Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 239 237. It’s Not Spying But Stalking

Chapter 239 237. It’s Not Spying But Stalking

Chapter 239 237. It's Not Spying But Stalking

Helen could not believe on her ears. This news was even more unbelievable than Amara being 26 years old S-Rank.

How could she be San -Rank Beastmaster? Since when was being Beastmaster this easy?

This thought filled her mind but then there was another realization, If Amara is really is S-Rank 26-year-old Beastmaster then she underestimated Alex's Winchester family.

Not only his mother is head of Nobel as Alex said but his sister is above the monsters she has seen all her life.

Cause yeah being Beastmaster is difficult or even some may say impossible as there are too many risks in that category

But it also has its plus point, that is why even though Beastmaster is so infamous Sub-category people still try to be one.

And that is that the strength of Beastmaster is unmatched. They get power of a beast who on average are 10 times stronger than humans but also get the intelligence and speed of growth of humans.

Normally for the equilibrium in the world, Some beings get an advantage but they also get suitable disadvantages to even out the flaws.

For example, a beast has a stronger physique than a human, on the same rank they can beat 3 to 5 huwoman's of the same rank power alone. josei

But they also have an obvious flaw and that is that they have lower intelligence, and a restricted growth rate. The stronger the beast is the harder for them to push towards the next rank.

Same for huwomna, Though as compared to the beast they have weak physique but they have increase intelligence and way lower restrictions on the growth rate as huwomans don't have that high potential as compared to the beast.

Both beast and master share their core to gain more power in that process they get benefits of both of their words.

They get the strength and the potential of the beast without losing their intelligence or put under restriction for the increased growth.

Same for the beast, In contrast, they keep their potential and power but because they share their core now they get the intelligence of humans and their lower restrictions.

What does that mean? It means that now there are two beings with vast potential without any restrictions put on them.

Just imagine their powers, On average 10 times stronger than their counterpart along with the companion who is also has formidable strength along with increased intelligence.

It would be a force that can be considered on paper to 10 S-Ranks, Though in a fight they might not be able to beat average 10 S-Rank but they would surely not lose, That is the invincible power of S-Rank Beastmaster.

So just imagine how strong background of Winchester family has to be to grow such a monster under their roof, Currently by her analysis there at least 2 S-Rank in Alex family.

One has to his mother and now the so-called sister of his.

"Yeah, Beastmaster that too an S-Rank one, Now you understand how lucky your daughter is to be loved by my brother? If not for him, I simply would not have wasted my breath on you."

Amara this time has a smug smile seeing the shock and disbelief in their eyes of Helen, She gets the power back, That horror and disbelief in her eyes is the respect she has been looking for since the beginning.


Silence, A pin-drop silence.

Helen does not have any words to speak as what Amara said is indeed valid, Her daughter hit the fortune to be loved by Alex that is even before considering the background of his.

But now it was even more apparent that how stupid her daughter was to hurt Alex like that before, And how dumb even she was calling Alex a gold miner.

He is a gold miner? They don't have anything that he can not get just by one phone call, He just never said or flaunts his status to them.

This made her heart ache but also sweet, As he is a man who takes all those insults without saying anything while having complete power to destroy their argument in one fellow swoop but he didn't do it. That is how much he loved her daughter.

How can she be lucky to have him? Or say how they are lucky to have him.

"Where is he?"

Cold words reverberated in the ward like a wind of the glacier mountain void of most of emotions but there was still a hint of desperation that she tried to hide but was not able to.

Alia right now slowly stood up as she spoke asking Amara the whereabouts of Alex, She so desperately wanted to see him, To check if he was still there, To see if he still had a love for her as before, To make sure he was still in the city and not leave her and city forever.

"Who knows, He now allowed me to spy on his activities but if you wanted to know whether or not he is in the city, Then yes, He is in the city, Right now should be fooling around with some woman or two.

But hey he is single now, So there is nothing wrong with that, right?"

Amara can tell what the real question was and so she just answered Alia but not forget to put salt on the wounds of her.

After all, The only reason she did not hurted Alia is because of Alex. If not, The punishment for hurting her brother would have been worse than the death penalty.

That is the only reason why she keeping her anger in check. It's not that she forget what this woman did to her brother but for his sake, she forgives her to a degree.

So if she can't hurt her physically, She decides to do it emotionally, At least this little much can make her feel.

As for where Alex is? She really doesn't know but as she promised him not to spy on him but if she wanted she can always find out where he is.

After all, She promised not to spy on him but her people are always behind him for protection. Well, she didn't break her promise, did she?

She indeed was not spying on him, but stalked him using others, That does not consider a breach of her promise.

As for the other woman's issue, She really didn't know nor did she care. As long as those women were clean, It was okay for him as his body needed to survive.

"I didn't break up with him."

Alia does hurt hearing words of Amara but not because of what Amara has intended but rather the word of her saying Alex is single.

It stung her heart like a sharp pointy thorn of a babool tree, As this once again reminded her stupidity of her which pushed Alex away.

She knows what her sister upto but she doesn't stop her thinking Alex is too greedy for more that he would never take just scraps of her sister would offer to him.

How wrong was she? Not only did he accept the money but used it for the other woman's need, Did that mean he stopped loving her?

No, he did not, He still loves her. If not he would have not gone to such a degree with her mother to just punish her, He is just hurt so much that he just wants to give her the taste of the same medicine.

And to be honest she deserves all that comes to her but fact remains is that, She indeed never said she broke up with Alex neither so she acknowledge their breakup.

It was just one side of Alex, So in a sense, she still is the girlfriend of Alex, She is still in a relationship with Alex.

"Hump, Pathetic."

Amara just humped when this kinda logic came out, How stupid is that? When Alex talked about the breakup, Alia didn't do anything, meaning it was a passive acknowledgement on her part.

But she let her be, Anyway, she can't help it that Alex loves this woman, She just let Belladonna deal with her.

No matter how much she hates Belladonna but she has to admit that woman has the spine to admit and do whatever she wants.

So as one woman to another, There is mutual respect for each other.

"I don't care what you mother and daughter do in your free time but remember one thing, You have Alex with you cause he loves her, If for some reason that changes.

Hehej, Well just say fishes would have a party that day."

Amara did what she came here to do, She has no reason to stay and waste any time here.

So she dropped this sentence as she and Shapira turned around and disappeared from their sight leaving both mother and daughter looking at each other with a look.

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