Surviving in my Own Unpublished Failed Novel

Chapter 245 The War "Inside" [16] [Unprecedented]

Chapter 245 The War "Inside" [16] [Unprecedented]

After the preparation, Russell Moon, Freya Moon, and Amelie Rose Merveil, with the utilization of the Spade Warp, traveled to the Northwest of Olympia, quite far from the center of the war that's currently happening in a part of the Obelisk City.

The Northwest of Olympia was a mountainous region, with quite a vast forest that served as a wide border between Olympia and Etheria. The Moon siblings and Amelie then arrived in a discreet place, which wasn't teeming with people due to the threat of Vampires that might be lurking somewhere in this region without the detection of humanity's technology or representatives.

In other words, every city throughout the Orion Continent turned into a ghost town due to the imposed continental martial law because of the threat that concerned the entirety of humanity. Although most regions were safe, especially those in the Desert Land, Bhaskara, and Ice Land, Arka, because of the vast continent, cautiousness was still the best thing to do in order to prevent any unexpected circumstances.

"That took quite a few tries. Anyway, this can be considered a ghost town now, huh."

Amelie Rose Merveil spoke in her usual manner of being cheerful and casual, scrutinizing the surroundings they teleported to with the Spade Warp, which she considered as the most useful utility skill she possessed apart from Dark Resurrection and Heal that possessed an Unholy attribute or Dark element.

"That works for us, though we still need to move discreetly so as to not stand out or get disciplined."

Standing near the sturdy fortress-like walls of the Olympia, or to be specific, its border with numerous blocks of houses, Russell responded to Amelie's thought.

Although this region was considered to be a ghost town, there were still some people lurking around, though there were "Players" from the Obelisk Army with whom they needed permission.

[The Attribute: Nihility has concealed your presence.]

[The Attribute: Nihility has concealed your presence.]

[The Attribute Nihility: has concealed your presence.]

Almost at the same time, they activated the Attribute that each of them possessed, completely concealing their presence from the eyes of the Obelisk Army and the "Player Civilians" with permission to walk around.

"Let's go. The Forest of Oblivion is just a few kilometers away, and with our current overall stats, we traverse our destination in a few minutes."

Russell Moon added, looking at his younger sister and Amelie, to which the both of them nodded as they started to traverse the mountain where the Forest of Oblivion or the Strayed Dungeon, Cemetery of Oblivion could be located. Russell Moon didn't specifically ask about the location of the Cemetery Oblivion from Ayleen Mayfield, however, the moment he learned that Lunaria was from the Cemetery of Oblivion, he believed that its location was the same as what was written in his unpublished novel that's related to the "Forest of Oblivion."

"I think Miss Ayleen will be disillusioned if she realized that what she just told us will be used in infiltrating the secret facility related to your quest, Oppa."

As they ran through the mountain soil without making any sound on the ground as though they were like the wind, Freya Moon couldn't help but speak, voicing her thoughts.

"Disillusioned… I hope for the best, but it seems she'll suffer emotionally and mentally for a while. If you noticed, Miss Ayleen is currently troubled due to the sudden invasion of Vampires, which meant that the information obtained from the Vampire Commander was useless from the beginning."

"...Oppa, did you know about it?"

"...Yes, I did. But the first mission we did as mercenaries was for the sake of others in the long run."

Amelie Rose just listened without interjecting, but she couldn't help but be curious about the substance of the conversation the Moon siblings were having.

Russell Moon knew that the invasion of the Vampire Race would happen sooner than what Ayleen Mayfield had extracted from the memories of the Vampire Commander named Seskel. It's just that collecting information with such a method in the original story would be achieved "after" the war had commenced for a long time, and would also cause seemingly uncountable deaths from side by side.

'That aside, I did it to be favorable in their sights – Artorious, Ayleen, the Queen of Elves.'

Russell Moon thought as he took a glance at the unusually quiet Amelie Rose.

"Something bothering you…?"

