Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 303 - Standing High and Gazing Far

Chapter 303 - Standing High and Gazing Far

Chapter 303: Standing High and Gazing Far
From then on, a teenager was often seen here. At first, he wore a schoolbag and a school uniform. Gradually, as roads were built around it, the boy grew taller and the contours of his face gradually became clearer.

Then, he didn’t carry a schoolbag anymore and the teenager became a youth, wearing a simple plaid shirt or T-shirt and having learned to smoke.

There were more and more roads around and the traffic was starting to be convenient. There was even a bus stop nearby.

Later, this building showed up. He started wearing a shirt and suit in good shape to come here. He went higher and looked farther. In the past, he could only see the most of the S city but at that time he could see the whole. He witnessed those buildings rearing up from the ground and the viaducts were built outside the Fourth Ring Road. The world was prosperous. He stood here and looked down proudly. A man should be independent at the age of thirty. He stood here when he was a teenager and finally, he had grown up to such a man.

The man put his hands into his trouser pocket and took a deep breath slowly.

“It is not important how I find it. What is important is that I can stand here!”

Xia Yu didn’t understand what he meant. She just thought that his tone was a little weird. She turned sideways a little and looked at him with the corner of her eye. The man’s profile looked handsome and cold, and all the prosperity of S city seemed to be reflected in his eyes.

Xia Yu inexplicably thought of an epithet ‒ The king of the world!

“Do you come here often?”

“I did come here often before!”

He used to come here often, but not frequent in the last two years.

Xia Yu asked again: “So why do you bring me here today?”

The man next to her kept silent for a while, bowed his head and smiled. Xia Yu didn’t understand why he laughed.

It took a while to hear his answer: “You also like to stand high, don’t you? So I take you here to have a look!”

Xia Yu was in a trance again. Indeed, she liked to climb high when she was helpless.

But it was her secret. How did this man know?

“Can you tell me why you used to come here?”

Shen Yan thought about it. “Maybe because I can stand high and gaze far here.”

Xia Yu mulled over it in her heart.

“What about you? Why do you like to climb high?” Asked Shen Yan.

Xia Yu put her hands around her shoulders. As it was windy on the top of the building, she felt a chill in the air.

“I am different from you!” She didn’t have too much ambition. “I like to climb high just because there are no people in the heights. It’s very quiet and I can think of things unlimitedly.”

Shen Yan turned around and looked at her, who was holding her shoulders with her hands gently. The wind blew her side hair, revealing a cold and quiet expression on her cheek.

The wind blew from a distance and caressed them. The night scene in their eyes became a still picture.

When the first ray of sunlight of S City was shone on the waste building, Shen Yan was sat on the top floor, holding Xia Yu in his arms. He patted the shoulders of her.

“It’s daybreak!”

Xia Yu slowly opened her eyes as if the long darkness had been finally dispelled by the light and the golden sunlight infiltrated into her pupils, so bright and so warm. She leaned sideways into Shen Yan’s arms, adapting to the light until she was able to completely open her eyes.

It seemed that a distant ray of light was cutting a hole in the sky, and the vast gold leaked out from it. The entire abandoned building was shrouded in light which was getting brighter and brighter as time wore on and sprawled around.

Half the red sun peeped out, like being raised by the tall building in the distance.

This was the first time Xia Yu had watched the sunrise in the city. It was completely different from what she used to see. Soon, half the red sun was cut into several pieces by distant buildings. It was getting brighter and brighter. After about ten minutes, the red sun rose up and finally broke away from the buildings, completely appearing in front of her.

The whole city was illuminated, and the night completely vanished.

Xia Yu smiled softly in Shen Yan’s arms. “It’s really daybreak!”

They cuddled in the lonely building. Shen Yan wrapped his suit around Xia Yu, and the fresh and vigorous light shrouded her. She squinted slightly, looking at the big, bright sun in front of her eyes.

At six o’clock or so, they finally got down from the upstairs. Xia Yu’s dark circles were particularly noticeable against her fair complexion because she almost didn’t sleep all night.

Shen Yan smiled: “Fortunately, today is Saturday!”

She didn’t discern the situation around when they came at night out of the darkness. At this time she finally knew how desolate it was when looking around. In front of the unfinished building was a large open land.

There were all kinds of building materials everywhere, and the ground was overgrown with weeds, some of which were almost waist-high. It was really strenuous for Xia Yu to step on the uneven cobbled path with high-heeled shoes. But she was stubborn. She allowed Shen Yan to help her walk last night as it was dark in the night. Now she felt uncomfortable to let him help her walk again during the day, so she insisted on walking by herself.

It took a few minutes to walk just a hundred meters. Almost every step needed to be careful as she was afraid of stumbling. But Shen Yan was not patient. He turned back after walking every two steps: “Can’t you hurry up!”

As a result, Xia Yu sprained her ankle in his constant urging. Shen Yan heard a sound behind him and turned back. Seeing that Xia Yu had fallen to the ground, he could only walk back with a sulky face. He felt she was not hurt at first. He didn’t squat down to check her ankle until he saw her holding her ankle painfully. He lifted up her trouser leg on the left side a little to reveal her ankle. He could not help frowning when seeing it.

“How come? It’s so badly hurt.”

Her left ankle had swollen up like a bun after just a short while. No wonder that she looked so painful. It hurt severely.

Shen Yan glared at Xia Yu again. So why was she so stubborn that she didn’t let him help her just now?

“Can you still walk?”

Xia Yu took a breath. “It should be OK!” She said while trying to stand up. But her left leg hurt seriously as long as she moved slightly.

