Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 361 - You Seem to Fear Me

Chapter 361 - You Seem to Fear Me

Chapter 361 You Seem to Fear Me
The man and the woman went out of the elevator on the tenth floor. When the elevator door closed, Cai Yanyan looked at Xia Yu with an embarrassed smile and said, “That woman is a superstar who receives huge support from our company. She has acted in a couple of series, and I have heard that she’s close to the executives these days.”

There was some admiration in her tone. When the elevator door opened again, Xia Yu followed Cai Yanyan to walk out.

“So, Xia Yu, come to our company. You will also be a superstar soon with your good look and Young Master Yan’s wealth.” Cai Yanyan persuaded Xia Yu and said.

“Yanyan, you know I’m not suitable to be an actress. Besides, my father is so old, and I plan to go back to take care of my parents.” Xia Yu really didn’t want to be an actress whose life tempo was out of order. She was used to the nine-to-five life.

Besides, her parents wouldn’t agree. Her relationship with her father had been soured because of Chen Wenxuan, and now it was getting better, so she didn’t want to enrage her father again.

“Xia Yu, I think you have your own mind. Your cousin is an actress and you should have already seen how rich you can be in this field. I advise you to think again.” Hearing what Xia Yu said, Cai Yanyan showed a disappointed look again.

“Fine, I will think it over. “Xia Yu didn’t want to make a deadlock in their relationship and said so. She gave Cai Yanyan a smile and pointed to her watch. “I’m at work now and can’t stay here any longer.”

Cai Yanyan understood her and said with a smile, “OK! Call me when you think it through.”

“Well, okay! Bye!” Xia Yu waved her hand to her and walked into the elevator.

Cai Yanyan just went to Manager Sun’s office. “Xia Yu agreed to think about it. Young Master Yan loves her so much. If she comes to us, Young Master Yan will surely invest in our company.”

Hearing what Cai Yanyan said, Manager Sun showed a glad smile on his face. “Yanyan, if you can succeed in getting Shen Yan’s investment, our company will give you a big reward. And you did well in the series this time. I have told this to General Manager, and he intends to support you. Keep your good job and don’t let him down.”

Cai Yanyan was lost in ecstasy after Manager Sun said these words. She rushed to say, “Thanks for your recommendation, Manager Sun.”

“It’s mostly your effort that made it. I did nothing important. Now go back and work hard.” Manager Sun took a sip of the coffee and said smilingly.

After Xia Yu went back to work, it was lunchtime after working for a while. At first, it was only Xia Yu and Xiao Tang, but later Fang Feifei and Li Feiran also joined them.

After some chatting, Li Feiran asked Xia Yu, “What’s the secret kept between Cai Yanyan and you recently? You’ve been murmuring together these days.”

Xia Yu laughed. “There’s no secret. It’s just that she finished acting and invited me for dinner with one of her leaders last time. Then that leader asked me to join their company, but I refused. Cai Yanyan was here to persuade me.”

Hearing what Xia Yu said, Xiao Tang and Li Feiran only pursed their lips without a word, but Fang Feifei said, “Xia Yu, the reason why Cai Yanyan left Tengfei is simply that I and Li Feiran joined our company at the same time with her, but only she didn’t get a promotion, and we all got. She felt it unfair that she was still a little secretary, so she chose to change her job to that entertainment company. But is her life really easy there? Just taking Zeng Mina for example, she has both a good look and a wealthy family, and her acting skill is not bad. But after a few years, she still hasn’t become a superstar. Thus, it’s impossible for her who is a nobody to gain a foothold in her company. The reason why she asked you to join them is that she just wants to take advantage of Young Master Yan’s influence.”

Both Li Feiran and Xiao Tang totally agreed on what Fang Feifei said and constantly nodded on the side.

Xia Yu smiled and said, “I don’t reject the showbiz myself, but my father is different. He had been upset for a long time after hearing that my cousin wanted to be a model in those days. If he knew that I was going to join this circle, he would surely beat me to death.”

“What? Your father is so violent?” Everyone laughed on hearing what Xia Yu said.

After lunch, they went shopping as there was still some time before the break was over. When it was time to go back to work, they returned to the company together. Nothing special happened in the afternoon, and when it was quitting time, Xia Yu went directly home.

Shen Yan had a business dinner in the evening. So, Xia Yu had dinner with Aunt Ma. After playing with Diudiu for a while, she took a shower and went to her bedroom. She heard that her cellphone on the bedside table rang and then took it up. Looking through the message, she smiled. It was a photo sent by Shen Yan. He was taking a glass of red wine against the wall. His beautiful eyes were sparkling and drew both surprise and admiration of others indeed.

There was a line of words under the photo. “Cocktail party is boring.”

Xia Yu smiled with her mouth closed and sent back a message immediately. “Sneak away.”

“Well! Good idea.” After a while, he sent another message followed by a sad emoji. “I have been caught.”

Xia Yu burst into laughter. After several more messages, she put down her phone and went to bed.

The next day not long after she arrived at her company, Cai Yanyan called and said very excitedly, “Xia Yu, I got a role as a supporting actress and can play a big part.”

“Congratulations, Yanyan!”

Xia Yu was really happy for her. She had heard how hard it was to succeed in the entertainment world. Even a minor role would attract many people to compete for.

But it was lucky for Cai Yanyan to have such a good opportunity as she just joined the company. If she could make good use of this chance, she could surely gain a foothold.

