no one as if the now free slaves didn't want to spend a second near this prison.

Maya opens then the System's Map that's accessible outside a Strayed Dungeon or Dungeon Tower, and navigate her way back through it to one of the nearest hotels.

"It's at least 300 meters away..."

She glanced at the Emergency Exit and the stairs reaching below it as she realized how wide and spacious the underground facility was due to its distance from the entrance she, Russell, and Amelie used to go in.

After closing the Emergency Exit from the outside, she quickly ran after using a buff that increases her Agility by a small number. Then as she ran through the forest, she saw some of the now-free slaves and passed through them.

Then, in the right direction, she saw the backs of her parents and ran to them.


"Mom... Dad...!"

Inside one of the hotel rooms that they rented, Maya opened up her emotions like a dam opening its spillway, letting the water of emotions flow to its extreme.

Her eyes bawled out in tears as she hugged her parents as soon as they entered the hotel room.

"Maya... I-I can't believe it."

Her father said in disbelief, but with tears in his eyes.

"Maya... I never thought I-I'd see—"

Sobbing could be heard as the family reunited after a long time.

"Mom... Dad... I missed you so much! I-I love you!"

She said these words that seems shameful... When one's family seemed to not be in dire situations, those words couldn't be said unless it's like in the final moments or moments of regretfulness.

Her parents' tears flowed down more, reached their cheeks, to their necks, and it touched the floor.


It's the only word that came out of her mother's mouth as it was the hug... the action that spoke to Maya of their love, and how much they missed her.


"I-I'm with my parents now... We're at..."

Maya texted Amelie as she called for room service to eat something on this deep night, almost midnight, it was also the first time in years that her parents would be able to eat something decent again after they became slaves.


Ding-! Dong-!

The sound of the doorbell entered their ears as they sat in the living room of the hotel.

"Maya... how do you have so much money?"

It was her father who asked because the hotel they checked into was something quite expensive. Their initial plan was to go to a cheap hotel, but after an advanced payment she received from Russell and Amelie, 50 million O each, totaling a hundred million, she didn't hesitate to treat her parents to an expensive hotel.

"Uhmm... I'll tell you later, Dad, but first let's eat, okay? You and Mom became thin, you know."

She walked through the door after she said that, and after some time, she placed the bunch of food they ordered as soon as she received it from the hotel maid.


Boom-! Boom-! Boom-!

Just a minute after they received their late-night meals, they heard ringing explosions from a few hundred meters away that quickly alerted the authorities of this particular region of Western Olympia.

The explosions could be seen from the hotel window as they reached at least 30 meters up through the sky, and as though an earthquake has occurred because it was from an underground location, the shaking of the earth could be felt even though they were a few hundred meters away from the explosions' focus.

The authorities quickly erected a certain barrier with the use of the government-issued artifact. This barrier negated the impact of the blast, but even though it was negated or weakened, Maya felt a chill on her back due to its destructive power.


"Knock-! Knock-!"

After the explosions, and after the authorities calmed down the civilians who woke up from their deep night's sleep, they heard a knock.

"Click-! Creak-!"

Maya opened the door and the creaking sound could be heard. She saw Amelie — who was still wearing the out-of-fashion black pants, simple black t-shirt, and a shoulder-length black veil; and Russell — who was wearing black shorts, a shirt, and a gray hooded jacket without the Mask of Night.

"...Come in."

Maya said warmly to which Amelie and Russell responded by entering the hotel room.


"Mom... Dad... meet them. They're the ones who helped me, and all of you escape from that hellhole."

Maya introduced Russell and Amelie, but she didn't say their names.

"Good evening... Ma'am and Sir, I'm Russell, and this is my companion, Amelie. We're students from Obelisk Academy."

Maya's parents couldn't believe their ears when they heard that they were Obelisk Academy students. They looked at Maya, asking for an explanation about something this absurd.

"Mom... Dad... I know it's hard to believe it, but they're really the ones who helped me. They're not normal students, and they wanted me to work for them as their personal attendant in the academy with 100 million a month as salary."

Upon hearing Maya's salary, her energetic parents who just finished eating had their eyes dilated as their mouths agape at the ridiculous amount that they might not be able to see in a lifetime unless one was a successful player, and made efforts in getting recognized.

Without waiting for Maya's parents to say anything more, Russell interjected.

"Ma'am, Sir, can you tell us about how you two ended up being a slave in that place? I know that it might be hard for you two especially since you just escaped from there, but we really need to know."

This incident was something that didn't exist in Russell's unpublished novel, but he believed that altering the story... especially in this part would be of benefit in the future.

Aside from getting Maya to his side, Russell's aim was the Urum minerals.josei

'It's the upgraded version of Uranium... If it's refined... a cart of it would probably destroy the entire Western Olympia.'

Russell said inwardly as he waits for Maya's parents' answer.

After heaving a sigh as if they wanted to take a breather and forget the horrible experiences, Maya's parents agreed in telling their story.


"That's what happened..."

It was Maya's father who told most of the story due to her mother's emotional breakdown which seems to haunt her.

Maya's fists clenched as she heard the story, she then looked at Russell and Amelie.

Maya's parents were kidnapped on a secluded road as if the kidnappers knew that they were taking that certain route. Then with Arthur Wolfson's presence, the Student Council President of the Obelisk Academy, they were forced or manipulated into signing a contract that's basically telling them to work until they die.

"I think it's the restaurant employees."

Russell nodded at Amelie's guess. The restaurant where the entrance of the underground facility was placed was certainly connected to the Shadow Guild.

"How about we pay them a visit? I'm sure they're awake after the explosions, probably contacting their boss."

Russell said to which Amelie nodded with a smile.

They bid their farewell to Maya and her parents as they vanished instantly from their spot.


"Boss! The mining facility has been attacked!

"I don't know the details right now, but the authorities that aren't on a payroll started to surround the area. What's the next move, boss? They might find the secret entrance and will be led here..."

A man in his late forties spoke calmly, awaiting the next order, through his smartwatch as he surveyed the area of explosion through the window of the second floor of the restaurant he was stationed.

"Lie low for now. The Guild Master is in his sleep, we can't wake him up at this hour to deliver the news."

The boss said firmly, he's one of the hand men of the Guild Master of Shadow Guild. He was being called a boss due to his authority of command under some branches of the Shadow Guild.

"...Copy that, I'll wait for the next or—"


The man or the manager of the restaurant didn't manage to finish his words, along with its employees that woke up due to explosions that were also part of the Shadow Guild, whether they were chefs, waiters, waitresses, or dishwashers, they were buried under the rubble as a huge, dark cross suddenly fell from the sky, destroying the entire restaurant.

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