Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 188 186. Selfish Wish

Chapter 188 186. Selfish Wish

Alex in fear looked towards the elevator already ready to bolt the second he felt sometimes fishy even though S-Rank was lying in his arms.

He really did not like this feeling of the unknown, He was sure whatever that thing is-

[Ding! Ghost, That is Ghost host.]

Anyways Alex ignored the system like always as he was sure whatever that thing is after him, He had no idea if it is hostile to him or not, So he did not want to deal with it.

He has an SS-rank fire skill which is the weakness of this dweller in the dark but that does not guarantee his safety. That "thing" might be immune to fire, He can't take chances.

"What was that sound? Is everything alright here?"

Liza poked her in the elevator trying to see a d figure out what made that loud sound without any fear, As she is a woman of science even though she knew the supernatural exist in this world. She had yet to encounter it.

So her first thought was that something had fallen in it or some gears might have problems. If that is the case he wanted to see and report it to the management to avoid any accidents.

So she carefully searched the elevator trying to figure out if everything was alright. She even contemplated making a call to management and reporting it just to make sure.

"Didn't elevators often make sounds like this? The one in my apartment complex also made sounds like this one."

Grace was confused seeing her reaction to Liza, For her it's common for elevators to make some noises as the one in her building makes those sounds and she is used to it.

That's why it was weird to her that why Liza was paying this much attention to it as it's not that big of a deal in her eyes, She rather than wasting time here wanting to go to her mother to check on her.

"No they don't, What kinda elevators do you have in your building?"

Liza turned back to look at Grace in confusion and asked, She had never in her life gone into those old elevators, So she didn't know that those exist that's why she was genuinely curious about it.

"Well, It's quite old."

Grace was embarrassed to answer her, Though she never cared about her being born into a poor family but in front of Alex, who definitely has a strong background she subconsciously feels inferior.

Which is why she rather not say it, She should work hard and earn enough to be worthy of him.

"No, what I mean-"

"Enough about the elevator, Xiao bai looks light but she is quite heavy- Ouch What I mean is that it's hard for me to hold this cute girl for much time, So come quickly we should get going.

If you want Liza, You can hop on my back, Anyway it's easy to manage your weight as it is quite concentrated in one or rather two places."

Alex did not want to stay here any longer as his instincts were warning him of the approaching danger, Though he was not sure if that thing is dangerous or not but because he did not know, He will look at it as if it is dangerous.

So he quickly called those women who were arguing for no reason and was ready to leave. It's just as he was saying he did not think of his words and misspoke.

As he did that, Little cat cum tigress did not like it as she showed her dissatisfaction by biting his shoulder lightly. Yes of course she was not really asleep, It was an act as she was just greedy for the warmth of his body. 

Alex knows that from the beginning but he let her be, Then he puts his attention to Liza. She said before that it will be hard for her to walk on the stairs, Which is not totally because of her wobbly legs.

He guesses that she is embarrassed because of her wet panties. She was afraid of others finding it out. That's why he purpose her to hop on his back as he knew she would not be going to do it.

Not only because she will not allow being carried by him as a woman but also because doing that will expose her soaked panties. If she outright denies then he will prove his hypothesis.

"N-no no, that's okay. I am feeling quite good now, Let's go I need to check on Ms. Smith."

Liza's face quickly changed upon hearing his words as she rumbled through words and answered him as quickly as possible to deny his offer, Then she quickly walked towards Alex and walked past him in a hurry as if she really was quite concerned about Gloria.

Alex shook his head confirming he was right, But did not say anything to tease her, This ammunition will be used on for later, So he looked at the duo near the elevator and gestured them to follow him as he too started to move towards the 3rd floor.

"*Sigh* Don't be afraid. If you are just honest with him, He might let it go. If he is still angry, Just do what he likes that's usually calm his anger down."

Grace looked at silent Sandra standing beside her, bowing her head down not daring to look at Alex, she felt pity for her and suggested the solution but as Grace did that she was shocked herself.

She questioned herself of why she was giving advice to this woman who might have an ulterior motive behind approaching Alex. She was supposed to put as much distance between them as possible so as not to give this woman any information that might hurt him.josei

But here she was giadviseder even though it might potentially hurt Alex, This made her angry with herself. She decided to walk away from her as it was not good to be close to her.

"Thank you, Any idea why he likes it?"

Sandra quickly lifted her head and looked at Grace with hope in her eyes. She was fearing that Alex should have misunderstood her, Which she understands as she does look suspicious in his eyes as she knows too much.

She was thinking about how to convince him and prove her innocence without revealing much as it will not be good for him to know too much, So when Grace said there is a way, She was desperate to grab that hope and any cost.

She even thought this Grace was not that bad. She might even let her stay close to Alex, not too close but did not need to push her out of his life.

"Do you have a mother?"

Grace surprised herself as she, who was ready to stay away from Sandra, stopped and asked her a question. She did not know why she did that but she just felt quite pity for her and then there was an urge to help that forced her to do it.

She was not sure how she wasn't able to control her emotions, she is not a slave to her emotions expectation being when it comes to Alex, It was really strange but she still just couldn't look away from Sandra's face and not help her.

So she asked the most important question, Which will decide the difficulty of her appeasing Alex. After all, she experienced it first-hand. She now just prays Sandra should have no mother.

Which on the paper sounds worse, Well even in actuality it is worse but she just can't help it, This woman is too dangerous as she now finds out, That cute simple face of hers can't be taken lightly.

She did not have any problem accepting new members in this harem but given that new members are not a threat, Which Sandra obviously is, There is a strong feeling in her heart that she did not like other women around Alex.

Though there was no solid proof but it was a strong gut feeling of hers and the way she was somehow able to make her this way, Grace was afraid that if she could convince Alex then he would not be with her anymore.

So for once, she wanted something selfish, She just hopes as this being her first selfish wish will be fulfilled.

"Mother? I have it but we don't have a good relationship with each other. Why did you ask?"

Sandra was not sure what turmoil caused in Grace's heart, She was just taken aback by her question but still, because of hope, She looked at her and answered.

If there is anything she can do to get his forgiveness or just understanding, She is ready to do it.

"Ohh, I suggest you improve your relationship with her. Then come to me to get your answer. For now, I have to go and see my mother."

Grace was disappointed at first hearing her answer but as she heard later she was quite glad. It's bad to be happy about someone else's misery but this was a rare instance where it's okay for her.

So Grace with a smug smile walked towards the stairs as she was also concerned about her mother.

Sandra left her confused but seeing Grace walking away, She decided to do what she said and try to fix her relationship with her mother. After that, she too followed behind her.


When everyone left there was a loud howl like a wild beast roaring in agony but no one was present there to hear it.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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