Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 60 60. Crazy Bitch (Don't Be Worried Read Till End)

Chapter 60 60. Crazy Bitch (Don't Be Worried Read Till End)

"Hey Robin, Can you tell me what size Alex might be?"

The fairy-like woman turned toward the butler standing by her side and asked in a very meaningful way.

"Young Master Alex should be around 5.10 or 6, Miss."

Butler didn't hesitate, Thought about it for a second before answering in a confident tone, He was quite sure about the size he estimated.

"Are you sure? He didn't seem to be that big, Right?"

The woman was surprised to hear the answer from a butler named Robin, She didn't expect Alex to be that size.

This makes her a little anxious, fearing if he is that big, Then will he even fit in it or not. She was not prepared for that big size at all, She thought he should be around 4.5 to 5 like all normal men of a rich family like them.

"Positive miss, My eyes never deceive me. Young master Alex should me around 5.10 or 6. So you should be prepared as it was bigger than what we expected."

Robin spoke with a straight face, There was not an ounce of emotion contained in his voice. It felt very creepy to hear it as you know something is wrong but can't put your finger on it.

"Oh, I did not expect my lovely little Alex to grow into a big boy, Such a pity, I couldn't able to see it."

The woman's face saddened as she recalled the precious moments she missed in Alex's life, She wanted to be there for him but her job not allow her to do it.

But she still keeps tabs on him though, His every action was recorded by her people, She keeps all those files close to herself, Whenever she has time, She takes out those files and sees them, This is one of the rare joys in her life.

She recalls the day, How thrilled she was when the Winchester family agreed to their engagement, Even their wedding date is fixed, Just after Alex turned 18, She was supposed to marry him next week after his birthday.

There were still a few months of waiting, Which for her felt like a year, But she somehow bore it, Because she wanted to be his wife the moment she saw him at that seemingly ordinary banquet. She did everything to convince his family, And finally, they agreed.

It's just that on his 18th birthday, Alex ran away from home. She was heartbroken. She didn't understand why he didn't want to marry her.

Is she not beautiful enough? She knows that's not true, She is very confident about her looks, But then what will be the reason he ran away? Is she not rich enough? No that's also wrong, Her family is standing with the Winchester family, So she as the heir of this family is also quite rich.

So she is still confused about why he left her? She really loves him dearly. How can he do that to her?

She wanted to go and ask him personally but the Winchester family forbids anyone from meeting him. They say to give him his time, But now 4 years have passed. He still has not come back to her. She was yearning for a hug from him, She was lovesick.

"Why not test if that big even fits, Robin you help me with it, You also are around size 6 right?"

The woman didn't want to think about the past and get sad, So she changed the topic and decided to test it out to see if that big even fit in that tiny place.

She had to be prepared ahead of time or what she would do if she messed up in front of Alex? Wouldn't that be too embarrassing?

So she asked for help from her die heart loyal subordinate Robin who is as big as Alex, Which is the best candidate to use for the test if he fits or not.

"Okay miss, This will be my honor, Will you need my help to remove clothes?"

Robin had the as neutral voice he has in the beginning void of any emotions, He just heard that there is a task his miss wanted to do, Then he will do it, He didn't care about other factors.

Anyway, His miss is right, He is as big as Alex, Which is a thing one should be proud of. This way he can be of little use to his miss, His body was not as worthless as he thought.

"Don't worry about it, I know how to do it, You just remove yours."

Woman polity refused, It is Robin's job to do things like this, But today she didn't want to waste time, So she will do the job of removing clothes on her own. She just wanted to check if Robin would fit inside, If he did then she didn't have to worry about Alex.

"Miss but are you sure? I mean didn't young master Alex supposed to be first? It would be like taking away his honor, wouldn't it?"

Robin removed his clothes and stood naked in front of the woman. He did what he was told to do but hesitated for a moment before he said to the woman.

He knows that Alex might not care about this but the first time is always important, So he should not ruin it for him.

"Don't worry about that Robin, He will not complain about it, I know him too well, You just lay down there and let me do the next things."

The woman stopped for a second after hearing Robins's words, Thought about it for a while but then she didn't bother with it. She had known Alex for pretty much his whole life, He was not the one of the guys to complain about things like this one.

She was 110% sure that Alex would not complain at all, Her trust in her love was too much.

"Okay miss, But be gentle, It's my first time."

Robin lay down on the wooden furniture and said shyly to the woman, He never did something like this before, So he was a little fearful.

"Don't worry, It might hurt at first but then you will be in pure bliss."

The woman also removed the cloth and stared at Robin with a crazed look. She imagined him as Alex. His looks were also quite similar to Alex, Which might be the reason, Why he was even hired by her in the first place.

Then she looked at Robin and held him. After preparing for a while, she slowly put him inside.

