Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 281 - Taken to the Night Club

Chapter 281 - Taken to the Night Club

Chapter 281 Taken to the Night Club
Xia Yu waved to her and then stopped a taxi.

After sitting into the taxi, she received a call from the Breakfast Lady and heard a child crying on the phone. She said, “Miss Xia, didn’t you say that you would drop by later today?”

Xia Yu almost forgot it if she didn’t mention it. So, she answered hurriedly, “I was talking business with my friend. Now, I’m on the way to your home.”

“Good!” Breakfast Lady answered and hung up without saying anything else.

At the crossroad near the shop, Xia Yu got out of the car after paying the fee and then she immediately heard a voice, which sounded exciting and thrilling, “That’s the woman! She finally comes.”

The voice sounded familiar. Xia Yu turned around and saw several men coming toward her. Most of them were strong and robust except one who was tall and thin, his head wrapped with white gauze and his eyes shining with appalling wickedness toward Xia Yu.

That was Breakfast Lady’s husband, and other muscular men were his debtees.

Xia Yu sensed a sign of danger and moved backward before they took action. But her move made those men feel anxious, so they sped up and showed up in front of her very soon.

Then Xia Yu directly turned around her body, dashing toward the security guard office in the community nearby. She thought if she could get there, she would be safe.

The sound of scolding rang from behind. She felt a gust of wind coming to her ears and her shoulders were suddenly caught by someone behind, the force almost threw her body to the ground. Her legs were trembling, and her heart raced quickly as if it would reach beyond her throat.

“What do you want! Let me go!”

Xia Yu screamed aloud, intending to catch the attention of the security guards’ attention in the office but only to find there was no one in it. Perhaps, he was patrolling in the community. Xia Yu felt her heart was seized and began sweating when seeing the men approaching her.

“Help! Help!”

Xia Yu kept shouting because it was not too late, she believed that there must be someone who could hear her.

Seeing her shouting for help, the muscular men aside showed no fears and their face had a reckless smile.

“Beauty, we’re not bad people. We just want to talk to you.”

One of them looked into Xia Yu’s face, with his eyes showing aggressiveness. Xia Yu avoided his eyes with disgust and softened her tone, “Now that you’re not bad, why do control me with strength?”

“Liu San, unleash her. We’re civilized. Don’t scare her.”

The man who gave the order just now cast his eyes at the former man who caught Xia Yu’s shoulders. With her shoulders loosened, she finally could stretch her back upright, but she was still in danger. These men were ill-intentioned. Xia Yu glanced at Breakfast Lady’s husband and realized that they must be his accomplices.

“What do you come for?”

Xia Yu tried to procrastinate until the security guards came to help her after finishing patrolling. She knew they wouldn’t sit idle because they helped a girl who was bothered by hooligans in the community last time.

“Here is not suitable for a talk. Beauty, would you like to go with us to a quiet place?”

Although the man was laughing, his laughter made her shiver with fear with her heart pounding fiercely. She looked pale indeed. She refused without thinking and made a few steps to the security office, but her way was blocked again.

“Huh, so stubborn!”

The man named Liu San appeared impatient and grabbed her arm, dragging her to a black business car nearby.

“Hel(p), wuh…”

Would it do any good to her if she went with them? Xia Yu was hurried to shout for help.

But before she could finish her word, her mouth was covered by the man’s hand and her body was dragged into the car. Other men surrounded her gave out filthy laughter.

After she was forced into the car, she found she was stuck in the middle, with men sitting at both sides. Their ill-intentioned eyes scanned over her body which made her feel sick. They took away her phone. Apparently, they were skilled at kidnapping.

The car is driving in the darkness, taking her to somewhere she didn’t know. Xia Yu was frightened, and her body shivered without control. Without any doubt, her face must be as pale as a sheet and her back was sweating.

Because they were in the car, they were not afraid that Xia Yu would call for help and uncovered her mouth. But when the hand removed from her mouth, it touched downside along her neck and before it could reach her collar, Xia Yu grabbed the wrist with anger and bit it fiercely.

“Fuck! She bit me.”

Liu San shouted with annoyance and raised the other hand, trying to hit Xia Yu but another sitting near her stopped her and squinted. “Liu San, don’t be rude to a beauty. Remember, we’re civilized.”

The man must be the head of the group. Liu San snorted with discontents and put down his hand without hitting her.

“I like shrewish women.”

The man sneered but Xia Yu felt cold as if she had been in an ice cellar and got goosebumps all over her body.

“Brother, did I annoy you before? If so, I will apologize. Please don’t hurt me.” Xia Yu tried to calm herself down, with her eyes staring at the man aside.

