Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 175 174. Nightmare In Flesh

Chapter 175 174. Nightmare In Flesh


This time it was Alex's turn to freak out, He with his horror filled eyes looked at the icon on top of the notification bar of his, Which was clearly showing his phone was on silent.

This is one thing that freaks him out, While another one is the fact that there was the name of Belladonna popping on his screen, Which is not possible as her number is not saved on his phone at all.

As for his phone being hacked is thrown out of the window, This phone is specially designed for the heirs of big families like the Winchester one, Not to mention this phone has security functions all around which are impossible to hack.

This phone is nearly indestructible, Plus he did not need to charge it at all, It was something that provided continuous power supply to it, There is also no issue with the network as it connected to warrior's satellite, Which can mean if he wants he can call even those hidden organisation and suffer their own internet. This phone cost nearly a half billion because of the security measure it provides.

So Belladonna somehow being able to hack his phone is out of the question. The only logical reason that remains is that she put her number in his phone but that is not can't be possible as his phone is with him 24x7.

Even when he goes to the bathroom, He put it in his system inventory just to be safe but now to his horror, someone is somehow able to add something to his phone without his knowledge.

For him this is a nightmare. Information is a key and most important thing for him. He kinda has OCD about it. He likes to learn more and reveal as little as possible, So this was more real horror for him than any ghost stories.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* 

In the silent room, only the sound of the phone ringing was reverberating which made it feel way louder then it actually was giving a creepy vibe.

"Pi-Pick u-up the phone, Alex."

Liza could not handle it as she urged him to pick up the phone not knowing who was the caller, If she knew she migh- She definitely reacted differently. 

Alex gave in to Liza's urging, He too needed to know why Belladonna was calling him out of the blue.




Silence, Even though Alex picked up the phone neither he nor she spoke first waiting for the other party to say break the silence but no one was willing to do it.

Alex did not know why she was calling him, So the less he spoke the better to make sure he would not say something he shouldn't to her. He also needs a reason why she called him as it should be important considering she dares to mess with his phone.

So he knows, he would rather stay like this for hours than say a word to her. He was in a compromising position right now, So he had to be careful then to try to have fun.

After all, there are times and places for each thing. He should maintain those rules if he wants to survive in this messed up world.

"...Miss me?"

Then an unreasonably bone softening seductive voice comes out of the speaker, Even Alex who was prepared for the unexpected was taken aback but thankfully his Sage heart did not waste any second as it quickly clears the charm effect contained in her voice.

The whole being of Alex shook as his Sage heart once again came online as everything became clear and meaningless to him, All he was seeing was a filth in this world, How it indulge itself to bring itself near destruction.

Why should he work hard if, at the end of it, everything will be destroyed? Why should he fear death if one day he has to die? All he is doing is delaying the inevitable, There is no reason for it.

And he-

'System for god's sake lowers the power of Sage Heart.'

Alex quickly snapped out of his trance, He quickly commanded the system to lower than Sage's Heart, Though this thing is good this thing is too deadly for him if allowed to act on its own.

[Ding! Sage Heart is lowered to 20% - 50℅ of power, It will lower or increase as the situation calls for it.]

The system acted quickly and lowered Sage Heart to a safe degree.

Alex raised his eyebrow and quickly caught the trick in words when the effect of Sage Heart lowered. She deserves to be a mid-end level boss, Her intelligence is way scarier than her power.

She chooses her too wisely, This way she did not reveal anything and yet gets to know about the situation to assess further.

This is the worst type of woman for Alex, The one who is similar to him, First, it was Alia, He use to beware of her just because she is just like him, Know how to use her brain but he thinks he had broken her, Which though make her scarier but not that problematic.

But then he stumbles upon this woman, Belladonna is really a formidable enemy/friend for him because two tigers can't share the mountain. Thankfully she is a tigress.

"Do you?"

Alex quickly calculated in his mind as he replied to her, He this time used Alia's trick, Saying less and letting others figure out the rest, Which gives way to details information about others.

"...I did...What are you talking about...Me?"

There was a long pause before Belladonna answered him, She then took an even longer break before she asked him a question, In which she created a suspension before revealing it was about her.


Liza was sticking close to Alex, Afraid to even breathe loudly, Phone was on the speaker so she knew who Alex was talking to making her sweat profusely.

She knew the terror of Belladonna, People are her freak and such because of rumours about supernatural things related to her, So they avoid her like the plague, Of course, except for the Winchester family for some obvious reason.

That's why Liza was already on edge but when Belladonna asked them if they were talking about her, She was scared shitless, Fearing for worse thinking this woman had heard her and now she is going to come after them.


Alex on the other hand replied to him familiar plain void of any emotional voice, This simple trick might work on Liza but not on him, A pro manipilato- *Ahem* mind changer.

He can see through what he wanted to do, Though she might know they were talking about her but she did meet him today, So it's highly likely he should be talking about her, And that she did not give him a time frame means any weak minded person will fall for her trick.

That's why Alex did not give her any solid answer, He did not give any sense of power to use against him, Right now the position of power holder is not yet decided by them, So he has to be careful and not make any stupid mistake. 

"Ohh!!~ I take that as a yes, After all my fiance should miss me right? As a good man, you should miss your woman."

This time Belladonna did not take a break to speak, just increased the seductiveness in her voice, Her long exhale on the phone was enough to put not only men but even a woman on their knees, Liza was proof of that who crossed her legs tightly seating on the ground but Alex was not affected by it a bit.

All his attention was to examine the change in her strategy, She should have realised the usual way not to work on him, So she decided to change it, Now she was in full offence, A risky strategy but most effective.

"No, I am with Alia, remember? Plus there are other women I have to think about, So there is no time to miss or think about you."

But who is Alex? Belladonna may be a genius but she is not a good manipulator. Not all geniuses are mind changers but all mind changers are geniuses.

Alex knows how to attack the weakest part of a person, Their mind. In it he is unmatched, So he easily not only countered her trick but also gave her a critical strike.

"Oh my, My little Alex is quite popular it seems, But don't you think it's unfair that I as your fiancé did not get a chance to spend time with you, While you are there enjoying life? It does not seem fair, does it?"

Belladonna's tone did not change, She said as before without any fluctuation in her voice as if his words did not have any effect on her but Alex knows she has quite an effect.

After all the way she says sounds she is jealous but that's not the only thing, She wanted to use this as leverage to guilt him and get a higher position between them.

That's why she asked him a loaded question, The question already said whatever she wanted to say just at the end adding a question to it created a false choice for him.

"This world is not fair to anyone, Which strangely makes it fair to everyone, And who can understand and justify love? It just happens without considering the shackles of logic, society and morals, Don't you agree?"

Alex could not help but to smile seeing her using that trick, He might also use this trick but what she lacked was sharpness, some loopholes can be used to walk past this trap and go, So he did it.

Not only did he answered her loaded question with a publically acceptable answer but he also gave her his own loaded question to trap her in it.

"....You grew up in that city, Dear Alex, I could not wait to meet you in person now, I will be coming there soon."

Everything was going well for Alex he was winning but when Belladonna said this, Alex's heart skipped a beat.

He looked in horror at the phone in his hands as a warning of the system repeated in his mind that he needed good luck to deal with her.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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