Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 219 217. Taste Of Euphoria Part- 2

Chapter 219 217. Taste Of Euphoria Part- 2

Chapter 219 217. Taste Of Euphoria Part- 2

Gloria didn't know what was happening to her, All she knew she was feeling the section which was alien to her now.

There was that thirst in the body that she never knew existed, So now experiencing this she, like a wanderer in the desert just who just encountered an Oasis, jumped down trying to submerge in that ecstasy.

But then it clicked her. She felt the some familiarity with this feeling and soon she figured out what this section was.

It is a shame to take this much time to identify this feeling as the mother of one daughter but in her defence, She really never felt such a section, she didn't even know that pleasure to this inhuwoman level was even possible.

It's just that when she figured out the origin of this bliss, A huge wave of disgust take over her body. A mere thought that some strange man touching her body made her sick and nauseous.

She wanted to move and punch that perverted man in the face but wasn't able to move her body. Neither could she open her eyes, Only her consciousness was awakened yet not her body making her feel helpless. All she could do now was just lay down and let waves of pleasure wash over herself over and over again.

Gloria didn't wanted to admit it but this felt too good, Her whole body felt like it was being comfortably massaged. All the stress and pain she used to feel was vanished.

Before she thought that pain was normal, Rather she didn't even notice she was in pain all this time as she subconsciously ignored all that tiny pain thinking it should be like that.

But now that she going through this, She realised how much she was bearing and ignoring, Now she didn't have to be in constant pain anymore.

Yet even if all this much comfort and pleasure the disgust in her heart did not go away rather it just intensified along with her disgust towards her body reacting this way towards that sensation.

There was only one man who before able to touch her and that end up terrible for him, After which she didn't allow herself to flla in the worthless thing like physical urges.

She was fine at she was living with her daughter until recently. Since she saw Alex in her ward she can't shake him out of her mind.

Her body just reacting in a weird way that it never did before from the mere thought of that boy. She knows it is wrong, He is the man her daughter loves. She knows that and yet she just can't help it. josei

It's cheesy to say but heart already belonged to him from the moment she laid her eyes on him, Which is tearing her heart apart. She felt like she was betraying Alex.

This doesn't make sense to others but it makes sense to her, Even if he doesn't know it, Her heart along with her body now dedicated to him by herself, So how can she allow someone to tarnish something that belongs to her love?

She was just ashamed of the fact that she can't do anything other than to just lay down but she is starting to get her sensation back means it would be not long before she ends that pathetic man's life and wash away her shame with his blood.

'It's happening, Let me show you what happen when you touch something that is not yours.'

Gloria started to feel her body and so slowly but surely started to get back control over her moment, Though she was just able to move her fingers but it would not be long before she woke up.

So Gloria was thinking how she would punish the man who was doing this atrocity to her beloved's property.

Yeah beloved, May he will never be hers but he might be her son-in-law, So there is always that love be there, So it would not be wrong to call him beloved is it?

As for how her body belonged to her son-in-law? She didn't think that much further neither should you.

Anyway, In time Gloria finally got her control back. It was hard at first but through her willpower and persistence, she slowly was able to open her delicate eyelids.


Just for her to close back again in a hurry as sudden light nearly blinded her but she caught a glimpse of someone. She did not get to see who it was but she knows it is definitely a man doing something to her.

'I kill you!!'

Gloria gritted her teeth as hatred in her heart poured in bee eyes as she shut open her eyes in rage ready to tear the man who was standing in front of her.

She was furious, If not for the fact she had given up her family before, she was even ready to use her bloodline to burn and get a boost to paint the walls of this in red.

"Huh!??!! Am I dead?"

She opened her scarlet red eyes ready to punch done the man but as she was about to do it, She caught a glimpse of the pervert man in front of her, Which nearly made her soul fly out of her body.

What did she see? She sees the man she dreaming of, The man she called her beloved, The man she said she has given her heart and body to.

He was the one who was doing those "inhuman" acts to her before, This was a man she wanted to spread guts all over the place.

She just can't believe it, How can it be him? It has to be a dream right?

No, not a dream, It felt too real to be a dream, but she still can't believe that it was Alex who was doing this to her, making her come to the second possibility, Which was that she is dead.

And why can't she think that? She was in critical condition in hospital before, So there is a high chance she didn't make it and come here to paradise, Where man of her dreams was providing her bliss as reward.

"A-Alex tha-"

Gloria parted her lips, trying to hesitantly speak out something still coming to terms with the fact she was with Alex even ignoring the more important part that she thinks she was dead.

But before a proper word could escape from her moist mouth, It was sealed by a warm soft pair of lips halting her any further actions.

(A/N : Man of my word didn't I? It is still 1 Nov here, Next chapter comes as per daily update time.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day ??.)

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