“We’re civilized. Of course, we won’t hurt you as long as you behave well.” Upon hearing the word “civilized” from his mouth, Xia Yu felt sick and her stomach was stirring.

The man’s eyes staring at Xia Yu’s face with some hidden meaning and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, “Beauty, don’t be scared. We don’t mean to hurt you. We just want to talk about compensations. My buddy’s head was hurt by you and was simply wrapped for treatment. You can’t drive him away without paying a penny to compensate even if you were driving a beggar away.”

“We’ve made a deal with his family. I will compensate for his medical treatment, nutrition fees and lost income.” Seeing that they came for the compensation, Xia Yu tried to soften her tone not to provoke them.

“Buddy, this beauty doesn’t say she won’t compensate. Why do you lie to me?” The man who seemed to be the head asked Breakfast Lady’s husband.

Breakfast Lady’s husband said hastily, “Buddy, don’t be coaxed by the woman. She said she would call the police and consult lawyers. But I have no money to consult a fucking lawyer.”

The head glanced at him, “We’ve said we’re civilized. Don’t be rude.”

Breakfast Lady’s husband closed his mouth immediately.

The head continued, “Beauty, you’ve seen that we’re civilized. Why should we make a fuss and go to court? We can reach an agreement with both sides on such a small thing.”

“How much money do you want for compensation?”

Exactly, it was related to Breakfast Lady’s husband as she expected. She was sure that he came to blackmail her because he couldn’t afford to pay back his debts. So, he asked his debtees to threaten Xia Yu to give money.

Xia Yu gritted her teeth out of anger. If she could expect this, she would have hit him with the ashtray more heavily at that time.

The head laughed and reached out his palm in front of Xia Yu. Xia Yu’s heart sank for she knew his five fingers meant not 50,000 yuan but 500,000 yuan. You bastard, what a lion’s share!

“I’m only an employee. How can I have so much money?” Xia Yu complained about her poverty, but she didn’t expect that the purpose of these people was not simple.

The man cast a deep look at Xia Yu, which made her get goose dumps. She subconsciously wanted to keep away from him but now she was stuck in the middle and she couldn’t move an inch.

“She’s lying. She knows my sister-in-law. So, she must be a celebrity or so.” Breakfast Lady’s husband shouted aside as if he had been afraid that Xia Yu didn’t want to give money.

“You’re fucking talkative! Did our head allow you to talk?” Liu San patted his head heavily.

With a wound on his head and the strength of Liu San, he felt it hurt like the hell and kept silent without making any sound.

“It doesn’t matter if you have no money. You have many other ways to earn money since you’re so beautiful.” The head said calmly.

After he finished his words, other men in the car laughed. Their laughter was filthy and disgusting.

Upon hearing what he said, Xia Yu became nervous. But she was surrounded by them stuck in a car, she could do nothing. Then she was taken to a room in a night club. The room was dark and gloomy.

“You, why do you take me here?” Although she had expected that something bad might happen, she was anxious when she was taken here. She tried to be calm, but her trembling voice revealed her fears.

The man held her chin and his finger rubbed her face, “Every man will be enchanted by your face. If you work here, men are willing to pay for your smile. And you will very quickly earn 500,000 yuan in a month. Beauty, I’ve pointed a promising way to you.”

Xia Yu’s body was stiff now. She finally realized the reason why these people brought her to the night club, forcing her to be a prostitute. Xia Yu tightened her fists with anger, and she was so angry that she had a spasm in her belly, which made her forehead sweat more heavily.

“You are violating the law!” Xia Yu gritted her teeth and shouted.

“Under such a circumstance, why do you still have so many words to say?” The head changed his expression and looked sullen. The hand holding her chin pressed with more strength and he said in a cold voice, “Since you don’t want to cooperate, we’ll be harsh to you.”

“Liu San, prepare for cameras and rip her clothes off to take some naked pictures. If she doesn’t behave well, send her pictures online.”

Xia Yu’s head went blank and the filthy laughter arose again. She held firmly the clothes on her chest, shaking madly with fear. She was scared and helpless in her heart, with tears welling up in her eyes.

“I, I have money. I’ll give you 500,000 yuan.”josei

At this moment all she wanted was to let her go, away from these people. 500,000 yuan was nothing to her now.

“But we don’t want money now. Your face can bring numberless money to our night club.” The head said and pinched her waist.

Hearing this, Xia Yu’s body became stiff and she felt desperate. They wouldn’t let her go. How could she do?

“How dare you meddle with the gangster! You don’t care about your wife and child?” Xia Yu glared at Breakfast Lady’s husband and shouted fiercely.

This man coming from the countryside liked sitting idle all day who only dared to make small troubles, but he dared not to force a woman to be a prostitute.

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