Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 213 211. Are You A Virgin?

Chapter 213 211. Are You A Virgin?

"It is my sister."

Rose spoke to her mother and even before Helen would say something pick up the call. She has had this fear of her sister since childhood.

Which is also the reason why even when she didn't want to pick up the call that night picked up call out of instinct, She just couldn't help it.

Helen actually was pissed off, If not for the fact that this woman is her blood daughter and right now there was a good feeling for her in her heart, She would have slapped this girl out of this ward.

"Hello sister how are you, I done the jo-"


"Si-Sister? Are you there? Th-That I met Alex, he sa-said t-t-that he would outlast three of us and we can't fulfil his hunger for young flesh."


"He showed me hi-his th-that part….I didn't look away."


"What do you want?!!"

Rose panicked now, If Alia spoke with her then she did not have this worry but the silence of her sister killing her from the fear that her sister would kill her.

She knows what will happen between her and Alex if Alia knows it would be over for her but this unexpected call from her and then silence tells her that her sister already knows about the incident.

So knowing that Rose could not help but to be honest because if she lied she was digging her own grave, Lying to Alia is the 2nd most stupid thing one can do after desiring her forbidden.

She had already done one stupid thing, She did not want to do another one, especially knowing that she was going to repeat the past stupid thing once again.

But even after she confessed everything, even the thing about seeing the male chicken of Alex, Alia did not reply to her at all, making her finally break down and asking her what she wanted.

"Are you a virgin?"

Finally, the sound that Rose was dying to hear came, the same old bone-chilling inherent coldness mixed with just a brief answer making the listener ran sack their brain for the answers to the question being asked.

"I am waiting!! No, I am not my sister. Who do you think I am? I am the younger mistress of the Miller family. There was a row of men who wanted to get my favour.

Huh huh *Nervous chuckle* So-So why do you say I am a virgin, I am obviously…."

"Tread carefully."

Rose was taken aback when asked by her sister about her that status. This never happened before, Her sister never cared about her to ask questions like this one.

But because Rose was more embarrassed to answer it, how can she say that she who is in her 20s is still a virgin? Not only virgin but not even hold the hand of bo- wait!

Well, she indeed lost her first kill to Alex, so she was not that inexperienced but she knows that this is not something to brag about in front of her sister even though she so badly wanted to do so.

It's just when she is about to utter her answer and use petty lies, That bone-chilling voice comes from the speaker of the phone once again halting Rose in her tracks.

She didn't know if she had imagined it or not but this time she felt that voice was a lot more colder as if she just offended her sister but that can't be right, Right?

She just wanted to say she was not a virgin, There is no way these words would offend her sister no matter how unreasonable her sister is.

"*Ahem* Well I have options but I never d-do, not because anything is wrong with me, I am sure every time is fine down there, I consulted the doctor."

Rose, hearing the tone and warning of her sister could not keep her facade anymore and confess, She was ashamed to be a virgin even in her 20s and that's why she did not say such stuff out loud.

The last time she did that people gave her weird looks asking her if she was alright or if she was even interested in boys or not, Even calling her Lala.

So she is not comfortable sharing this information at all, because the actual reason why she is a virgin is even more embarrassing.

She was afraid. She was afraid that she didn't know what to do and would mess up the whole thing being the joke of the man she was going at it with. That is why she never even approached the man or gave them any response.

She was utterly terrified of the thought of messing up a simple thing like that, she feared what if she did not do it right? What if she put it in the wrong hole? What is even the right hole?

She didn't even know that because the last time she searched she found out that these men were a lot wilder than they look. She found that no hole was out of the question.

Though she does not know what anal boys still hesitates and needs a lot more convincing from their girlfriends to give their anal virginity to their boyfriend, But that doesn't matter to Rose as she knows one thing that all holes are fair game making her even more confused about what is right and wrong.


To Rose's answer, only one word came from the other side making Rose nearly burst out crying right then and there. She burst open her heart for her sister and revealed her most embarrassing secret and all she got was okay? Why is the world so unfair to her?

"Sister, Then by-"

Rose wanted to hang up the phone, not because of frustration but because of fear. That instinctive fear for her sister is still there in her heart and her survival senses for some reason are now tingling.

She having a weird sense of crisis. She felt like she somehow put a target on her back but knowing no one has the guts to target her, the youngest mistress of the Miller family she chose to ignore that feeling for now.

"Stay there."


But before Rose could cut off the call, The command came from the other side and the call was disconnected, Rose with her trembling hand put back the phone in her pocket and looked at her mother currently tears running down from her rosy cheeks.

"Mother, Save me."

(A/N : Like always thank you for watching and have a good day 😁.)

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