Swallowed Star

Chapter 757 — AAA God Base

Chapter 757 — AAA God Base

Chapter 757: AAA God Base

Translator: Translation Nation

Editor: Translation Nation

"So many people!"

"So many ships."

Luo Feng and the others were shocked at this scene. This was a huge hall with a diameter exceeding 30,000 km, and was able to hold billions of soldiers!

"There’s at least a few million people here right."

"Hm, definitely."

"There are a few thousand ships lining up ahead."

The many ships lined up in order to stop within the hall. Some of these ships were over 1,000m in diameter, and some with a few hundred meters in diameter, the soldiers differed too. Some could hold up to 1 million soldiers while some only held the few.

"Don’t stand there stupidly, get on the ship." Captain Tai Wo ordered, swiftly releasing a disc shaped ship with a hundred meter diameter from his world ring, it appeared within the hall.



Tai Wo first entered the ship, followed by the 9 sector lord generals Mad Wu, God, Poison, Rock, and Madman.

"The material here is E9 alloy." Luo Feng gazed at the ship. Carefully examining the engravings on its surface, "It’s actually the most basic law engravings? Tai Wo is afterall an undying, and he’s one that has lived very long in the outer region wars, it shouldn’t be too hard for him to get a better ship."

Luo Feng didn’t think more about it, quickly boarding the ship.

Hua, the cabin door closed!

A blur of ships stopped within the hall, after which they all flew forward through the same pathway.

Luo Feng and the others had just entered the ship before Tai Wo, who walked ahead of them shouted, "To the resting quarters!"

"Not the control room?" Luo Feng laughed and asked.

"It’s an AI controlled ship afterall, he can give us orders both from the resting quarters and the control room." Mad Wu smiled beside him. He was a handsome purple haired youth, who seemed very friendly. He was the one Luo Feng had gotten most close to on the ship, and there was one more reason.

The two of them were both spirit readers, and their appearances were closest. Afterall, there were many types of humans in the universe with all sorts of appearances, but the two of them happened to look alike.

After awhile.

They arrived in the resting quarters, it was about 20m in length and width and was also 10m tall, for a total of 400 square meters in space. The 10 sector lords had enough space within.

"Arriving in our safety nest, I naturally feel more comfortable." Poison jumped and landed in the sofa, rolling about in it.

"Safety nest?" Rock looked about and asked curiously, "The material of this wall within here seems to be…"

"F9 metal Tungsten Mother rock." Luo Feng said softly.

"F9 metal?" Rock looked shocked at Luo Feng.

"Right." The always smiling white armored God smiled. "The resting quarters is the safest place in the ship, the ship’s main material is E9 alloy. However in the battlefield, it cannot withstand some terrifying attacks, hence the captain ordered a completely Tungsten mother rock resting room, this is our safety nest. If we encounter any danger, at the least we will have some time to react."

Luo Feng nodded.

It was a smart decision, since they were not able to afford an F grade ship, it was better to simply make one room that strong.

"I can afford one room. However if it’s the entire ship…I cannot." The captain said, ordering, "External simulation 100%."


Even though Luo Feng was sitting in the sofa, he couldn’t see it visibly, the ground vanished below him and all he could see was the vast hall outside with the other ships around them. As time passed, the ships swiftly flew through the pathway and very quickly, it was their turn to fly through.

Following the pathway, they flew straight for a few 100’s of thousands of km before turning and flying along an arc, all the ships followed the same path. josei

After awhile!

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The straight pathway which was hundreds of thousands of km long began to close off its entrance.


The outermost door of the entire base began to open. Although there were over 10,000 pathways there, only a few hundred opened.

"Activate energy barrier."


The captain ordered.

Luo Feng and the others sat in the ship and left through a pathway from the base.


All the sector lords turned to look back at the huge soldier base as they flew through the door. Even the ones that had been through this countless times still looked back, and Luo Feng with his high perspectives and vision, did the same. It was because it…was simply too majestic!

"That is the soldier base." Luo Feng said shocked. Through the external simulator, he clearly saw the huge base floating in space.

The entire base, from what Luo Feng estimated was at least a few million km in diameter!

