Swallowed Star

Chapter 1005 — Luo Feng’s World

Chapter 1005 — Luo Feng’s World

Chapter 1005: Luo Feng’s World

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Hong! Long! Long!

The waves were tumbling, and Luo Feng's internal world became a Bloody Sea completely. Most of the land was devoured. The only land left was an island with a diameter of about 600,000 miles at the center of the Bloody Sea. At the center of the island was a "Dual World Pool" where the Golden Horned Beast digested everything after performing Swallow. At its center was the Golden Horn World Stone. Apart from the island, the internal world—which had a diameter of almost 60 million miles—was filled with a boundless Bloody Sea.

Hong! Long!

The bloody waves were halved, and a huge figure wearing black armor with red trim walked out on the waves. It was the newly created Remote Ocean body, standing at a height of more than 5,500 miles with a life gene level of 1,000 times.

"This is not good," Remote Ocean body murmured. The bloody waves were like springs, and he stood on top of them, riding them up and down. The entire internal world was within his sight. "The internal world has been completely flooded aside from the Dual World Pool, yet the Bloody Sea is still expanding. If the internal world keeps expanding, my core might not be able to withstand it."

Most of Luo Feng's consciousness left the Remote Ocean body and returned to the core. He started to study it carefully.

"Wait…" he said. "My core seems to have changed completely."

Indeed, the core had taken on a strange, blurry appearance after the majestic transformation, and it now seemed to be holding the 60-million-mile internal world with ease.

Normally, the larger an internal world became, the greater the burden it put on the core. For instance, if someone used the move "Swallowing Metal" to enlarge his internal world, he needed to use gold energies to strengthen his core. Only then could he have an enormous internal world.

For some reason, my core doesn't feel pressured at all, thought Luo Feng. Does it mean the internal world can keep expanding? It's worth a try.


Up in the sky above Luo Feng's boundless Bloody Sea, tons of universe-crystal mountains appeared. One of them melted instantly. World energy beyond measure spread out and merged with the internal world. Until now, the Bloody Sea had been absorbing all the energy, but to make sure the Bloody Sea could keep expanding, the internal world needed more energy.

The internal world devoured the world energies like a starving child.

Hong-long! Hong-long!

The world trembled. The Bloody Sea kept growing and growing.

Atop the waves, Remote Ocean body guffawed. "Larger! My internal world can indeed grow larger! Fantastic. But the best way for the internal world to grow larger is for it to swallow metal instead of using universe crystals!"

The purest gold essence that the internal world could not absorb was concentrated on the Golden Horned World Stone and would enhance the core, strengthening it so that it could carry a larger internal world.


Once nearly every 1,000 years, the four pinnacle races would engage in war with one another, each time resulting in a tremendous amount of scrap metal left behind. Those remains could be reused if they were refined. Unfortunately, it was expensive to refine the remains, rendering them almost worthless. When it came to E-level alloy remains, they were always pricey.

"I'll have 100 million mixed elements worth of scrap metal," said Luo Feng.

"Mr. Luo Feng, the amount of material you require is lower than the quota of free items for you," came the response. "They're all free."

Luo Feng grinned. An intact E-level spaceship worth 100 million mixed elements was gigantic, yet the equivalent was being given to him for free. This made scrap metal much more cost-effective than using universe crystals to expand his internal world—especially if they were being given to him for free!


The Golden Horned Beast went into a world ring with a diameter of more than 60,000 miles containing vast quantities of remains.


Golden Horned Beast enlarged his body using "Deities of the World." He then opened his mouth and performed the talent technique "Swallow." The body opened its ocean-sized mouth, contorting the space within almost 60,000 miles.

Hu! Hu! Hu!

Countless metal alloy remains flooded into his mouth as if swallowed in a vast abyss. The Dual World Pool digested all the metals, and a golden mist permeated, absorbed into the internal world. The internal world started to expand crazily! The gold essence that couldn't be ingested by the internal world was absorbed by the Golden Horned World Sone.

Strangely, the core wasn't changed by the internal world as it expanded. It seemed that swallowing metals wasn't beneficial to the core at all.

"Weird," said Luo Feng. "My core has been morphing ever since I swallowed the metal to enlarge my internal world when I became a ninth-level sector lord. Is it saturated?"