"Arghhhh tight, Too tight!!"

Robin grunted as she pushed him in, It was too tight, As he predicted, Alex will not be able to fit in this at all.

"Is it too tight? That's not good at all, Alex is not going to like it. Do you have any idea how to loosen it?"

The woman quickly stopped and asked Robin for an answer. If it was too tight then that was not good. She wanted Alex to feel comfortable, So he can be there as long as he can but with this he struggle to even move a little bit. It was a big no-no for her.

Her eyes fell on the blood stained on the furniture. It happened because she was forcing Robin inside. It might be because she has broken or torn something. She had no idea what it would break or torn but she didn't care about that right now.

She was more worried about Alex. She was doing this to make him comfortable. Now it turns out he will not be comfortable in this small space at all. It's too tight.

That's why she asked Robin about the ways to loosen it. As her personal butler he knows about lots of things, She has confidence that he should also know about these things too.

"Miss, I think it's not tight but we are doing it wrong. If we put it little by little, Then I should be able to fit comfortably inside."

Robin looked at the woman in front of him, Thought for a while about her question, and then answered.

It's actually a simple thing. If they put him little by little inside of it, She can fit him completely inside without much worry. If that works then Alex should also be able to fit here.

"That's a fantastic idea, I knew it, You are the best Robin."

The woman was ecstatic hearing the solution. She didn't want Alex to have any uncomfortable experience, And now with this, She was sure he would not have to worry about tightness at all.

So the woman got close to Robin, Put her extremely delicate hands like the wings of a butterfly on his shoulder, Then her captivating eyes stared at his blank one with excitement.

She moved her hands gently in the black hair on his head then.... she grabbed them tightly and ripped his head off from his body, Holding the decapitated head of Robin in her hands, She had a very happy smile on her face.

Then she started to separate him from limb to limb, Until she divided him into multiple separate parts. After that she carefully started putting them inside of the furniture Robine was laying on, Which turned out to be the coffin this woman uncovered cloth off.

"Yeah~ You were right Robin, We are indeed able to put a person comfortably inside if we put them little by little."

The woman held Robin's head in front of her face and spoke to him in an excited tone. She was happy, So happy. Now Alex should be able to live comfortably here, He will not complain about the comfort of his new bed.

"Thank you for your praise, Miss."

Then a horrifying thing happened: The decapitated head in the woman's hand opened its eyes and spoke to her.

Right now the anomaly can be seen in the room, Because even if she ripped him in the pieces, There was only slight blood tainting the floor, All other things were dried like a tree branch, Even skin of his was flaky as it had no moisture at all.

This indicates that Robin is or to say was long since dead, This woman definitely did something to reanimate the corpse of Robin to do things for her.

"Don't you think Alex will look very good in here? This way he will never leave me ever again, He will always be close to me, Just like mother and sister."josei

The woman, Who is supposed to be Alex's fiance, has been fantasizing about putting Alex separate parts in this coffin, Which he specially made for him, So he can be with her forever.

This my friend is a certified crazy chick, Also known as Yandere, The one who will do anything to keep their lover with them at any cost, Even if she had to turn her lover into a walking corpse, she will going to do it.

"Should I go now and bring my lovely Alex home? I should clean his bed first, He will definitely going to like it."

The woman now couldn't wait any longer, She listened to the song Alex sang last night. How can her man sing that legendary song for another woman? That woman has to die.

So she planned to go and kill that woman first then bring Alex back home. If he refuses then she just has to convince him sternly, That's all, Killing all his loved ones around him might do the trick.

"Hehe~ hehe Haha HAHAHA HAHAHA!!!"

Suddenly she started giggling imagining being with Alex. Those giggles were like the sweet singing of a cuckoo bird to the ears but soon her tone changed from giggling to laughing maniacally.

Though she was still very attractive, But she went from being a fairy fallen from high heaven to a demon crawled out from hell.



In the underground Alex suddenly shuddered, As cold sweat broke out from his forehead, There were goosebumps all over his body.

'What is this feeling? I suddenly feel as if I am being targeted by a wild beast. Do the protagonist pulling some shit or what?'

Alex's heart filled with an unknown fear for some reason. He looked at Alia, Who was busy doing gods knowns to Rita, Then at his surroundings.

He tried to calm his heart down and think logically but no matter what he did the feeling of impending doom never went away, There was ringing in his mind constantly alarming about the danger.

[Ding!! Host, you are being targeted by Belladonna, Be exceptionally careful, And good luck, You need it.]

When Alex was unsure about the situation, the system jumped in and told him the cause of the feeling, But this notification not only helped him to calm down but made him more panicked.

'Why She all of the people?'

Alex didn't understand why her, He could fight with anyone but she is the last person he wanted to get in contact with right now.

(A/N : What do you think? Is this Yandere good?

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day �.)

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