Swallowed Star

Chapter 1121

Chapter 1121: Court Death

Chapter 1121: Court Death

It was as if that the ancient sky were frozen, creating a horribly depressive atmosphere.

Four minds became four huge phantoms and arrived at three different locations. A being with a gigantic silver snake's head and a strange beast covered with a sawtooth shell appeared in one location. A breathtaking being appeared at another location. A giant, oval-shaped phantom was at another.

"We all know what happened already." The voice of the breathtaking being, Bug Empress, was still gentle and seductive as usual. "Luo Feng performed a supreme technique of a universe master and created a miniature universe, and all the 6,000-something universe knights trapped inside were killed instantly. He also defeated Master of Banff and went back to the Thousand Treasures River of his teacher, Primal Chaos City Leader."

"Empress, Master of Banff, you chose this!" the black oval phantom said angrily.

A hoarse voice came from the strange, sawtooth-shelled beast. "Bug Empress," it said, "Master of Banff executed that, and your alliance should bear more responsibilities."

The voice from Bug Empress sounded cold. "You've agreed to this. Besides, who could have expected Luo Feng to perform a supreme technique of a universe master? Even if it had been a universe master from your races, it wouldn't have done a better job."

The other two demon ancestors and Father God from the automaton race understood this, but they had lost too much this time. Only a few of the fallen 6,000 universe knights had multiple body techniques. Besides, Luo Feng had killed an additional 800, meaning there were around 7,000 universe knights to be resurrected! And they were at least senior universe knights! This was a terrific figure.

The issue had to do with the distribution of responsibilities, which was why the beings of the demon race and he automaton race brought up the fact that Master of Banff had fallen short, following which, they could demand more.

"Humph!" Bug Empress snorted. "We'll resurrect the universe knights of our own! Don't even think about asking us, the bug alliance, to revive more."

"Empress," said the being with the giant snake's head. "We, the demon alliance, sent the most universe knights this time. More than half of the universe knights on that original star were of the demon alliance! And more than half of the universe knights who died were from demon alliance! We contributed the most, and now, we're responsible for the most? Not fair!"

"We didn't force you to send so many universe knights," said Bug Empress. "You sent all those universe knights voluntarily, and now, it's your responsibility to bear the consequence. Besides, we agreed before that we would be responsible for our own universe knights who died." josei

Nobody expected that so many universe knights would die. They all thought that only few universe knights would die. They only realized that they'd been wrong after Luo Feng's Mosha body had shown up. They could still have dealt with the death toll at that point. However, the one-time massacre at the end had left them hurting. And now, they were quarreling with each other.

Even supreme beings like universe supreme masters wouldn't acquiesce easily when it came to race interests. Plus, the stakes were huge this time. Resurrecting one senior universe knight would severely injure a universe master! Only those universe masters with gigantic godly bodies like World Tree and Mountain Giant were able to revive more.

The size of godly bodies determined the number of universe knights that a universe master was able to revive! The larger their godly bodies were, the more they were able to revive! However, there were around 7,000 universe knights! The dead universe overlords alone were a huge burden to those four universe supreme masters, and there were only so many universe masters within the three alliances! They wouldn't be able to resurrect all those universe knights even if all of them were injured.

"In my opinion," said the oval-shaped phantom, "we should stop arguing and go ask Nine Remoteness Master for help! Nine Remoteness Master's Nine Remote Ocean rivals a supreme true treasure, and it's totally able to resurrect 7,000 universe knights!"

"The more one resurrects, the more serious the backlash from the universe would be!" said the silver snake-headed being. "Nine Remote Master is indeed able to withstand the backlash using his Nine Remoteness Ocean. However, most of the universe knights who died haven't been to Nine Remoteness Ocean, which means Nine Remoteness would have to come here to resurrect them. Nine Remote Ocean cannot be moved. A godly body made by Nine Remoteness Master… His godly bodies are able to revive a universe knight initially, but the backlash will be much stronger later… And he might not be able to revive one universe knight."