Quickly realizing that Russell Moon was referring to her, Amelie Rose responded in a serious manner.

"Russell… Freya… I'm just wondering if the trust we have built in the course of a few months is more than for us to not have secrets with each other."

Without hesitation, Russell Moon responded almost instantly as soon as he processed what Amelie Rose was trying to imply.

"To be honest, our bond is more than I could hope for. And I know why you're wondering about such a thing, and yes, to answer your curiosity, bluntly speaking, there's still a secret or two that we have yet to inform you."

After Russell Moon addressed the matter, Freya Moon then interjected. Each of them was looking ahead and not at each other's expression.

"Amelie, don't worry about it too much. Everything will fall into place at the right time and place. It also doesn't mean that our trust in you is just ninety-nine percent founded. Though it may sound like I'm contradicting myself, it's just that a certain matter is… how should I put it… 'Mind-bending?' Well, considering the existence of mysteries in this world, I'd rather say it's life-changing."

At that moment, Amelie Rose took her time to take glance at the siblings' expressions. What she discerned was both an expression of concern. And during the months they were together, Amelie Rose realized that such a concern didn't stem from finding out that secret or two, but rather a concern for Amelie Rose herself because of the possible impact the secret would cause if she learned about it.

Letting out a sigh, an appreciative smile formed across Amelie Rose's face.

Then, unexpectedly, Russell Moon interjected before Amelie Rose could show her appreciation for Freya Moon's response.

"Hmm. After succeeding in this quest of mine, I think it's inevitable for me to tell you, and I think you have the right to know."


"Alright. I will look forward to it then. Thank you for everything. Now… let's be criminals together."

A chuckle escaped from the Moon's siblings as they heard the last part of Amelie Rose's words.

After a few minutes of running through the mountain range, they entered the Forest of Oblivion, where the secret facility of the Obelisk Organization, meant to confine the categorized intelligent Boss Monster, Lunaria, was precisely located.


"This must be heaven for those who want to avoid going to war."

Amelie Rose said in a casual manner. At this moment, after a few minutes of being led by Russell Moon, they were standing a few meters away from a secret facility that was being covered with camouflage and a concealment barrier. However, it didn't mean that this could escape the eyes of the three of them, especially with the help of an artifact that came in clutch for this moment as soon as Russell Moon had learned about the existence of the secret facility.

[Dispel of Lies]

[Dispelling any form of physical lies in the 50-meter surroundings.]

With this artifact that Russell Moon had quickly bought with the help of Azalea Vermillion, the barrier was clearly seen by their eyes, revealing the seemingly advanced architecture and engineering of the facility. It's a wide, four-story infrastructure, made of sturdy and costly material that could be found in a resource-type dungeon like the one where the Shadow Guild mined the Urum (UR) Mineral.

'Only four-story? Hmm… it's probably underground.'

Russell Moon thought, recalling the Cemetery Oblivion based on his unpublished novel, which he didn't delve into detailing.

After some time of pondering for the next course of action, as they saw several men in the large gate, Russell Moon spoke to his younger sister and Amelie Rose.

"Remember our objective: To free the considered Boss Monster named Lunaria. Since it's a secret facility, and we can not do what Amelie can do, which is pass through walls, it means we need a keycard to open some doors.

"By the way, killing is prohibited unless there's no other option. But let's try to knock them out as much as possible."

"Alright, Oppa."

"Uh, Russell, should I scout what's inside first? I mean, I can navigate its internal structure before going in."

Freya Moon said as Amelie Rose suggested. However, Russell Moon quickly rejected the idea and took into account the "secrecy" of a secret facility. In other words, it's entirely possible for such an artifact or a player within the facility to possess something that could see Amelie Rose in her Shade Form.


After a few minutes of discussing the plan, the three of them casually approached the front gate where several men were guarding, under the effects of Nihility.

Then, an unexpected System message hit the three of them as if a bolt of lightning struck them.

[In this Star Quest of rescuing Lunaria, the Attribute: Nihility will be temporarily nullified.]


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