Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 232 230. Berlin Fried Chicken

Chapter 232 230. Berlin Fried Chicken

Chapter 232 230. Berlin Fried Chicken

"What are you doing? Why are you stopping me?"

Grace asked me in little fury not understanding a bit of why I prevented her from going to check on Alex.

Oh why indeed, If I have an answer I would have given to her but sadly I myself do not have an answer to that.

I too want to rush inside the war and see if he is fine. See if I can help him with what he is going through but I just can't.

When I tried to move towards the ward, A fully naked picture of Alex pop-up into my head. Normally this would have made me blush and excited but it would have made me feel like someone punched me in my stomach.

It's hard to tell what is the reason behind my pain, all I know is that I am in pain, I don't want to do anything, I just stand here with an empty mind doing nothing.

After all, I still don't wants to admit i hated Alex being with other women because if that is the case then how can she accept him? How can he accept her?

No, It has to be for some different reason right? It has to be.

"Why are you saying anything? Let go of me, Sandra."

Thankfully angry words of Grade pulled me back from my thoughts before I fallen too deep in them.

I looked up and saw that concerned face with love love-filled for my man who just a moment ago was doing unspeakable things with her mother. It made me feel weird. Not good kind but not bad either.

I don't want her to go meet him, Maybe because I am afraid, afraid that I am not as deeply in love with Alex as Grade is who even outlooks this so big betrayal and shows this much concern to him.

How is she able to do that? How can she love so selflessly? I feel inferior to her in terms of loving someone.

So if she goes to Alex, Then what if she steals Alex from me? I know I should not think this way, Grace was nothing but helpful to me but this damned heart of mine just doesn't listen to my will to see her as a friend.

"If you go out now He would know we were eavesdropping on him, That would make him very embarrassed. Wait here, I checked with my contacts, They would be able to help us."

I didn't know what to say to her. How can I say I am jealous and also afraid of her devotion towards Alex? So I just say whatever sounds reasonable in my mind.

"But…Do it quickly then."

Thankfully she brought the reason and stopped in her tracks. While I looked at the phone I thought I was never going to use it from my pockets.

It was not in good condition, It looked corroded. It's a very old flip phone that can't do anything other than make a call that too only to one number stored in it.

But this is still the most special and expensive thing I owe. After all, the one this phone is capable of calling is unreachable for most of the elites in the world.

I was ready to call that madwoman but before I could call her, I heard the violent coughing come out of the ward along with the exclamation from that doctor Liza, who apparently was also inside while all this was happening.

I could not able to react fast enough as internal struggle broke out in my heart, One part of me wanted to go rush in and see what is happening with Alex but the other part me not wants to see him fear how would I react seeing him in that state.

When I was contemplating, Grace did not waste even a second on thinking. The moment she heard the painful groan of Alex, she rushed in breaking open the door of the ward.

While I stand aside like a fool seeing my rival rush towards my love doing nothing other than to just stand here.

"No, What am I doing? I can't help him inside anyway, Just call her, she would know how to handle this stuff."

I was dredging my life choice but then I thought that there is no need for me inside there, I can't help him even if I go inside, So other than not knowing how I would react.

So I just picked up the phone and dialed the call using a fast dial.

*Ring* *Ring* josei

*Pick Up*

"Thank you for calling Berlin's fried chicken, What would you like to order?"

Just when they picked up, A sweet voice came out of the phone from a fast-food employee taking an order.

"*Sigh* Are you chicks still doing that? Come on, This number can only be connected through these phones you gave to us."

When I picked up the call I heard that familiar voice making me facepalm seeing they were still doing this dumb thing.

This number is from a secure line, and is different for each person it is given to, Not only that one can only be connected via the hardware means this phone, So even knowing the phone number one can not call.

So I don't understand why these people are still doing this? There has to be a limit on paranoia right?

After all, These phones also have the added security of biometrics like fingerprints and voice detection, if they do not match the device will not work.

"Dear customer, If you do not want to order something, I have to cut off your call, thanks for calling Berlin fired chicken"

"Wait!! I like to order a full-family bucket for myself."

I guess people at the end of the line don't like my remarks as she, while still maintaining the that pleasing tone, wanted to cut off the call, So I have to give in and say what they wanted.

If not, and they cut the call, I have to wait for 24 hours before making another call, I don't have that much time to waste. For Alex she can at least speak this "encrypted" way for them.

"Thank you for calling Berlin Fried Chicken, Your order has been placed and will be delivered to your at that time location soon. Hope you like our service. Have a good day."

I heard those and sighed in relief, No matter what Alex's problem is it would be fixed by this service, Which is the highest service grade they can provide, So there is no need to worry.

"*Cough* Leave me both of you, I do not deserve your love and care, I am a loose man who deserves to be left on the streets, That is where I belong."

Just as I cut the call, I heard the words come out of the ward. Though his words are not loud enough but because the door of the ward is open, I am able to hear it clearly.


The moment I heard these words, There was a pang in my heart. I somehow felt guilty thinking these words were in response to her reaction to his act, Which was crushing her down.

Afterwards what he did, I just could not able to stand still on my legs as guilt was eating me out.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day ??.)

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