Swallowed Star

Chapter 1082

Chapter 1082: The Wings Were a True Treasure

Chapter 1082: The Wings Were a True Treasure

The miniature universe was vast and mighty, too, with a diameter of 19 million miles. Chaotic airflow spread and filled the entire miniature universe. It was a picture of chaos.

Golden Horned Beast was stationed in the middle of the miniature universe, and its godly body supplied the energy required by the miniature universe to revolve.

Something strange is going on, thought Luo Feng. There is another presence here. A knight of another other race… it's Evil Fog Knight from the Thorn Ring Alliance. He is extremely skilled in illusions. He seems to be still looking around at his surroundings, unaware of the situation he is in.

The moment Golden Horned Beast successfully brought out the miniature universe, it sensed that there was an additional knight of another race present within the boundaries of the miniature universe. Unquestionably, this unlucky fellow who was about to become a victim.

Luo Feng had shrunk the miniature universe on purpose. The miniature universe was able to reach a diameter as big as 600 million miles but could also shrink to a diameter as small as six million miles! If its diameter shrank, its universe membrane would gradually thicken; if its diameter expanded, the membrane would gradually thin down. This was the fundamental theory of why Luo Feng maintained the same amount of godly power supply to the miniature universe. If he increased the amount of godly power supply, the universe membrane would naturally become thicker, and its power would grow stronger.

With a smaller diameter of merely 19 million miles, a being of another race could still enter.

"Seems to me he must have seen it all," Luo Feng said to himself.

Indeed, Evil Fog Knight had been observing for a long time from a long distance away. He had witnessed the fight between Golden Horned Beast and Tian Yang Knight at the border of their respective domain type true treasures, and he clearly saw that it was the Golden Horned Beast who was hunting down Tian Yang Knight by watching the two enter the space whirlpool one after the other. Based on this information, Luo Feng easily came up with some quick inferences.

You can consider yourself to be unlucky.

Luo Feng's thought flashed through his mind in a split second—maybe not even 1/10,000th of a second—and the next moment, Golden Horned Beast rushed at Tian Yang Knight.

"This… What place is this?" said Tian Yang Knight. He looked at his surroundings with fear. There was an endless chaotic airflow all around him. "Is it Universe Ocean? No, I was on the Original Star. How would I suddenly fall into this place? Could this be a domain type true treasure? He already owns a domain type true treasure, so how could he be using another domain type true treasure?"


Waves of the golden river came surging from afar. From the front of the golden river, a stampede of nine great beasts was seen rushing to the fore, and behind them was the Golden Horned Beast.

"Have to block it!" said Tian Yang Knight.

His eyes were filled with crazed panic. He wanted to block the vast darkness, but it useless. It was like a giant truck rolling over a small car. With the universe laws empowering the entire miniature universe, the power of the golden river soared by one level in an instant. And Tian Yang Knight's domain type true treasure was, in turn, suppressed by the universe laws of the miniature universe. Thus, its power was lowered by one level.

This come-and-go cycle brought about a vast difference between the two domain type true treasures, which were actually not so different from each other at the start.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Like cracking icebergs, the vast blackness was easily shattered. It was unable to protect Tian Yang Knight at all.

"What?" Tian Yang Knight was shocked. "I must escape!"

Tian Yang Knight turned and attempted to make a speedy escape. However, the moment the mighty golden waves collided with the darkness, Tian Yang Knight was shrouded by the golden waves. After Nine Tiger River increased its power by one level, flying within its domain would be extremely difficult even for someone like Tian Yang Knight. At that moment, Golden Horned Beast managed to close the distance and appeared before Tian Yang Knight.

"Golden Horned Beast!" Tian Yang Knight roared with rage as he waved the light shuttles his eight arms were holding.

"It's useless," Golden Horned Beast growled.

