Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 179 177. Milf In Coma

Chapter 179 177. Milf In Coma

[Ding! Host, You have yet to complete a few tasks, System will put them on hold till they are either complete or not valid.]

As Alex and the group existed in the game store, System's voice rang in his mind reminding him of his incomplete tasks that were yet to be completed.

'I know, I know, I will complete them soon, don't worry.'

Alex has expected this, After all even if he now slapped Dick metaphorically he had yet to slap him literally as task wanted him to, He obviously can't do that as that will put Dick's focus back on him other than Jake, Which he painstakingly arranged.

So face-slapping has to wait, as for the cuck part of the task. It was pretty much complete. He just has to wait till Dick starts putting pressure on Jake, So he can start to do that.

After all, once he did that the frustration, anger and suck of Dick will be diverted towards Jake as he will think that man is responsible for it making him live free of the consequences of his actions.

There are also other tasks pending like announcing to Nathan that he is his new daddy, Which will give him a new title but the time is not right yet for that. There are still teachers, childhood sweetheart and fiancees not appeared in the plot.

So he had to wait for them so as not to destroy their plot. He, of course, eyeing those women to give Nathan a collective shock, Which will be a big reveal that's why for the bigger impact he has to bear for a while.

Last but not least there are Rita's tasks, Which might be the only task he can do now without messing with any other planning. He just had to give her a shoulder to convey her sorrow and then dig into Jake's information.

In both cases the rewards are quite good, First give him a Heart of compassion, Which after experiencing Sage Heart, It looks like quite a powerful thing, And it also gives him killer instincts good for...well killing if needed to.

The second one gives him the Eyes Of Raven, Which he did not know what it is used for but it looks like it is for information-gathering skill.

'There are still other tasks, *Sigh* I should hurry up and get those things. This is not a game where I can leave them like side quests.'

Alex could only sigh as he is really helpless. He had to put focus on Nathan and Jake first as to make sure they will not go out of control, So he pretty much ignored those tasks.

In general terms, he focused on a main mission after accepting tons of side quests, But now that the main mission is on hold and needs time, So he decided to complete those side missions.

"Where should we go now?"

Alex was busy with his thoughts so he did not notice that they reached in the parking lot of the mall. The words of Liza bring him back as she stands in front of her luxury car asking Alex about it.

If I go by the promise of Alex, Then she should be getting a treat today but she did not want that to happen, As she wanted to spend alone time with Alex using the treat as an excuse, So she preferred him to rather not fulfil his promise today.

"We are going to the Hospital, Also that reminded me, Why the fuck has Gloria is not waking up yet, Isn't she supposed to wake up this morning?"

Alex saw through her intentions as she did not do any job to hide it, But when she asked this question it made Alex think and he remembers the important member, The legendary milf is yet to wake up.

He takes a look at Gloria through the glass window, Which at first glance indicates to him that Gloria is fine and healthy according to his peak mortal-level knowledge of medicines, So he was not that worried about her.

He just thought that it is taking a long time because of medications but even after spending this much time out, Grace did not receive any call about her mother waking up at all, This weirded him out.

Now that Liza brought that up, He decided to ask the doctor who performed surgery about Gloria's condition. He knew there was nothing wrong if Liza operated on someone, Not only because of her skills but her status as being a Heroine.

But it still bothers him that why Gloria does not wake up yet, He also needs her for his plan as a backup, So she has to wake up soon.

"Ohh her? Yeah, I put her in an induced coma, Not that big of a deal."

Liza was startled by the change in tone of Alex but when she heard what he was talking about quickly racked her brain to figure out who he was talking about and then quickly answered him.

Last night, like she always does go on to check the condition of Gloria, But found out that Gloria though seems completely healthy and not healing well as she should, She quickly does a check and found that her brain was acting weird.

Not a bad kind or harmful way, But a weird way of doing unusual things that it was not supposed to do, Which is interfering with the healing of her body, So after comparing Liza chose healing as more important for Gloria right now.

So for her to heal, She just put Gloria in an induced coma. That way her brain stops acting weird and lets her body recover. As that is a priority, Even if she figures the cause of that weird action she can't treat it as Gloria's body can't handle it.

"What!!? Is everything all right with my mom? Why? What happened? Wasn't everything fine yesterday?"

It was Grace after hearing that her mother is in a coma freaking out. She quickly goes to Liza and asks as quickly as she can in a fearful anxious voice.

She can't lose her mother. Not now, She had yet to introduce Alex to her, She had yet to say and ask so much stuff of her, She had to do so much with her mother that she never got a chance to do it before.

She thought her mother was fine as the operation was successful without any complications but now she got this news that hit her hard. All the panic and helpless feelings she felt on the first of her hospitalisation of her mother came back.

Her whole body was shaking in fear and anxiety. She felt very alone fearing to face anyone else. Rather she wanted to be left alone so she could cry her heart out.

"Hey, hey hey, Easy Grace it's not a big deal, It's a very common practice to induce someone, Gloria will wake up in..."

"2-2 days."

"2 days, Gloria will wake up in two days but if you are still afraid, Don't be I am here. If you want tomorrow I will use my healing power on her, So she will be completely fine. Is that okay?"

But this time she was not alone, Alex came to her and took her in a hug as she was going to lose her balance, Then he quickly tried to ease her emotions.

Grace might not be a key part of the grand scheme he was planning but he does care a lot about her, He could not watch her suffer like this once again, Not this time when he was with her.

He started to give her the logical reason that she could understand and avoid the word coma as there is quite a stigma around it to prevent Grace from freaking out.

Even though he is sadistic as he is here to see every smiling Grace in this condition, He does bully her but that too because he can control how much it can have an impact on Grace, He does not like to see her crying.

So he cupped her face as with his thumb he wiped the pesky tears that escaped from her hopeless eyes, Then he started to go on saying and even asking Liza when will Gloria wake up as it will make Grace feel more confident coming from a doctor.

But seeing it is still not enough to calm down Grace's worry. He revealed an ultimate trick in his sleeves, Grace has seen how powerful his skill actually is, So she will feel a lot more confident and less fearful.

"N-No, I wait, But Alex, are you sure she is a good doctor? *Sniff* Can we get a second opinion from someone else?"

Grace calmed down. She reacted like this as she was not prepared for the news, But once she recovered she held Alex's hand on her cheeks and gave a gentle smile.

She as a woman not used to getting this sympathetic treatment, Which also made her quite emotional but she recovered quickly and hardened her heart to hear the rest.josei

She did not want Alex to use his power as she thinks it might be harmful to Alex to use it, But she does want to get a second opinion as she can't trust this childish woman, Who she just knows is a doctor.

"B-Bad Doctor? You know I am- "

"Of course, I know someone in that hospital who can give us a second opinion, Don't she is quite a good doctor."

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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