Surviving in my Own Unpublished Failed Novel

Chapter 232 The War "Inside" [3]

Chapter 232 The War "Inside" [3]

"...Do you need anything more?"

Scarlet Netherdawn, one of the professors of Han Jiho and also the closest aid of the Chancellor Alexander Akalchelt, asked in wonder, looking at the black-eyed young man who just entered the office of the Chancellor, who, at this very moment, was nowhere to be seen.

"...Uh, Ma'am, Miss Scarlet, I have something to consult you."

Han Jiho, looking reluctant, said in a polite manner. Scarlet then asked about the matter.

"Yes? What is it?"

Han Jiho, for some inexplicable reason of being drawn to the professor, said what was bothering him and politely requested Scarlet for some guidance. Little did Jiho know, upon hearing the words that came out of his mouth, Scarlet's fists clenched slightly, but this action of hers was barely noticeable.

Trying her best to compose herself, Scarlet said:

"...So, you want to participate in the ongoing war, on the lands ravaged and yet to be ravaged by the Vampires?"

"...Yes, that's it, but I don't know where to start, and with whom I should go. So maybe you know someone to send me with or somewhere to send me off?"


Scarlet fell silent before letting out a sigh. She wasn't certain about what reactions she should be having because a student just asked her something related to the threat to continental security. However, since it was Han Jiho, and as Scarlet knew the possible reason why the former couldn't help but reach out to the latter, she shrugged off the thought and addressed the eager student.

"...If you really are that determined, then I guess there's no stopping you. I'm afraid you'll find other ways if I just ignore your request."

A mixed expression of delight and anxiety was painted on Han Jiho's face as he heard the words that basically confirmed what he was asking. However, that expression turned into perplexity at the words that came out of Scarlet's mouth.

"...With one condition: I'll be the one accompanying you."


The classes of every academy and training center situated throughout the Orion Continent were suspended since there was no way such academics were more important than the security of the students. As the order to stay in their respective dormitory rooms, after a bit of practice with the Princess of Etheria, Elizabeth, and the seemingly adopted son of the Chancellor, Jiho, Anya Amasawa was lying on her bed in her dorm room, and just like Han Jiho, she felt helpless at the current situation even though she possessed a great desire to contribute in this war.

"...I know it will be different since the enemies will not be considerate and will kill without a second thought."

Anya muttered, glancing at the numerous crimson gigantic eyes that seemed to have originated from nowhere. These crimson eyes, which she only could see, just stared at her blankly. However, Anya was certain that these horrifying eyes that always her company, when she was alone could grasp every word that was leaving her mouth.

With a worried expression, Anya added:

"...I wonder where my Dad is. Sigh, I should go see Elizabeth since there's not much to do right now."

Anya then stood up from her bed and washed herself for some time before exiting her quiet dormitory room after wearing at least a casual attire that matched her ruby eyes and red short hair. The hallway of this building, and even the Obelisk Public Grounds, were almost empty as the students were advised not to linger around without a valid reason such as purchasing their meals in different cafeterias.

A few steps later, in front of the door of Elizabeth's dormitory room, Anya stood. She then knocked in intervals, but she was only met with silence.

"...Elizabeth! Hey, open the door! It's me, Anya!"

'...Perhaps she's sleeping?'

Anya thought, however, after some time, she heightened her senses to feel if there was anyone inside Elizabeth's room, only to realize that no one was.

"...Where the hell did you go…"

Anya muttered to herself, quickly operating her smartwatch attached to her right wrist and starting to call her, who, at this moment, had gone somewhere. Although Elizabeth was responsible for her own actions, Anya found it strange for her to go somewhere, especially at this time of war that suddenly plunged humanity.

Ring-! Ring-

As the sound of a ringing tone entered Anya's ears, she quickly strode towards the high-tech elevator, capable of fast travel from floor to floor in mere seconds.

'She's not answering… Is she with Jiho?'

Considering the other options for the possible whereabouts of the princess, Anya went to the Exclusive Training Grounds and found nothing, but the silence of the equipment. She then went back to the floor where their rooms were aligned and knocked on Han Jiho's room, only to be met again with nothing.

Standing in the empty hallway in a daze, Anya cursed inwardly.

'...F*ck this idleness!'

After weighing her options, she then called her father, Makoto Amasawa.


"...Russell, thank you for accommodating me, even though it's temporary. And yes, it's my decision and the responsibility isn't yours to bear."

The long-haired blonde, light-green-eyed noblewoman, addressed the leader of the Umbra Mercenary.

"Fret not. Just deal with your mother after this, Princess."

Russell said, looking in a casual manner at Elizabeth with his deep blue eyes. What happened was a few chain messages a few days ago before this mission.