All of them went quiet. The universe would punish those who turned back time to revive great beings, as it was against the universe operation law. The more one went against it, the more serious the punishment would be, as it was provoking the universe origin! Of course, Nine Remoteness Ocean was able to withstand it. Unfortunately, Nine Remoteness Ocean couldn't be moved.

"We can't let all the universe masters revive the universe knights," said the oval-shaped phantom. "It'll severely weaken our alliances, but we can't take too long to revive them, as we've already made a promise. I think we can go ask those universe masters of special life forms. Our alliances have several, and the Northern Territory Alliance and the Ancestral God School have many more. Each of them is able to resurrect more than 100 universe knights, and we'll be responsible for those universe overlords, after which we can revive some universe knights."

The universe supreme masters quickly reached an agreement. It was the plan that was least costly. The responsibilities would be distributed equally; each alliance lost one pinnacle domain type true treasure, which pained those universe supreme masters.

"The plan to resurrect universe knights is settled," said the black phantom. "We need to talk about that Luo Feng now."

"We have to kill Luo Feng!" said Bug Empress.

"He has the multiple bodies technique, and he has tremendous power," said the strange, sawtooth-shelled beast in an old, raspy voice. "Even universe masters can't deal with him—unless we go kill him ourselves. However, there are only four of us. There's no way we should all go! Yet we won't be able to catch him if only one of us goes. Regardless, I agree with you, Bug Empress. We suffered great losses this time, and our alliances will be seen as a joke to other powers in the universe! We need to kill at least one of his bodies!"

"I agree," sand the beast with the silver snake's head.

"Kill one of his bodies and take his true treasures!" said the oval phantom. "Otherwise, we'll be laughed at forever."

"Luo Feng has a Mosha body," said the beast in his old voice, "and he's extremely fast. We might not be able to catch him."

"Even if he can get out of original stars," said Bug Empress, "we'll keep hunting him, and we'll kill him and seize his true treasures."

They all understood that Luo Feng killing all those universe knights had already brought shame upon them. Even if killing one of Luo Feng's bodies didn't help much, they would become a complete joke if they couldn't even kill one body of Luo Feng.

"Ask other universe masters to track Luo Feng. We'd better constraint him!"

"Dream Tea, you'll be responsible for it."



On Original Star Number 02933, a blurry shadow of Primal Chaos City Leader materialized in front of Luo Feng within Thousand Treasures River. The real body of Primal Chaos City Leader was more than 18 billion miles away from Luo Feng.

"Teacher, you want me to court death?" Luo Feng was shocked.

"Our alliance all cheered what you did, and I would've done the same thing if I were you," said the phantom of Primal Chaos City Leader. "However, the three alliances were the ones who did wrong first, so they couldn't respond excessively."

Luo Feng nodded. Universe masters were usually forbidden to commit mass slaughtering among superpowers. Otherwise, it would be provoking another power, which might eventually lead to war. However, the three alliances had wanted to kill Luo Feng first, so it wouldn't lead to war.

"But they need to save face!" continued Primal Chaos City Leader. "Those three alliances suffered such great losses from you. If they just let it go, they'll be ridiculed by the entire universe. They will attack you again, and a universe supreme master might arrive. To save face, they must kill you, even if they only kill one of your bodies. You can put all your true treasures with other bodies and send one of your bodies, like Mosha body, and let him court death! It'll only take a little bit of your godly power, and those three alliances can publicly claim that they killed you." Primal Chaos City Leader looked at Luo Feng. "What do you think?"

Luo Feng pondered what Primal Chaos City Leader had said. He wasn't a fool. If it weren't for the plan he already had, he would have said yes. After all, it wasn't a shame at all for Mosha body to die at the hands of a universe supreme master. Unfortunately, it would go against his "Blood Cloud" plan.

"Teacher, I won't fight them," said Luo Feng, "but I won't just walk to my own death. Teacher, you know what I'm capable of. I can certainly get out of the original star easily."

"Even if you do, they'll keep hunting you," said Primal Chaos City Leader. "Just let your Mosha body die and get it over with."

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