Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 345 - Come Across Again

Chapter 345 - Come Across Again

Chapter 345 Come Across Again
“I can only lower a hundred yuan. It is a real bargain that 2,900 yuan per month is for a house with two bedrooms and a sitting room.”

Lv Wushuang could tell from the landlady’s tone that this was the final price, so she said, “OK. I’ll consider it.” Then they left the house while she spoke.

Since it was already at noon, Xia Yu and Lv Wushuang found a place to have lunch first and then continued to visit another one, which was brighter and larger than the former one. There were also two bedrooms and a sitting room in it, but its price was 3,200 yuan per month. Lv Wushuang haggled about the price with the landlord for a long while. Finally, he agreed to lower 200 yuan, so Lv Wushuang rented the house at the price of 3,000 yuan a month.

Immediately, Lv Wushuang began packing up her luggage.

“You don’t have to hasten.” Xia Yu looked at her and said, “No one forces you to move out so soon.”

“It’s not because of someone’s forcing me.” Lv Wushuang hesitated for a while and then said to Xia Yu, “Let me tell you. When I was your cousin’s assistant, one of Li Yan’s interpreters expressed his affection for me.”

It was good news because Lv Wushuang was not so young anymore. When Xia Yu heard this, she hurried to hold Lv Wushuang’s hand and asked, “Is he handsome? What about his morality?”

“He’s good, and he’s much better than me. I’m afraid that I don’t worth his affection.” Lv Wushuang had her own apprehension because her ex-boyfriends were all scared away by her freak parents. She feared that the same situation would happen again, so she didn’t dare to accept his love.

She had found a new job and intended to move away quickly before others knew.

“You worry too much. Since you think he’s suitable, why not date him?” Seeing Lv Wushuang was in a panic as if she was escaping from her enemies, Xia Yu didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“No, it is not that I have thought too much. I’m realistic. Help me pack up.”

Xia Yu didn’t keep persuading. She helped her pack up. One month ago, Lv Wushuang came here with two handbags, but now when she was about to leave and started to pack up, the amount of her luggage was beyond her imagination.

Lv Wushuang took a final look at every corner of the house before she closed the door. Her eyes were brimming with tears. She had so many wonderful memories here. She slightly bit her lower lip and gently closed the door.

After she got to her new house, she began packing up and doing some cleaning until the dusk. Lv Wushuang had intended to invite Xia Yu for dinner, but Xia Yu had an appointment with Fang Feifei.

So Lv Wushuang didn’t cook dinner by herself. Instead, she directly ordered a taken-away. When Xia Yu was leaving and Lv Wushuang was seeing her off, Li Yan’s interpreter, Han Ziqian came here.

Lv Wushuang lowered her head immediately upon seeing him. Xia Yu understood immediately that she’d better leave them alone, so she greeted Han Ziqian with a smile and then left in a hurry.

She didn’t want to interrupt them.

Lv Wushuang turned around and went in, followed by Han Ziqian. He looked gloomy and had black eye circles under his eyes with his lips tightened.

After he came in, he didn’t inquire her of her moving away. Instead, he went to the balcony and took out a package of cigarettes from his pocket. He just drew out one cigarette but later put it back.

“Though you turned me down, I will not harass you. Can we get along with each other as before, OK?” His voice was hoarse, and his last sentence revealed a glimmer of hope.

Would Lv Wushuang cruelly turn down him again? She couldn’t give him a cold refusal. She parted her lips but didn’t utter a word. At last, she closed her lips tightly. Silence might be good for them at this time.

The man in front of her looked paler, but the corners of his mouth curved suddenly. He said in a light-hearted tone, “I will take your silence as acquiescence. If I drop by to dine with you next time, don’t push me away and shut me out. Is there anything I can help you now?”

When he finished his words, he turned around and left the balcony.

When Xia Yu and Fang Feifei finished their skincare, it was very late at night, so they headed home directly. They felt so good since no one bothered their leisure time. The next day, Fang Feifei invited Xia Yu to play billiards.

