Surviving in my Own Unpublished Failed Novel

Chapter 210 Memory Walker

Chapter 210 Memory Walker

"I haven't formally introduced myself, but I'm Tafor, an Elven Commander assigned to the Northern border of this kingdom, Elnira. I, once again, am deeply grateful for saving my comrades, Iefyr and Kerym. It doesn't matter how it's done as long as they're safe.

"Although death is something that's part of nature, we, as Elves, sure as hell wouldn't want to die in the hands of our archenemies."

In the cafeteria of the Elven Army, after the Iefyr and Kerym were considered to be miraculously cured through an unorthodox method, Tafor once again expressed his gratification as he introduced himself to Russell and his companions, who, at this moment, were waiting for the arrival of Ayleen Mayfield.

Hearing the humble tone of reverence of Tafor, Russell responded in the same manner.

"Don't sweat it. If not for the Queen's permission for us to be assisted in this mission, I don't think we'd be able to fulfill it, easily at least."

Across the table, from where the Elven Commander sat after he formally introduced himself, smiled upon hearing the last phrase that came out of the young mercenary's mouth.

"I see. I don't see any shred of hesitation. You must be confident even without the previous assistance you received, but that's commendable since relying too much on others would only hinder one's personal growth, of course, it still depends on circumstances.

"Anyways, enjoy the feast we've prepared for all of you!"

Whistling, several delicacies were delivered to their table by some Elven personnel, whose tasks were to tend to the Elven Army's healthy needs.

"Whoa… is this an Elven food? I mean, it's meat, somewhat different from the ones served in Irennora."

Amelie, sitting on the row, just beside Russell, asked in general as her ruby eyes glistened at the sight of the mouthwatering dishes.

"Don't worry. It's to your liking. Please, help yourselves. They're not poisonous."


Some Elven Soldiers on the other tables cackled at their commander's response.

"Thank you for the food."

It's Russell who made the first move as he grabbed something on the plate laid in front of him. It's rice covered with a triangular leaf wrapper. Samantha, Freya, and the others who saw his initiative felt relieved inwardly as it could only mean that what was in front of them wasn't poisonous in any way.

With that, the Umbra Mercenary group, together with numerous Elves, wolfed down the blessing and lavishness of nature, the small gain of fulfilling the first mission not as mere students and not within the comfort zone where death was afar.


After a few minutes, as Russell and the others felt the satisfaction of what they were served with, Ayleen, wearing formal black pants and fitted white polo, which accentuated her chest, arrived at the place she was told to go – an Elven Army Headquarters situated in the Northern Elnira.

"You did well in fulfilling this mission. I hope for a negative answer, but I still feel the need to ask – are there any casualties?"

In a room reserved for this crucial meeting, sitting on one of the wooden yet elegant chairs crafted by the Elves, Ayleen Mayfield, who wasn't aware of how many were part of the mission, asked in a reluctant manner, facing Russell Moon. The only individuals in this meeting room were him, Samantha Hall, Freya Moon, Amelie Rose Merveil, Amery Blight, Ken Raven, the four Elves who assisted them, and the Elven Commander, Tafor.

"Fortunately, there weren't."

Russell assured Ayleen, who then had a relieved expression as she heard the former's words.

"Ah, I apologize. I'm Ayleen Mayfield, the one who commissioned the dangerous mission under the order of the strongest human, which was witnessed by Your Majesty and the Dwarven King."

"I'm glad to meet you. I'm the commander assigned to this border, Tafor. Then these four were the ones who assisted the mercenary as per Your Majesty's permission."

Thessalia, Lusha, Iefyr, and Kerym quickly introduced themselves as each of them stood from where they were sitting, showing respect to their guest.

"Thank you for your service. I think you deserve to know the purpose of this mission since you risked your lives, too, and I deeply appreciate that."

Ayleen said in a polite manner, addressing the four Elves.

Hearing what she said, the four of them and the Elven Commander turned serious as they told themselves that whatever this mission's purpose was, was infinitely important, especially, since it involved the archenemies of the Elven Race.

"Alright. Listen to what I have to say."


"For us, humans, it's only been recently that we've come to know the existence of Vampires since we know that before the Three-Way Alliance was founded, the complete trust between the Elves, Humans, and Dwarves were not established.

"Then, before we know it, they're already at our doorstep, within the prestigious academy that nurtured our students. In addition, Your Majesty has already informed us a bit of the history, or at least some reasons why they're considered your archenemies.

"Apart from retaliating to them for intruding on our continent, we have addressed and have taken into consideration the danger it would bring if the Vampires continue to scatter throughout the human territory. That's why, even though lives might be sacrificed, we have decided to become your alliance and be proactive in this matter.

"And the purpose of the fulfilled commission is to know the ins and outs of at least a part of the territory of the Vampires. In other words, through me, the memories of the captive will be explored and whatever piece of information that can aid us in strategic war must be utilized to the fullest."

Everyone in the room listened intently to Ayleen's words, their expressions were serious. According to the long history between the Elves and Vampires, it was doomed for a war to happen at this point in time, however, it would be the first time in Elven History that the Elves would fight alongside Humans and Dwarves.

After registering the information, Tafor, the Elven Commander, spoke, fixing his eyes on Ayleen.