Even with the help of the Nine Volume Manual, the original Remote Ocean body couldn't improve its life gene level after hitting 10,081 times. Was this also the case for the core? Was swallowing metal no longer useful because it had already reached its peak level?

Doesn't matter, thought Luo Feng. I'll just let him swallow all the metal. He will be exhausted, but it will strengthen my Golden Horned World Stone. Generally, strong Golden Horned Beasts have internal worlds with diameters of 60 million miles, and Golden Horned World Stones are treasured by universe knights. As for mine…

Only a few unique life forms could reach a life gene level of 10,081 times… Luo Feng wasn't sure if he was the only one or not. However, given how incredible the Nine Volume Manual was, Luo Feng reckoned that even if one individual among the Golden Horned Beasts was as powerful as his, he would have been cultivated by a universe supreme master.

"Swallow the metal," Luo Feng commanded. "Time to see how powerful my Golden Horned World Stone can become." josei


The amount of alloy remains Luo Feng needed shocked even the seniors responsible for Rubbish Starfield. He bought them in a world ring, and they had hardly ever seen anyone consuming scrap metal remains so fast.

"It's still not enough," Luo Feng realized. "My internal world already has a diameter of more than 60 million miles, and it still hasn't hit its limit."

Luo Feng was completely stunned. He didn't realize that his internal world was so enormous.

"Give me more alloy remains," he said.

Luo Feng didn't take no for an answer.

"The larger my internal world is, the more stable and more powerful my future godly kingdom will be." Luo Feng looked forward to the results. "When will my internal world stop expanding?"

Under normal circumstances, a world ring with a diameter of 60 million miles would only consume universe crystals worth several mixed elements. The reason why they were so cheap was that sector lords could resonate with the land of origin, priming unlimited universe energy and aggregating it into universe crystals. The price went down because they were easy to make.

A world with a diameter of 6 billion miles would only consume 1 million mixed elements worth of universe crystals. A world with a diameter of 600 billion miles would only consume 1 trillion mixed elements worth of universe crystals. Luo Feng used alloy remains, which cost significantly less. However, he still used tens of billions of mixed elements' worth of alloy remains. The amount was within his quota. Besides, Luo Feng didn't care much about the money; any random treasure he had was worth at least 10 trillion mixed elements.

The internal world continued swallowing world energy and expanding for more than three months. Golden Horned Beast only rested for a total of one hour a day for those three months—six naps a day for ten minutes each. He used Swallow continuously when he was awake, and the alloy remains kept being devoured.

"The diameter is 600 billion miles now!" said Luo Feng. "It has finally hit the limit!"

On top of the bloody waves, Mosha body, Golden Horned Beast body, and Remote Ocean body all gazed out at the internal world in shock. This was inconceivable! A Golden Horned Beast would normally only have an internal world with a diameter of 60,000 miles. This one was now 600 billion miles in diameter.

"What on earth happened to my core that it can carry such a vast internal world?" Luo Feng wondered aloud.

He was thrilled. He was aware that his core had evolved drastically after his mind gained the talent technique known as "I Am the Universe."

Mosha body, Golden Horned Beast body, and Remote Ocean body all flew to the sky above Dual World Pool and looked down.


Two flashes of light shot out from the Dual World Pool, causing ripples in the surrounding space. Although the Golden Horned World Stone was hidden in the Dual World Pool, it emitted a golden glow. Forming an internal world with a diameter of 600 billion miles had cost an outrageous amount of scrap metal, and the gold energy essence brought special changes to the Golden Horned World Stone.

My Golden Horned World Stone might be the most powerful one in the history of the universe, Luo Feng thought. It might be one of a kind. Normally, Golden Horned World Stones are the precious possessions of universe knights. My Golden Horned World Stone is one trillion times stronger than average. It must be unique and highly valuable."

Luo Feng could sense that this Golden Horned World Stone would be marvelous, but he wasn't able to see it yet.

"My internal world has reached its limit!" he said. "Golden Horned World Stone has also reached its limit! Haha! An internal world with a diameter of 600 billion miles… Bloody Sea… Show me how large you can expand!"

Luo Feng continued to expand the Bloody Sea. Tons of universe crystals were delivered into the internal world, and the Bloody Sea grew with unstoppable force.

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