Golden rays lit up once again. Under these sharp and unsympathetic golden rays, the eight black light shuttles that looked so beautiful were cast away like paper. Tian Yang Knight's godly body seemed so helpless in the face of the long, sharp horns of Golden Horned Beast.

Following the fearsome impact of the collision between both knight and beast, the entire space shook with tremors. With eyes still filled with unwillingness to resign to his fate, Tian Yang Knight's godly body was annihilated, and he wordlessly vanished into thin air.

Pity, Luo Feng reflected silently. The moment I use the ultimate technique of a universe master, I will not be able to reduce his power accurately. If I could grasp a better control of accuracy, I might have been able to put Tian Yang Knight into a deep slumber.

The stronger the great being, the more difficult it was to put it into a deep slumber. Normally, when the godly bodies of undying emperors were consumed to slightly more than 10 percent remaining, they would need to go into a deep slumber. However, the willpower of universe overlords was incomparably strong; their godly powers were much purer, so even if they were left with only 5 percent or even 3 percent of their godly bodies, they might still be able to maintain a clear consciousness for a split second to self-destruct their remaining godly bodies… Most would avoid fighting a universe overlord until only 1 percent of its godly body was left before it could be put to a deep slumber.

But this was much too difficult in a battle of life and death. It was tough to use all the ultimate techniques to put up a good fight, yet without the confidence to fight an opponent till its godly body was left with exactly 1 percent—especially when the opponent was a great being with a horribly fearsome consciousness… A universe master, even when his godly body was down to 1 percent, was able to maintain a moment of consciousness. Such universe masters would rather self-destruct than risk subjecting themselves to a lifetime of slavery.

The more powerful a being was, the more difficult it would be to enslave it. The only way to have a strong slave was to enslave it during its weak periods. Then, when the being grew in power, they would naturally find themselves with stronger slaves.


Under the impact of the collision, Tian Yang Knight's black armor, silver wings, weapons, world ring, and some other valuable items scattered in all directions…

All come here, commanded Luo Feng.

With a single thought, everything within the control of the miniature universe that had once belonged to the annihilated Tian Yang Knight was speedily manipulated and flew right up to Golden Horned Beast. Upon infusing his godly power… the items quickly started to recognize their new master, one after the other. This led Luo Feng to realize that Tian Yang Knight certainly did not have the talent of dividing bodies.

"Keep!" Luo Feng stored every item in his World Ring right away.

Then he turned and looked off into the distance. About six million miles away a black, misty figure stood surveying its surroundings with due diligence.

"Meet your doom," Luo Feng said under his breath.

Hong! Long! Long!

A great volume of chaotic airflow rolled over the black, misty figure in a frenzied manner. The airflow seemed to separate into two parts. One part revolved in a clockwise direction while the other revolved counterclockwise—just like a gigantic grinder. And right in the middle, was the black, misty figure.

"Universe grinder, roll and crush!" Luo Feng commanded in a cold demeanor.

The miniature universe was the most powerful talent technique, more powerful than Golden Light, which he had created by one whole level. It consisted of many different tactics. For example, there were normal ones like the "Suppression by Universe Laws" and "Rolling and Crushing by Universe Grinder." Plus, there were also ultimate tactics that were the most powerful ones, like "Explosion of Universe."

The ordinary tactics were not considered powerful. For instance, using the tactic Rolling and Crushing by Universe Grinder would not have been enough to kill Tian Yang Knight. However, to a senior universe knight who did not have a single ordinary true treasure armor to speak of, using the Universe Grinder with a power level that was one notch higher than that of Nine Tiger River—let alone the power of a miniature universe—would be more than enough to grind him to death.


Evil Fog Knight was surveying his surroundings carefully when suddenly, he felt an upheaval between heaven and earth, and the two great airflows seemed to enshroud him. Like a grinder moving in opposite directions, the airflow closed in around him, rolling and crushing his body in a frenzied manner.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Evil Fog Knight screamed in pain. The rolling and crushing consumed his godly body quickly—from 90 percent to 70 percent and then to 50 percent… The loss was happening at an alarming rate.