"...So it means you have the ability to access the memories of an individual. It'll surely be a great asset in these circumstances. Although I don't want to sound pessimistic, a Vampire Commander's memories would less likely contain some information about a Vampire Lord since they're next to Vampire Soldiers, who are considered expendable."

"Well, that might be true, but we'd get the upper hand if we've come to learn some strategic locations."

Ayleen responded, her purple eyes glistening under the dim room of branches.

"By the way, where's the captive?"

Without waiting for anyone to speak, Ayleen added:

"Ah, it would be disastrous to release them openly, so we should move to a secluded area."

Thessalia, who's taking care of the eight cerulean cubes, interjected as everyone's attention landed on her.

"What do you mean by releasing them openly?"

"You see…"

Thessalia, with the help of Lusha, explained the specifics of the matter at hand.

"Hmm… Alright then. We should move."

With Ayleen's words, everyone in the room left and proceeded to a place that's restricted even to most members of the Elven Army. It was by the Elven Commander's permission someone could only enter.


In front of a sturdy door made of nature's components, Tafor stood as he whispered some chantings using the language of the Elves – Elvish.

But because of the language-translation skill that each human present possessed, they understood the poetic words that he had spoken.

"The World Tree, Origin of Many

"Our Elven Goddess, protector against crimson.

"The nature's will, absolute will it always be..."

The roots and branches covering the door retracted by themselves, giving way for anyone to enter.

"What is this place...?"

As they took their pace inside, Amelie asked in wonder.

At this moment, they're underground at the Northern Elven Army Headquarters.

What was screened in their eyes were shimmering various items, Elven in nature.

"We have yet to get there."

Tafor, leading the way, spoke as if he responded to Amelie's puzzlement.

After walking for two to three minutes, inside this place that felt like a treasury, Tafor arrived in front of a sealed item, perhaps an artifact.

This item had an appearance of a cube, and its dimensions were around eight to nine inches. It was glowing in light blue and green.

As everyone, except the other Elves, was looking at the cube burned with curiosity in their eyes, which was now floating in front of the Elven Commander, he then explained its purpose while sharing the information through the System.


[Cube of Nature]


One of the artifacts that could mimic a small world to which it was synchronized. However, even though it's a mimic, whoever dies inside this cube will truly face death and someone will not be able to interfere from the outside.

Rank: SSS+


– The Elves will have their overall strength boosted by 100%.

– The Vampires will have their overall strength reduced by 50%.


"It's like a Virtual Reality, but with a twist."

Ayleen muttered, remembering the VR Capsules used during the Player Physical Education subject of the students.

"What's Virtual Reality?"

Thessalia asked, clearly ignorant of human technology.

"Ah, it's like a world where an individual can perform what he desires, though it contains theme and such.

"But the difference between that and the Cube of Nature is that the former, in a sense, isn't real."

"Alright. As you can see, we can release the captive inside and we'll be safe from any possible tracker the vampire might possess."

Ayleen, Russell, and the others agreed as they started to proceed with the Elven Commander's assistance.


"What are you doing?"

Samantha glanced at Russell as she asked. The expression of the latter was unknown, his thoughts couldn't be figured out.

A second or two later, Russell replied, looking at Ayleen from a distance, who then turned into blue lights – a sign of being transported within the small world of the Cube of Nature.

"Since we're not needed inside that cube, it's unnecessary for us to enter it, but I won't be stopping you if you're curious."

"Alright. I'll stay here, too."

Samantha firmly said as the other members of the mercenary group looked at them.

"No. It'll be best for you if you feed your curiosity."

"No, forget it. How about you Freya? You're going in?"

Freya was reluctant for a moment. Seeing her older brother's gaze, who then nodded in affirmation, Freya responded with a nod.

"I see. Tell me about it-"

"As the leader of the Umbra Mercenary, I hereby order you to accompany Freya and the others inside the cube."

Samantha's brown eyes constricted as she frowned upon hearing what Russell said.

"Y-you... Are you abusing-"

"You said you'd follow my orders, that's why I brought you along. I guess there would be next time-"

"Alright! Stop, okay!"

She raised her voice instinctively, causing the Elves to look at them.

"Anyone who wants to explore or accompany Ayleen, please proceed here."

One of the Elves, Lusha, spoke. Apart from Russell and Amelie, everyone went inside the Cube of Nature.


In this luxurious underground room, which was filled with Elven treasures, each might possess expensive historical value, it was only Russell, Amelie, Tofar, and Lusha who remained.josei

Finding their respective seats, and waiting for the others to come back, Russell spoke to Amelie through telepathy.

Sometime later, Amelie then spoke to the Elven Commander.

"Commander Tofar, can I explore this place? I mean, if it's alright to sightsee these items that are pleasing to my ruby eyes."

Tofar then gave his permission as Amelie started to explore the place.

On the other side of the room, Amelie whispered, but since the silence was deafening, it was enough for everyone to hear.

"Wow... Look at this, it's like the Cube just now, huh. A replica I might say...?"

"...Amelie, right? Sorry, but please refrain from touching that item."

It was Lusha who interjected.

"Ah, my bad!"

Amelie apologized, but her tone wasn't sincere.

"Is there something wrong?"

Lusha felt something was amiss.

Russell, who was taking his time on one side of the room, suddenly spoke a random phrase.

"The Crimson Goddess, her death delivered must be."

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