Surviving in my Own Unpublished Failed Novel

Chapter 29 Student Council Meeting

Chapter 29 Student Council Meeting

Second day of the second week since the beginning of classes.

After the seemingly long class hours ended, Freya tidied up her school materials and then bid goodbye to Amelie before she went together with Amery based on their agreement earlier during their lunch break — that they would go together in the Student Council Office.

"Today's the meeting between the Disciplinary Committee and Student Council. Whoo. I'm quite nervous and excited."

The announcement regarding the meeting has been posted publicly on the Obelisk Website; this time, Freya would be able to meet the whole Student Council Body; the Student Council President; the Student Council Vice-President; the Student Council Secretary, and the representatives of the second and third year, along with the representatives of the first year, which were her classmates.

According to the results of the Disciplinary Officer Trial Exam, 8 examiners passed or won including her and Amery.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

Freya asked Amery who seemed to have been lost in her thoughts; though she has a cold demeanor, she was not exactly unapproachable.

"I wonder how strong they are…"

Amery said without the specifics on who she was referring to, causing Freya to frown slightly.

'I know that she couldn't express her thoughts clearly, but at least speak with more clues. Will you?'

Being left with no choice, the confused Freya asked her.


"The TOP 5, no TOP 6 in our class"

Amery replied, referring to the famous people in class; Samantha Hall, Elizabeth von Etherion, Anya Amasawa, Rumia Flora, and Leon von Obreyon, but out of nowhere, the one called Han Jiho just kicked out Leon of the TOP 5 in Class Ranks with the unknown criteria that students had no way of knowing since the Professor, Emmanuel Lyncoster wasn't even allowed to divulge such information.

"I have no idea, but you should know they have abundant resources even though they were still kids. Though I don't know about the one who replaced Leon who was the 'expected' TOP 5 of almost everyone. Not that I care about such a fuss; Class Ranks or ranks, in general, aren't the ultimate determining factor of the overall individual's strength.'

Freya replied with her thoughts as they took their pace along the way to the Student Council Office.


– Student Council Office

After taking their strides for a few minutes, Freya Moon and Amery Blight arrived at the front door of the Student Council Office; this time, the girl who worked in Disciplinary Officer Trial Exam Registration wasn't sitting beside the door.

Upon knocking a few times, they heard someone say "Come in", and without waiting any further, they entered the Student Council Office.

The Student Council Office was a very spacious room; there were two separate arrangements of seats; one was from the left side where the students from the Disciplinary Committee were sitting, while the one from the right side was where the students from the Student Council were sitting.

There was at least a two-meter desk in the front of the seats; Freya and Amery recognized one person who was sitting.

It was the Student Council President, Arthur Wolfson, while Victoria Angelica Rasputin was standing diagonally behind him. Apart from them, three other people were sitting in front of that very same desk.

Freya and Amery took a seat from the left side, waiting for the meeting to start.

'They aren't here yet?'

Freya thought as she noticed that some of the famous people in her class weren't there yet, but after some time, everyone heard a knock and then the first-year representatives for the Student Council showed themselves as they entered and helped themselves by taking their seats.

Freya silently counted the number of the students inside and determined that there were at least 48 of them including her and Amery.

'It's more than the number of a regular class!'

Unsurprisingly, the Student Council Office was spacious enough that it could even accommodate more people if necessary.

Apart from the above-mentioned arrangement of seats, there were bookshelves, as well as high-quality computers lined up for multipurpose utilization.

'Who are the others, though?'

She asked in wonder while Amery was silently observing everyone with her usual aloofness.

After the waiting was over, everyone tensed themselves —except for the four people in front and the two women standing diagonally behind them — upon hearing the noble, and gentle voice of the Student Council President.

"Good afternoon everyone. Let me introduce myself again, I'm Arthur Wolfson, the Student Council President, also I belatedly congratulate the new representatives of first years, as well as the new disciplinary officers of first years.

"As you may not know, there's a separate head and office for the Disciplinary Committee."

After his introduction, Arthur looked to his right side; there, a woman with platinum, mid-length hair, ruby eyes, and flawless skin formed a captivating smile as she looked at everyone in the office, then she let out her charming voice that reverberated to everyone's ears.

"Hi! I am Azalea Vermillion, and I'm 19 years old, your third-year senior, and the President of the Disciplinary Committee.

"Nice to meet all of you, especially those who are new... and as the Student Council President had said... Congratulations."

Azalea said with a genuinely cheerful smile; her voice strangely calmed the mind of those who heard it as though they were lying in a bed, full of thornless roses.

Although it wasn't as extreme compared to Ms. Ayleen Mayfield's voice that felt like it could turn a living person into a living doll.

After Azalea spoke, subsequent introductions proceeded as well; from the Vice President to the Secretary of each department.josei

– Student Council Vice President John Vernifelon.

– Disciplinary Committee Vice-President Lyra Mihaela.

– Student Council Secretary Victoria Angelica Rasputin.

– Disciplinary Committee Secretary Aisha Whispercrest.


The Student Council Vice President, John Vernifelon was sitting on the left side of Arthur Wolfson, while the Disciplinary Committee Vice President was sitting on the right side of Azalea Vermillion; the two secretaries were on either side, behind them.

"Alright! I'm here to say that there will be a Group Chat for the Student Council and the Disciplinary Committee, and how to join it or the link for it will be posted on the Obelisk Website later evening, perhaps after dinner.

"Don't worry, it's only accessible to everyone here.

"And I'd like to make it clear especially for the new first years; the Disciplinary Committee has more members than the Student Council."

Freya scrutinized the number of students on the left side arrangement of seats and compared it to the right side arrangement of seats.