Xia Yu agreed without refusal. Then Fang Feifei took Xia Yu to a large sports venue with luxurious decorations.

“It also has a sauna, sweat steaming and massage services.”

Apparently, Fang Feifei was a regular, so she was familiar with it. She took Xia Yu to the changing room and changed into their sports clothes. When Xia Yu took off her clothes, Fang Feifei exclaimed with surprise in a wow, which scared her so much.

“Xia Yu, your belly is slim, and there is no flab. Since you are not on a diet, you must have a secret of success. Please tell me.” Fang Feifei said with excitement and touched her belly while speaking.

“I do yoga every day. It may work.” Though she was watched by a person of the same sex, Xia Yu still felt awkward, so she took on her sports clothes quickly.

After they changed their clothes, the two people went to play billiards indoors. They hadn’t played it for a long time, so they lost the first match in the beginning. In the second match, they found their rhythm gradually and played better.

They felt refreshed after doing exercise and sweating a lot since they had not done sports like this for a long time. It was good to release pressure by doing sports when they were depressive in the mind. They had a rest in the lounge after three matches.

“Wow, I feel so good.”

Fang Feifei drank a mouthful of water, and her red face looked so excited and satisfied. She was in a good mood. Suddenly, a flash blinked in her eyes. It seemed that she saw something amazing. She patted Xia Yu’s hand. “Xia Yu, look back. There is a handsome guy, whose body shape is better than a model. He must have eight abdominal muscles plus the mermaid lines.”

Xia Yu closed her lips lightly while smiling. She didn’t expect that Fang Feifei would be so impulsive when seeing handsome guys because she always had a high standard for men. When Xia Yu went shopping with her outside and some good-looking men wanted to chat with her, she was always cold to them. This time, Xia Yu was curious about the handsome guy mentioned by Fang Feifei, so she looked back spontaneously.

“Go ahead! Don’t be shy!” Xia Yu took a look at the man and found that the guy was handsome indeed. She now understood Fang Feifei’s impulse.

“What if he ignores me?” Fang Feifei intended to chat with him indeed and acted as if she was about to have a try, but she gave up at last for fear of being turned down.

What was worse, he might have a wife, who was watching aside. How embarrassed she would be!

“You are a coward. You can just walk over and say ‘Excuse me, sir. This is my business card. Can we make a friend?’.” Xia Yu stood up and demonstrated how to do it while speaking.

“Why don’t you have a try?” Fang Feifei found Xia Yu was good at it, so she advised her to have a try.

Xia Yu backed down at once. “Shen Yan will kill me directly if he knows it.”

“You’re also a coward.” Fang Feifei rolled up her eyes at Xia Yu.

“You go if you’re not a coward.” Xia Yu stared back at her.

The two people were teasing each other when Xia Yu tripped over and almost fell down. Fang Feifei held her in a hurry. “Watch out.”

“Miss Fang, do you come here to play billiards with your friend?” At this moment, one of Fang Feifei’s acquaintances came over and greeted her.

“Young Master Du, do you come here to exercise as well?” Fang Feifei had a quick chat with him while holding Xia Yu.

“Is your friend okay? Do you need any help?” Young Master Du was warm-hearted.

“No, thanks.”

Fang Feifei answered. Then she continued to hold Xia Yu to walk towards the door. After they walked a few paces, she suddenly said with much disgust, “What ill-luck! We come across the shameless bastard , Li Wen.”

Xia Yu felt like crying when she heard what Fang Feifei said. She should have checked the lunar calendar of Celestial Empire when she prepared to go out today. How unlucky she was!

“Eldest Miss Fang, what a coincidence!”

Before Xia Yu could leave with Fang Feifei quickly, a voice rang up through the air, and Xia Yu saw that a pair of black leather shoes showed up in front of them within a few steps.

“Do I know you? Don’t stand in my way.” Upon thinking of her mother’s introducing her to this bastard , Fang Feifei went mad and said ironically. She then held Xia Yu and tried to circumvent Li Wen.

