Sweet Beauty

Chapter 260 - Since You Already Guessed It, Why Didn’t You Remind Me

Chapter 260 - Since You Already Guessed It, Why Didn’t You Remind Me

Han Yuanjun smiled and nodded. "If it is possible, that's for the best."

"What do you mean?" Long Guozhi was a little confused. "Using two remaining plates to swap doesn't change anything. There are still two plates of potatoes. Didn't Young Master Han just say that there might be a piece of paper underneath it? If it's really paper, we should replace three plates with a piece of paper."

Tao Ning nodded as well. "That's right! So far, only three dishes have been chosen."

"How about this? If you choose the same dish together, you agree to have the two teams enjoy the same meal together."

Everyone immediately understood. If the two teams chose the same dish at the same time, they all had to eat that dish together.

All of a sudden, everyone broke into a sweat and looked at Liang Zixuan and Han Yuanjun.

Liang Zixuan then said, "I only have one chance, so I'll choose this dish."

Followed by Han Yuanjun, "I'll use two my chances and choose the same dish as her."

Shi Jingguo nodded. "Please open the lid."

The guests all stretched their necks, all of them curious why Liang Zixuan and Han Yuanjun were so sure of their choice.

Liang Zixuan and Han Yuanjun held out their hands and touched the lid together. They looked at each other and raised their hands at the same time. As expected, there was nothing but a piece of paper inside.

Liang Zixuan took the paper and read out loud, "Congratulations, you've won the Royal Family's Feast hosted by the imperial family."

Everyone was immediately excited. "A Royal Family's Feast hosted by the imperial family?"

Liang Zixuan had barely finished her sentence when the chefs started serving the dishes. This time, there was no green bean curd or shredded potatoes. It was a feast of real value.

There were chickens, ducks, fish, and all kinds of seafood. Twenty dishes were served in total.

Everyone burst into tears of joy. Qin Yu ran over and hugged Liang Zixuan. "You're too great!"

Liang Zixuan smiled faintly from her embrace. "It's just a little trick."

Shi Jingguo couldn't help but ask, "Young Master Han, Liang Zixuan, how do you know that a piece of paper inside is the best dish on the table?"

Han Yuanjun gave him an indifferent look and calmly said, "The same routine."

His expression seemed to say, 'I've seen through all your tricks, and in front of me, they're nothing but tricks.'

Embarrassment appeared on Shi Jingguo's face. He truly felt that having Liang Zixuan who could see through their plans was enough. And now, there was Han Yuanjun. This pair was really a heaven deity.

Qin Yu asked Liang Zixuan, "How do you know that this dish is a royal banquet?"

Only then did Liang Zixuan answer everyone's questions. "This episode is called 'Perfection Of Eternity'. When I first saw the dish, I already knew that the program team had been following our Weibo posts and found out about the production team's menu. When I saw that fried chicken, I was more than sure that this dish was the royal banquet."

"Think about it, our production team only had five dishes, and they were all served here. As for the remaining one, the program team will definitely recreate the scene of the Royal Family's Feast in that drama. So I'm pretty sure this will be a royal banquet."

Everyone suddenly came to a realization and gave Liang Zixuan a big thumbs up. "You're too awesome!"

Shi Jingguo smiled. "Congratulations to Liang Zixuan and Young Master Han for choosing the Royal Family's Feast. You can start eating now."

After the meal, everyone returned to the room arranged by the program team. Liang Zixuan and Qin Yu happened to be in the same room.

Shi Jingguo said that there would be no surprise attack tonight, so everyone should sleep peacefully and prepare for the final battle tomorrow morning.

As soon as Qin Yu entered the room, she stretched lazily. "Aiya, I'm so tired today. Auntie, let's take a shower and go to bed early."

Liang Zixuan took out her pajamas and said, "Even though Shi Jingguo said that there won't be any surprise attack, I think you should prepare yourself. Be sure to put on your clothes."

"It's not over yet?" Qin Yu grumbled and said angrily, "We've been tired all day, can't they just let us rest?"

Liang Zixuan smiled as she pulled Qin Yu out of bed and pushed her towards the bathroom. "I don't think it's that hard. Just put on your pajamas."

Qin Yu sighed. "I loved watching this show before, but I never expected the guests to have to work hard."

Although she was complaining, Qin Yu still quickly finished her shower. She obediently listened to Liang Zixuan and put on her pajamas.

When Liang Zixuan finished showering and getting dressed, someone knocked on the door.

Just as Qin Yu opened the door, two men in black suits rushed in and dragged Liang Zixuan and Qin Yu with them as they left the room.

Qin Yu cried out in shock. "Ah! What are you trying to do?"

The two black-clothed men, who looked like robots that could only move and not speak, dragged the both of them into the hall.

All six resident guests were already used to this kind of routine, and therefore, they were neatly dressed in their pajamas. When Qin Yu and Liang Zixuan saw Goo Shengli, they both laughed out loud and almost fainted on the spot.

Goo Shengli sheepishly covered himself with the pillow and didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he complained, "Director Shi, you're too dishonest. You clearly said that there was no attack earlier, and I believed you. And now look at what happened. Because of you, I'm losing face so much now!"

Shi Jingguo also couldn't help but laugh. "It's still your fault for being too innocent. You said I was dishonest but look at Young Master Han, Liang Zixuan, and Qin Yu. All of them were neatly dressed!"

"Hahaha ..." The guests and staff, who'd been trying their best to suppress their laughter, burst out laughing.

Goo Shengli bit his lips in a grievance. "You're all bullying me! I like sleeping naked. Luckily, I was wearing boxers today, otherwise I would really be screwed by you guys!"

He then turned around and looked gloomily at Han Yuanjun. He didn't dare to confront him but only grumbled like a coward. "Young Master Han, you're dressed so politely. Have you guessed for a long time?"

Han Yuanjun glared at him coldly. "Is there a need to guess?"

He didn't even need to use his IQ. josei

Shouldn't Goo Shengli understand the rules?

Goo Shengli immediately pouted, feeling wronged. "Since you already guessed it, why didn't you remind me?"

Han Yuanjun said self-righteously. "When did I not remind you? When you came out of the bathroom, I told you that even though we're both men, you still shouldn't be too presumptuous."

He looked down at the pillow covering Goo Shengli's body and raised his eyebrow. "You know how to wear this, but don't know how to wear clothes?"

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