Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 171 170. I Am Man, Pretending To Be A Man, Disguise As Another Man V

Chapter 171 170. I Am Man, Pretending To Be A Man, Disguise As Another Man V

"Th-That isn't that too cruel? I mean he did spend 100 Billion for her."josei

Isabella could not help but say it. Her White Lotus nature is just like that. If she sees someone in trouble, She wants to help them without thinking about the reason behind it or even sometimes outright ignore it.

Just like now, She knows that Dick is abusive, and his intentions behind buying this mall, But that all is ignored by her, All she can think of is that it will be unfair to Dick, She could not understand that Sandra will be affected by her actions.

This is why Alex needs to tame here, Not only because of Nathan, There might be other protagonists he needs to deal with, But if she likes this then it's pretty much impossible for him to manage it.

He knew she can't be blamed for it, She can't control this nature of hers, As he first-hand experienced it with his Sage's heart, So he needs to teach her how to control it before putting his plan into action.

"So you not gonna do it? Okay, I will find someone else to do it, Have a good day Madam Gayler."

Alex just looked at her blankly as he spoke, Then without waiting for her reply walked towards the door leaving stunned Isabella behind.

"Wait!! When did I say I will not help? I was just saying that Dick spends too much money to buy this mall for her, So I am doing this...No, I mean, I will do it just give me a minute, Let me make a call."

Isabella's heart dropped as he heard his words, That Madam Miller said by her broke her into a cold sweat.

She started blaming herself for how can she be this stupid. She just got a chance to be with him and yet when he for the first time asked her to do something for her, She was acted like that.

She started to explain her point of view but seeing the dissatisfaction on his face she quickly stopped and just agreed going against her heart.

It pained her to do it, Her whole being screaming at her for agreeing to something like this thing, She really felt hurt even to utter those words but her willpower and obsession ignored all her internal resistance.

'It's okay to do this, Dick is not a saint and I just sell him the mall, not that woman.'

Isabella could only quickly make up the reason for her actions, She needs this badly if not this thing will continue to eat her out.

But now for this reason she was relaxed, A burden on her heart was loosened a lot, So she looked at Alex with a firm look as she reached into her suit pocket to take out her smartphone to make a call.

"Alex, Wait. She and her supervisor will be kicked out in this instance."

Isabella hesitatingly looked at Alex as she looked in the contact list on her phone, She said and dialled a call.


"Fire Sandra and her supervisor now or pack your stuff and get out of my mall."

*Beep* *Beep*

The call quickly connected. Isabella did not exchange any greetings or introduce herself, She just said what she wanted to happen and cut off the call, Whole call only lasted for 4 seconds from beginning to end.

Isabella did not even wait for the other party to react as she just hung up on him, Then looked at Alex with hope in her eyes waiting to see a smile on his to calm down her chaotic heart.

She was really afraid, Afraid that he would go back on his word and leave her forever, So she could not wait to hear from his mouth that he had forgiven her for her ignorant behaviour before.

Yes, Even though she felt like she was doing wrong by following Alex's words, Even though Alex is the one asking for her a favour, She was the one in the wrong here in her mind.

Her lotus heart nature tried hard to force her back to an ignorant state of helping anyone without thinking of the consequences but obsession in her heart did push that feeling back.

She, unlike before, was not able to ignore the consequences of her action as the consequences can be losing Alex, That's why for the first time she went against her heartfelt feelings.

"Thank you, Isabella, You did a good job, As a rule of mine, A good job should be rewarded, So how do you want to be rewarded, I-sa-be-lla?"

Alex once again got closer to her, So close to her that she could feel his hot breath hitting her face, He once again pushed her back on the wall as he played with her speaking as if he was talking to himself.


Once again Isabella's blood started to rush below her waist, Though she got blue Vulva from him, She did not care the seduction contained in his voice was to let her forget about all other things and only concentrate on him.

Her eyes were glued to the side of his perfect face, She could not think of why she was so lucky to encounter him in this life, and not only that she even get to experience a new world of pleasure.

He changed her life in just a few hours. She did not know how or when he became central to her world, She could not think of anyone other than him.

No matter what she wanted to do or think of doing, Back of her mind still considered of Alex going to like it or not.

She felt like it would make her a bad mother to say this but she was happy and thankful that Nathan got beaten by him, After all, if that did not happen she would be able to meet him at all, Which will be a worse fate for her.

"Wh-What are you planning?"

Isabella shuttered to say these words, The domineering head of the family woman who was talking on the phone was just gone, All that remained was a scared woman afraid of angering her man to ruin the relationship.

"Well...That's not that important, You will know tonight, Just come to my dormitory room tonight and be rewarded, For now, I have to bid farewell. Also, remember not to tell Nathan anything about me or if you are dating anyone yet.

He should be angry now, So let him rest. Just go check on him before coming to me, Okay?"

Alex once again gave her blue Vulva but this time Isabella was not angry, His words were enough for her to be happy for a long time.

After speaking to her, Alex let go of her and led her out of the store before parting their ways, He got to the game store, while Isabella just stared at his left back in a daze.

"How can one man be this good? Not only was he not angry with Nathan but he also cared for him, Which man nowadays does that? He even asked me to check on Nathan before going to his house, Which means he did not hold any grudges against him."

Isabella murmured to herself not able to fathom how one man can have this big heart, not only did he forgive someone who was falsely accusing him left and right, But also said that they will kill him.

She did not understand this at all, For a moment she was even disgusted by the contrast of the nature of Nathan and Alex.

She hoped Nathan could learn a thing or two from Alex, But quickly she buried that feeling in guilt, She blamed herself for thinking something like that but unknown to her seed of doubt was now taking root in her heart.

Isabella shook her head as he too headed to the woman's clothing area, After all, she can't go to him tonight in a normal suit and pants, can she? She wanted to show the best of her side to him tonight.


'Well, I do break the first bottom line of hers, If I am persistent, I can able to completely nullify the effect of her white lotus heart in a week or two."

Alex while on his way back could not help thinking about Isabella, He did not reason with her before because he knew that was useless.

After all, you can only reason with someone, Who wants to hear your side. If others have already decided what they believe is true then you have a higher chance to convince a brick wall than to that person.

That's why he forced her to go against her own nature. This way she herself started to disprove her own belief, This way all the tiring job will do by her as that's the only way she could listen to reasoning.

He also had some plans for her but for now, he was more excited about seeing Dick's condition. He could not wait to see the look on his face when he realised that even though he spent 100 Billion UC, He still could not get Sandra under his command.

"System buy me 4 high-quality fried fish."

[Ding!! 40,000 RP is deducted, and Fishes is in your inventory.]

Alex called out to the system to buy fish, Which quickly followed his command and brought him fish. He took it out of the system face as he entered in the game store carrying it in his hands.

(A/N : Isabella is very important to counter Nathan, So she had to be given proper attention.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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