However, Xia Yu’s arm was grabbed by the man with a strong force, which made her stagger. His annoying voice rang up again, and he said with a chuckle, “You don’t know me, but this lady must know me. After all, we were so intimate before, right? Xia Yu?”

Then he reached out to hold Xia Yu’s chin while speaking, forcing her to raise her head. His eyes were full of tease, which provoked Xia Yu. She wanted to chop him into pieces at this moment.

“You bastard , let Xia Yu go.” Fang Feifei completely screamed out of anxiety. Her voice was so loud and harsh that perhaps it could be heard in half of the lounge.

“Let her go!” The three words were uttered in an aggressive tone. Xia Yu looked back and found Shen Yan stand not far away.

But Li Wen wasn’t inclined to let her go. Xia Yu suddenly grabbed Li Wen’s hand with her two hands and used all her strength to bite it with anger. Then she bent her knee and kicked him with her knee.

He didn’t expect that Xia Yu had so much strength. He pushed her away because of the great pain. His strength was so heavy that Xia Yu then fell backward directly.

But she didn’t fall to the ground. She was held by someone, and her back was supported by a warm and broad chest. Shen Yan embraced her with his arms. “Are you OK?”

Xia Yu shook her head.

“Shen Yan, this woman is mine.” Upon thinking of that Shen Yan informed his father who beat him later, Li Wen got angry. Now his father was not here, so he didn’t have to fear anyone.

Li Wen stood in the way and looked at Shen Yan coldly with a tilted chin.

“This woman is yours?” The four words were uttered by Shen Yan while gnashing his teeth, which made the surrounding air plum several degrees. It could be felt clearly that Shen Yan let out a chill from his body. His momentum was so mighty.josei

Li Wen glared at him unyieldingly and suddenly gave out a punch to hit Shen Yan quickly and fiercely. Shen Yan’s reaction was quicker. He moved his body to the side and evaded Li Wen’s punching.

“Stop! Don’t fight! Young Master Li, please stop for the sake of me.” A man aside stopped Li Wen and persuaded him.

At this moment, Shen Yan took Xia Yu, walking quickly to the door of the lounge.

“For the sake of you? Who do you think you are?” Li Wen pushed away Young Master Du fiercely, who staggered and fell backward without watching out, just knocking on Xia Yu’s body unconsciously.

Then Xia Yu’s head directly knocked against the wall by the force. Her head suddenly went blank with a bang.

Seeing that Shen Yan parted his lips as if he was saying something, Xia Yu couldn’t hear what he was saying. Her ears were temporarily deaf, and she could only see darkness in front of her. Finally, she plunged into a coma when she could bear it.

When she woke up, she saw the bright white ceiling, not knowing where she was. The smell of disinfecting water went into her nostrils, and the sound of beeping sounded beside her ears. Before she could take a look to figure out what the sound was, a human voice sounded, which was very penetrating. “Xia Yu, you wake up finally. You almost scared me to death. Thank God.”

Fang Feifei’s eyes were red, and she was half smiling and half crying. She wondered why she and Xia Yu were so unlucky when they stayed together. There were always incidents which befell to them.

“Ahem, ahem…” Xia Yu coughed suddenly when she wanted to say something. Her throat was dry and sore, which was very painful.

Fang Feifei poured a glass of water for her immediately. Xia Yu wanted to raise her arm to take the water, but she didn’t have any strength to raise her hand.

At last, Fang Feifei fed her some water. Before she drank up the water, the door of the ward was pushed open from outside. Shen Yan showed up first, and then Young Master Du and Li Wen followed up.

The three men were all injured as well as black and blue on the corner of the mouth, or the chin or the eye, as if they had come to an appointment.

“Xia Yu!” Shen Yan’s voice was so hoarse as if he had just cried before. He called Xia Yu’s name gently.

Li Wen vied to show his concern. He approached and said, “Xia Yu, I didn’t mean to. How do you feel now? Any feeling of vomiting?”

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