"Let me go! I bear no enmity!" Evil Fog Knight was so fearful that he shouted repeatedly. "Let me go!"

But there was no stopping it in this vast, chaotic world. Evil Fog Knight was in despair, and could only bear hatred in his heart. He had not expected to meet his end by obeying Fan Nuo Fortress Master's command.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Evil Fog Knight roared. "Damn it!"

With only 30 percent of his godly body left, Evil Fog Knight roared his reluctance but decided to choose self-destruction.

Hong! Long! Long!

The impact spread in all directions. Evil Fog Knight was annihilated!

"Not even a single true treasure!" said Luo Feng. "Why even bother putting up a struggle?"

Hong! Long!

The miniature universe was put away and disappeared in the blink of the eye. Peace returned between heaven and earth. Hovering in midair, only the Golden Horned Beast remained. All valuables left behind by Tian Yang Knight and Evil Fog Knight after they were annihilated had been claimed.

"I had not expected to lose almost 10 percent of my godly body in such a short fight," Luo Feng mused to himself.

Opening his miniature universe and charging at Tian Yang Knight had taken nearly three seconds. Killing Tian Yang Knight and taking away his treasures had not taken him more than two seconds. Using the Universe Grinder to roll and crush Evil Fog Knight, however, had taken close to three seconds. Collecting all the treasures also used up almost a second. All in all, it had taken close to nine seconds.

"Go!" Golden Horned Beast spread its wings, shot up into the sky at high speed, and departed.


Luo Feng spent almost a day's worth of traveling before he finally made it out the original star, and shortly after, he made it back to his god country.

In his god country, the vast place was expanding gradually and continuously. Similarly, the limitless Remote Ocean was also growing bigger every minute.

"In nearly 20,000 years, my Remote Ocean has grown quite a bit." Donning his suit of silver armor, Luo Feng looked down at everything with a smile. "True treasures!" He commanded with a wave.

The next moment, many true treasures started emerging in midair, one after the other. Many of these hanging in midair were loot he had gained from his victories on the original stars in the past year. The majority were merely ordinary true treasures, and the number of senior true treasures were extremely few. However, killing Tian Yang Knight had been quite rewarding. Other than what he really sought—the pair of wings that was a true treasure—the others that he collected included an ordinary true treasure series (the eight shuttles), a senior true treasure armor, and an ordinary domain type true treasure. Tian Yang Knight certainly did live up to his identity as a knight of the automaton clan.

"This pair of wings is the most important true treasure I have gained," Luo Feng whispered as he held the pair of wings.

Originally, he had thought that the true treasure was a pair of black wings. However, following the death of Tian Yang Knight, the wings returned to their original color, which was silver—the exact same color as his Shi Wu Wings.

The true treasure pair of wings shook gently as Luo Feng held it, as though it was trying to break free from his grasp and fly away.

"Roar!" Golden Horned Beast was approaching from afar. At the same time, a beautiful pair of silver wings detached itself from him.


Luo Feng let go of the wings. josei

Instantly, the true treasure pair of wings flew away and approached the Shi Wu Wings, which were also drawing close at high speed. The moment the two pairs of silver wings, equally beautiful, touched…

Ka! Ka! Ka!

The feathers on the wings, which were sharp as blades, started bouncing at high speed. The bottom sections of both pairs of wings sported silver rays of light that were flashing quickly. The two pairs of wings, both true treasures, were under a continuous integration process.

Qualitative changes started to emerge. A gargantuan burst of power was released and spread through the surroundings. The burst of power given out at that moment was the real deal!

This combination was the moment when this mysterious true treasure made an appearance in its truest form.

"So strong… Such awesome power!" marveled Luo Feng, suspended in midair.

He felt dumbfounded by it, yet at the same time, he was increasingly anticipating the result. His emotions were running high.

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