Shen Yan didn’t come to help her, just looking at her stubborn struggle.

After trying a few times, she finally clenched her teeth and stood up from the ground. She tried to move forward but then she just fell to the side. Shen Yan held her waist immediately.

“You still want to sprain your right ankle?”josei


“Grasp me!”

Xia Yu had to follow it.

Shen Yan supported her body and then slowly squatted down. “Lift your left foot first and then lift your right foot!” He took off her heels and handed them to her: “Take them yourself!”

Xia Yu stood there barefoot, with a pair of shoes in her hand. Her toes were slender and white, treading on the dark and rough cobbled path. Shen Yan took a glance at her and walked two steps forward. He squatted down again, turning his back to her.



“I’ll carry you. Hurry up!”

Xia Yu looked down at the dirty ground. Considering her left ankle had swollen seriously., she had no choice. She could only take a breath with her eyes closed, moving two steps slowly with pain to get on his back.

It was probably three or four hundred meters away from the parking place. Shen Yan carried her all the way, treading on the bumpy road, but he walked steadily as usual.

Xia Yu put her arms around Shen Yan’s neck, and the heels in her hand were just in front of his chest. The rising sun was shining behind them, shedding a layer of golden light on their overlapping backs.

He carried Xia Yu to the car, opening the door and putting her in the back seat. He sat beside her then and picked up her left foot to check it. The sprained place seemed to be more swollen.

Shen Yan twisted her ankle lightly.

“Hiss!” Xia Yu couldn’t help retracting her leg.

Shen Yan held it: “Is it very painful?”

She held a breath: “What do you think?”

Shen Yan couldn’t help frowning: “Send you to the hospital!”

“No!” Xia Yu was not so delicate even if it really hurt.

“It will be okay if I have two days of rest.”

Shen Yan didn’t say anything. What if the bones got hurt as it was swollen so severely? He put her leg down, got off the car and went to the driver’s seat, driving the car directly to the road.

It took nearly two hours to drive from the south of the city to the urban area. On Saturday morning, there were only few cars on the viaduct. People should be still dreaming at such an early time, so it took only one hour and twenty minutes to get to the hospital in the city.

“Wait for me in the car. I will go to get a registration first!” Shen Yan parked the car and said to Xia Yu, getting off the car before she replied. After a few minutes, he came out of the outpatient building and directly opened the door on Xia Yu’s side.

Xia Yu struggled to walk by herself, but Shen Yan just held her in his arms and got her out from the car.

During the day, it was seething with people.

Xia Yu frowned. “Let me down. I can walk by myself!”

But Shen Yan turned a deaf ear to her. He held her in his arms and walked into the outpatient building in a few steps. There were more people in the building. The orthopedics department was on the second floor. Many people queued up in front of the elevator. He looked at them and climbed the stairs directly then, which attracted countless eyes all the way.

It was the first time that Xia Yu was held by a man in public. She could only put her face on his chest and closed her eyes. Forget it, and let it go.

Fortunately, there were not many people waiting in line at the entrance of the orthopedic consulting clinic. Soon it was Xia Yu’s turn. This time she refused to let Shen Yan hold her again. She held the wall and moved in. After she went in, the doctor checked it. She got an X-ray, which signified that the bones didn’t get hurt. The tendons were twisted, so it was seriously swollen.

“It doesn’t matter. I’ll prescribe some medicine for you to apply at home. In addition, you’ll feel more painful in the evening. You’d better spray some painkiller on it.”

Shen Yan took a sigh of relief, went downstairs to pay for the medicine, and then came up to hold Xia Yu into the car again.

On the way back, they did not speak. They watched the night scene and the sunrise last night, and then she sprained her ankle, which wore Xia Yu out. She fell asleep on the way until the car stopped.

Shen Yan patted her. “We’ve arrived!”

Then he held her in arms again to come in and put her on the sofa.

“Young Master Yan, Miss Xia, when did you go out?” Aunt Ma had thought they were all at home, so she was shocked when they came in from outside.

Xia Yu smiled and said: “We went out to watch the sunrise!”

Was sunrise worth a visit? She used to see it in the country every day. Was the sunrise rare to the people in the city? Aunt Ma said in her heart. Seeing the medicine next to Xia Yu and her swollen ankle like a bun, she asked: “You are injured?”

“I got sprained. Not serious!” Xia Yu smiled embarrassedly. She got a fever yesterday as she was scared by Jiang Tao and at this time, she got sprained. She was really not too lucky recently.

“How can you be so careless, Miss Xia?” Aunt Ma looked at it and asked: “Do the bones get hurt?”

“No, I have already got an X-ray.” Xia Yu said.

“You should be careful. No more bumps and bruises.” Aunt Ma nagged for a long time and then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for them.

“Come on. Take the medicine.” Shen Yan handed her a few pills, watching her swallow them down, and then handed the water to her.

After taking the medicine, she sat for a while, and then the breakfast was ready. After eating breakfast, Shen Yan drove out. Xia Yu’s foot was injured so she stayed at home, watching TV.

Xia Yu tried to move her left foot again, and the pain was even more serious. Did she really have to spend this weekend here? The phone rang in her pocket when she was thinking. It was Wanru’s call.

“Xia Yu, do I disturb your sleep with such an early call?” There was the gentle voice of Wanru coming from phone.

Since the last time Xia Yu refused to cooperate with her, they hadn’t contacted for some time. Xia Yu looked at the phone and said with a smile: “I’ve got up.”

“It’s good!” Wanru smiled in the phone, “Zhou Yan is going to A University to give a speech. Can you accompany me?”

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