Basically, Samantha had suggested to Russell that they could let Elizabeth join them for the time being. Although Samantha didn't know the reason, she felt like Elizabeth was almost an empty shell, not knowing what to do with her life at the moment. After that, the former then spoke with the latter, and under the permission of Russell as the leader of the mercenary group, Samantha revealed the existence of the Umbra Mercenary and offered Elizabeth to join temporarily.

The answer of the princess wasn't given on the spot, but rather, she contemplated the matter before informing Samantha of her decision.

And at this moment, Amelie's Spade Warp was repeatedly used to grab Elizabeth from within the Obelisk Academy and to the outskirts of the Northern Elnira Kingdom. It took at least ten utilization of such skill due to the distance limit, but at least they had set the meeting locations on where Amelie was going to fetch the princess.


Elizabeth just fell silent, hearing Russell's words that pertained to her mother. She recalled the reversed effect after she had learned of the truth regarding her father's death. She was supposed to be relieved that her mother admitted it, but there was such a lingering unknown in her heart that was intuitively telling her that there was more to what happened. After all, the Area of Fealty in the Tower of Growth wasn't obligated to show everything to its challenger.

"...So this is what a vampire looks like, huh. Their physique just looks like a human's, except for the elongated fangs."

Instead of responding to Russell's words, she glanced at the dead body of the Vampire Commander, who suffered an all-out attack from every direction during the battle with the Umbra Mercenary.

"...By the way, Russell, it seems everything here's done. When are we going to move?"

Elizabeth asked, trying her best to be proactive in this situation.

"About that…"

"...Princess Elizabeth? Why are you here?"

Before Russell could finish his words, Ayleen Mayfield, with Amelie's help and way of transportation, appeared from the gate of the Red Fortress, glancing at the bloody scene that painted everything crimson.

"Ah…? M-miss Ayleen?"

"Sigh, whatever your reason is, I won't ask further, but be safe. The enemies won't spare you in any way, and if they would, it might probably be due to your body as a woman."

Ayleen said, not giving the Princess of Etheria the time to explain herself. But, to not be bothered, Elizabeth recounted everything that happened. From Samantha's suggestion to Amelie fetching her from the Obelisk Academy.

"I see… All right then. So this one doesn't really dissipate, unlike some other Vampires, huh…?"

Compared to the first mission of capturing vampires entrusted to the Umbra Mercenary, where the ones that were killed turned into grey ashes and became one with the air, there were separate cases where a Vampire's body wouldn't dissipate after one's death.

That was if the vampire had a direct blood connection from the noble vampires, which meant that a Vampire Soldier or Vampire Commander's blood was tainted even with a drop of a noble vampire. It could be achieved by pouring a drop of a noble vampire's blood into any kind of drink or food.

It would create a connection, a Blood Link of sorts. However, it was a double-edged sword for the noble vampire in question, but it weighs the benefits.

Because, as long as the body of a vampire had yet to dissipate, it could be resurrected by the Vampire Lords, and the ones with this kind of connection could be considered as a lifeline of the noble vampire.

In other words, if a noble vampire, other than the Vampire Lord, had shared his or her blood with Vampire Commander or Vampire Soldiers, these henchmen could then be considered a lifeline for the giver of blood, making them nigh-immortal even after their hearts were pierced.josei

But, just as mentioned above, such a connection could turn into a double-edged sword.


"...Guard the entire area. I'll begin."

Ayleen Mayfield said, taking out from her Dimensional Inventory the ominous, purple, enormous scythe.

This mission, aside from just eliminating the Vampires, had another objective.

Ayleen then raised the scythe with her hand. It then floated above the dead body of the Vampire Commander that didn't vanish.

A few seconds later, a System message appeared in front of Ayleen's purple eyes.

[Activating the Intrinsic Effect of the weapon, "Fog of Scythe Nightmare."]

[Intrinsic Effect: Dreamer's Strike]

[Locking on every selected target from the memories of the dream subject.]

This was an infinitely distant psychological attack that focused on certain individuals that could be seen and aimed from the target's memory.

At that moment, a surge of information flooded Ayleen's mind, and almost instantly received the memories of the dead Vampire Commander.

After filtering it out, Ayleen then saw in her mind the notable vampires that came in contact with this dead commander.

[The targets have been confirmed.]

[Initiating 'Dream Strike...']


On the capital of Cassiopeia, numerous nobles and guilds started to fend off the aggression of the Vampire Soldiers that were first sent as an act of testing the capabilities of humanity in terms of wartime.

The beginning of the confrontation between the vampires and humans, after the former made an unexpected operation that caused already thousands of deaths, would now transpire.

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