Suzuki is Cute Even In A Savage World

Chapter 4.6

Chapter 4.6: Hope And Despair (6)

Vol. 1 - Chapter 4.6: Hope And Despair (6)

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Then, three days later.

"No, enough, I can't do this anymoooreeeee!!"

Takashi finally exploded. In front of Leelou, his face turned bright red, and he shouted.

"What the hell is supposed to be the point of all this?!! I don't even know what Pritis means?! Damn it all!! Who the hell do you think you are!? Are you nuts!?"

Usually, training would involve a different kind of struggle and a different kind of sweat. Leelou's teachings, from up close, seemed to be the kind of foolishness one might expect from a third-rate comedian performing in front of a small audience.

"Jeez! I, am going home!!"

This cannot possibly save the world. He only completely wasted time---- With this thought in mind, Takashi turned on his heels and headed out of the cabin.


When he turned around, he saw that Leelou's body was glowing. As she transforms into Gregorio, the hairy monster, Leelou speaks to Takashi in a hoarse voice.

"I'm going out now. Come with me."


Gregorio, portrayed by Leelou, headed to the town's marketplace. Today, the market was once again bustling with many stalls and demons.

(Huh!? What the hell are we doing, in this place?!)

"Come on in, come on in! We have fresh fruits from the forest--!!

The owner of the store, a Cyclops, was laying out colorful fruits on a straw mat and shouting at the top of his lungs. Leelou talked to Takashi in his ear.

"Suzuki. Go get an apple from that street stall."

"Uhm... what about money?"



"Go get an apple from that guy. For free."

"Th--There's no way I can do that!"

"It will be fine. Just go! Come on!"

With a big push on the back from Leelou, Takashi staggered forward. A few steps later, he turned around only to see Leelou standing at a distance with her arms folded, watching him.

(In--In other words, is she telling me to steal an apple?)

Takashi looks at the Cyclops shopkeeper. A single vicious-looking eye and fangs as thick as those of ferocious beasts. The huge body, more than three meters high, looked so intimidating. Takashi gulped and swallowed hard. If a fight were to break out, the odds of winning were definitely zero.

(Ah, I want to go home...)

Once again, he turned around. As expected, Leelou still had her arms crossed. He felt a kind of black aura rising from her hairy body. If he ran away, he'd be whipped for sure.

(Damn it! Fine. I'll have to do it!)

Half desperate, Takashi asked the Cyclops shopkeeper.

"Can I have, one apple?"

"Oh, if it isn't Suzuki!? It's 10 gold!"

Maybe he saw Takashi at the castle or the execution site. The cyclops seemed to know Takashi and was smiling at him.

Takashi hesitantly explained, "Uh--Uhm, that apple... I--I'd like to have it for free."

The Cyclops then broke into a broad smile.

"Ka-- Ka-- Ka! Hey, hey, Suzuki! Free is impossible, no matter how hard you try! We are a business, you know!"

"Th--That's right, isn't it?"

"That's right, you know! That joke is a bit harsh!"

Inwardly, he let out a sigh. It was the natural result. It was the same as a duel in the training ground. The owner of the store also liked Takashi and had a favorable opinion of him.

But, that was it. That's all. That was the limit of what he could achieve by being cute.

He was about to head back dejectedly, but at that moment, he looked back. He saw Leelou, disguised as Gregorio, and their eyes met.

Leelou silently raised her index finger.

(Uh? The index finger? What? ..."One"? Perhaps "one" could mean?)

Suddenly, the three days of ridiculous training flashed through Takashi's mind. If he went back like this, the whip would be there to welcome him.

(No choice. Let's give it a shot.)

What came to Takashi's mind when he heard "one". It was a gesture from the scroll that he had practiced over and over again.

"...Pritis' 48 Gestures--First Gesture, 'Upward Glace'"

Takashi muttered to himself as he lowered himself and stared into the shopkeeper's face.

"Heyy~. Is it really really impossible~?"

"Like I told you, Suzuki! How many times do I have to say it!? I don't care how cute you..."

The Cyclops' eye creased angrily, but it immediately drew back when he saw Takashi.

"He--Hey! Don't do that! Wh--Why are you looking at me with those eyes?! I told you! I'm a businessman!"

The Cyclops, who Takashi thought was furious, was in a panic for some reason. Takashi was surprised by the unexpected reaction.

(Wh--What is this? Hesitation? Th--This is...!)

Immediately, Takashi looked back at Leelou. This time she raised four fingers.

("Four"! If I remember correctly, Four is...!")

"Pritis' 48 Gestures--Fourth Gesture, 'Hands Clasping'!"

Takashi gently wrapped his hands around the large hands of the cyclops shopkeeper.


The Cyclops shopkeeper let out a high-pitched voice that was unimaginable from his large frame and vicious face.

"Pretty please~? I'm asking you..."

Combining it with the upwards glance he had just given him, Takashi pleaded with the shopkeeper while holding the shopkeeper's hand. The shopkeeper's cheeks were turning peachy pink. And then...

"For Pete's sake. I--I have no choice, right? Just for today, Suzuki! Take it, you cat burglar!"

... josei

...With the free apple in his hand, Takashi stood stunned.

(Unbelievable...! The demon gave me the goods for free...!)

He noticed that Leelou, portraying Gregorio, was standing behind him. He addressed Takashi in a hoarse voice.

"It doesn't matter how weak you are or how strong your opponent is. The one and only ultimate technique that exceeds attack power and magical power---- That is 'Pretties'."

"The one and only ultimate technique that exceeds attack power and magical power..."

After parroting back, Leelou tapped him on the head while he was still standing blankly.

"Why are you going soft in the head? Let's go back and continue your training."

"Y--Yes!! Please take good care of me!! Master!!"

Takashi called her Master with a naturalness that surprised even him and followed behind her as she started to walk away.

(A--Amazing! I don't quite understand it, but somehow it seems amazing! With this technique, I might be able to do a lot of good things!)

Takashi's heart swelled with anticipation. However, Leelou stopped walking, stood still, and gave him a warning.

"Suzuki. Be careful. Your Pretties only works on demons. If you do it to a human, the most you can expect is being told something like 'What the hell are you doing?' or 'It's disgusting.'"

"Oh... Yes. I guess so, right..."

Nevertheless, Takashi's motivation was rising. He was determined to devote himself to Leelou's training and master the art of Pritis.

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