There were about 24 representatives for the Disciplinary Committee; 12 for the third year; 8 for the second year, and 4 for the first year. Then, for the Student Council, there were around 18 representatives; 6 for each year level.

With the heads of each department included, there would be a total of 27 students for the Disciplinary Committee, while only 21 students for the Student Council.

Freya looked to her side and saw Amery with an expressionless face.

'It seems like she doesn't care about such a thing. This battle maniac probably just gauging everyone's strength.'

Before Freya could guess why the number of Disciplinary Members was greater than the Student Council Representatives, the Student Council President spoke...

"If some of you are wondering why the Student Council has fewer members than the Disciplinary Committee, it's simply because Disciplinary Committee Officers handle and regulate the peace between students using limited physical means, while the Student Council handles the administrative works.

"Victoria... you may."

After the Student Council President, Arthur signaled Victoria for something, she went to one of the bookshelves and picked up some newly printed booklets, she then placed them on one of the tables before distributing them to each student including to the heads of the Student Council and Disciplinary Committee.

Freya read the title of the newly printed booklet.

"All about the Student Council and Disciplinary Committee"


"I will discuss first the matters regarding the Student Council, then Azalea for the matters of Disciplinary Committee."

Holding the booklet with her hands, Freya felt uncomfortable and her focus was being disrupted by the other two first-year students who won the Disciplinary Officer Trial Exam, who seems to have their own world because they were eyeing the 6 students on the right side, at the front of seating arrangement for first years of Student Council representatives.

They're obviously the bigshots in the class

apart from Han Jiho, and as if being affected by their prying eyes, Freya shot a glance at the front, where the five bigshots were attentively listening, while she caught Han Jiho staring blankly at the Student Council President as if he had no idea what Arthur Wolfson was talking about.

'What's with that expression?'

Freya thought but glossed over it as she listened to the words that were being spoken in front.


After some time of discussion that ended with the words of Disciplinary Committee President, Azalea, the "room for questions" were given, and not long after it was told, a student from the first-year representatives, "Rumia Flora" was the first to ask a question.

"Student Council President, could the information regarding the future academic or non-academic events for this semester be shared with others early on, so they can make preparations?"

"That's a good question... Rumia Flora isn't it?"

Student Council President said, scrutinizing Rumia Flora that made her feel uncomfortable.

"To answer your question... It's a 'NO'. Alright, listen, everyone; one of the advantages of being a Student Council Representative, and Disciplinary Committee Officer is that you would have access to some information in advance.

"Although there's good intention behind informing the other students about future events, there are a few reasons why you shouldn't.

"One, let us be realistic, outside of the Obelisk Academy, no matter how rushed or pressuring the situation is, a 'Player' must remain composed if he or she is thrown into an unexpected predicament; in the same way, the students of the Obelisk Academy must be prepared for any possible events unannounced.

"Two, your advantages will dwindle... I'm not saying that you should be selfish by keeping the future information to yourself, rather, it's up to your judgment.

"And lastly, telling other students might come to bite you."

Confusion invaded Rumia Flora's expression as she heard the last reason because as a Princess of the country 'Nereia', she knew that there were people who could twist information, and spread damaging rumors through slander.

Rumia pondered the words of the Student Council President.

'There are more than one indications about what he said, but other students might take it negatively if we tell them about the future events in advance; though we have the advantages here, it might taint the authority given to us if we are taken as being unfair by knowing some things first.'

"I understand, thank you. Student Council President."


Freya frowned upon hearing the words of the Student Council President, while Amery, sitting on her side, remained unconcerned about whatever things Arthur had mumbled.

The discussion went on, and as it went, Freya recalled the information that Azalea had informed them before the "room for questions" was given.

She flipped the newly printed booklet and took note of the important ones, as well as those advantageous to her.


1. As a Disciplinary Committee Officer, you have the authority to bring appropriate judgment to students who broke the Obelisk Rules under your watch.

2. As a Disciplinary Committee Officer, you will be given the 'Protection Mark' under the Obelisk Academy's permission.

– This mark will be revoked and will undergo three weeks of suspension if the possessor is caught abusing his or her authority as a Disciplinary Committee Officer.

Protection Mark – any person who harms in any way the possessor of this "right" will be severely punished under the Obelisk Jurisdiction.

'Those bastards won't be able to bully Amery anymore.'

Freya thought of the three bullies she quarreled with yesterday.

She then continued skimming the booklet.

3. As a Disciplinary Committee Officer, you have the access to the Disciplinary Committee's technical resources.

4. As a Disciplinary Committee Officer, you will be given an allowance of 3,000 Obel per week and 5 Mid-Grade Potion of your choice per 2 weeks.

This Can be claimed on "Obelisk General Resources Building (OGR)".

Claiming Method:

- Present your Obelisk I.D.

- Wait for Verification

- Tell the person in charge about the specific "Potions" you wanted to claim.

- Claim the desired "Potions".


A joyous expression formed on her face as she read again the beneficial parts of being a Disciplinary Committee Officer.

'I could treat Oppa with that allowance!

'And they're generous enough by letting us choose a Mid-Grade Potion that cost about 30,000 Obel per bottle, regardless of its type.

Freya thought as she continues flipping through the pages of the booklet while the "room for questions" for the Student Council was ongoing.


Important Rules and Responsibilities to Remember:

1. A Disciplinary Officer can use Skills to subjugate a hostile student.

2. A Disciplinary Officer must report to Disciplinary Committee Office every weekend – for attendance and possible inquiries.

3. A Disciplinary Officer must attend the mandatory training every weekend from 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. in the Obelisk Public Training Grounds.

4. ...


Then Freya reached the page of the future academic events available only to them, and her face contorted as she read a certain event that would take place after the Midterm Exam on the first to the second week of October.

'Ranking of Exchange...'

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