This was a base which was even larger than the sun!

The base was completely covered in a colorful energy barrier, a barrier that covered a base that huge, it was absurd. If one went up close to see the sun, how shocking would that be? What’s more, they were looking up close at this malevolent base.

"Colorful energy barrier", "Mysterious powerful law engravings", "Automaton cannons with diameters of a few hundred km", "Blur of pathways", "Countless energy points".

This was a war machine that had been upgraded to the point of perfection!

"It’s too majestic." Tai Wo exclaimed.

"Look at that cannon, normal universe ships use energy laser beams. However, the god base uses the very backdated huge cannon hole. It may seem backdated, but when it truly unleashes its power…that terrifying scene, it would reduce everything in its path to nothing." The white armored God’s eyes gleamed with passion.

The new recruit Rock was completely stunned.

Even having seen a lot before, Luo Feng was still stunned.

"God base, what grade of a god base is this." Luo Feng couldn’t help but ask.

"AAA grade." Poison’s eyes were fixed on it too, he said softly, "The outer region wars is a battle between the races. The entire 7th battlefield only has these 100 bases, and these are the bases of humanity, naturally they made sure that it was of the highest grade. Even the universe country leaders, that level of warriors wouldn’t be able to destroy this base."

Luo Feng nodded.

He had checked on the automaton’s terrifying weapons before. Some huge weapons were very expensive, like the space fortress, it was still absurdly expensive, and that was just one fortress. The God base was still the pinnacle level of huge weapons, every one of them were much more expensive than a fortress!

And among the god bases…the AAA grade was the highest grade of them all.

At least from what he knew! Within the automaton nests, there may even be more terrifying things…

It was safest within the base, every base was made at AAA grade, even with trillions of warriors rushing it, it could still instantly reduce everything to nothing.

"The base serves as the harbor for the soldiers." Poison lay on his sofa and lifted a wine bottle. "It’s the safest there, you don’t even have to worry about anything. However the moment you leave it…danger lurks all around us. Afterall, this entire region of over a million light years in diameter…is a battlefield."

Luo Feng kept looking outside.

With a glance.

With his vision, one had to know that he could fly close to light speed and still easily dodge items around him. Even though this ship was reaching sub light speed, he could still clearly see the scene outside. He saw a few broken bug bodies, ship remains, human remains etc, all floating in space. Some were simply knocked aside by the ship!

"Are some of the remains and corpses valuable?" The new recruit Rock frowned and asked.

"No one is an idiot." The Mother flame race Hammer said with a low voice. "The ships’s scanning system has long scanned through everything, those floating around in space aren’t worth anything. If they were, they would have been taken away. Those that haven’t…may simply be traps. Rock, if you haven’t noticed…our ship hasn’t been flying in a straight line, but dodging all the remains, the huge ship remains?"

Luo Feng’s eyes gleamed, it was indeed so.

"Those places may very likely have enemies hiding within. You have to know…the entire starfield, excluding the bases are battlefields." Hammer said seriously. "Don’t think that we all look very relaxed right now, everyone of us is prepared to battle at any moment."

"Alright, don’t scare the new recruits."

Captain Tai Wo smiled, "Our destination this time is about 80,000 light years from the 26th base, it’s extremely brutal over there. A squad like ours normally does guerilla tactics. In a while, when we reach a open area that doesn’t have rubbish or remains, we will begin universe travel. It’s usually safe once we go to the dark universe, we’ll be able to rest well…and we’ll travel for another 3 days. We can rest till then, once we reach the destination, it’ll be a bloodthirsty battle."

Luo Feng nodded.

The universe secret regions weren’t like the normal space. There were large amounts of rubbish and dust about, hence one had to specially clear a spot of space to be able to accelerate to light speed.

There were over a hundred million such spots in the 7th battlefield.



The universe ship dodged the dangerous regions as much as it could, reaching the clear spot after awhile. However, just from that short distance…Luo Feng had seen the aftermath of many large energy explosions about, and the other sector lord generals were all on high alert because they knew a battle could occur at any time.

"Entering dark universe, everybody can relax now."

"10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1, Universe travel!"

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