“Thank you, and by the way, I have also recommended you to Manager Sun in this drama. Maybe we can act in it together at that time.”

Hearing the word “act”, Xia Yu smiled and refused Cai Yanyan in a soft way. “You know that I’m not capable of acting. I’d rather continue to be a little secretary steadfastly.”

“Don’t overlook yourself. I used to be a secretary like you not long ago. If you think you can do it, you will surely make it.” Cai Yanyan encouraged her and then said in an apologetic tone, “Xia Yu, talk to you later. I’m going to meet an investor with the producer after a while.”

“Never mind. Go ahead! But remember not to drink too much.” Xia Yu warned her.

After dinner, Xia Yu was about to get some clothes and take a shower when her phone on the bed rang. She turned around to take it up, and it was from Cai Yanyan.

As soon as she answered the phone, Cai Yanyan’s terrified voice came from it. “Help me quickly, Xia Yu! I, I feel strange about my body. That abnormal investor might have drugged me… I’m in Room 803 of Wenyue Hotel. Hurry to come here…”

Xia Yu felt heartrending as she heard the desperate and terrified crying from her phone. “I’ll come to you right now. Don’t panic and find… Hello? Hello?”

No further voice came from the phone. Xia Yu looked at it, and it was hung up. When she called back, Cai Yanyan’s phone was turned off. Xia Yu’s forehead began to sweat immediately, and she hurried to grab her purse and rushed out.

In the taxi, she called Cai Yanyan several times constantly, but none of them got through. Luckily, she heard from the driver that Wenyue Hotel was not far away. But even ten minutes seemed to be a long time and suffering for her as she was so anxious. Her mind was full of Cai Yanyan’s crying on the phone, which made her more anxious.

“Here we are!” The driver reminded her and said.

Hearing what the driver said, she jumped out of the car before the taxi could stop completely and steadily.

“Hey! You haven’t paid the bill.”

Xia Yu had run a couple of steps and until the driver called her, she didn’t realize that she hadn’t paid the bill. So, she turned around, taking out a hundred yuan from her purse, and gave it to the driver through the taxi window.

In the hotel, she hit someone at the corner. Her nose struck the man in the chest, and the pain made her tears flow out. Luckily, that man grasped her arm so that she wouldn’t fall heavily down to the ground.

“So…, sorry!”

Xia Yu looked up at the person who she just hit and saw clearly what he looked like. He had a deep face that seemed to be carved with a knife. Her pupils contracted violently, and her body couldn’t help trembling. Her immediate thought was to run away. How could it be possible that she ran into this man?

But Li Wen was still holding her arm. Xia Yu shrieked, “Let me go.” Her voice shook out of tune.

The deep eyes were squinted tightly and stealthily. He changed his eyes gradually. There appeared to be a storming wave deep in his eyes. He not only didn’t let go of Xia Yu but also added strength to his hand, with which he grasped the arm of Xia Yu.

“Why do you fear me so much?”

His voice was so cold as a sharp knife, but it woke Xia Yu from being afraid. She didn’t need to be terrified in front of him or run away at all.

“No, I’m just sorry that I knocked into you.” Xia Yu calmed down quickly and tried her best to restrain her inner feeling of tension and upset, staring at him frankly.

At first glance, she was too scared to look at him twice. Now that she was calm now, she reviewed his face carefully and found he was not so scary.

“Apology accepted. But still, you haven’t answered my question.”

Li Wen’s sharp eyes glanced at every part of Xia Yu’s face inch by inch like inferred ray. The expression on his face changed quickly as if he could see through her bones and blood under her skin. Though Xia Yu restored herself to be calm just now, under such a gaze, she became nervous again.

“Can you just let go of me? There’s something I must do right now.” Thinking of Cai Yanyan, Xia Yu became anxious immediately. She had no time to argue with him here.

But Li Wen’s hand was like an iron claw, and she was unable to get rid of it with her own strength.

“Something urgent just happened to my friend here.” Xia Yu explained again.

Before her voice died away, Li Wen loosened his grip on her and then strode forward. His men on both sides followed him immediately once he moved.

Xia Yu let out a long breath of relief and wiped off the beads of sweat on her forehead. What the hell did she run into him in such a big world? She was so unlucky.

She shook her head to throw the image of Li Wen out of her mind. The most important thing now was to find Cai Yanyan.josei

Xia Yu sped up to the elevator. Just at this time, the elevator door ahead on the left just opened with three people coming out of it. There were two men and a woman who was carried on the shoulders of a short and fat middle-aged man. Her head was bent so low, and the hair covered her face completely as if she was drunk.

That short and fat middle-aged man had a flush of excitement on his face. He kept staring at the woman in his arms and showed a wild desire for her like a beast.

When they passed by Xia Yu, she saw a watch on the woman’s wrist with the corners of her eyes. It was a watch of Omega Constellation. Cai Yanyan also had such a watch. She bought this watch at the price of 30 thousand yuan with a firm hand when shopping with Xia Yu. It was a large sum of money for Cai Yanyan then.


Xia Yu shouted loudly. The woman gave no reaction, but that middle-aged man who was holding her showed an anxious look on his face instantly. She was alerted suddenly and turned around. Then she walked quickly to the side of the woman and raised her hand to push aside the woman’s hair. She just saw a familiar face. There was a gripping pain coming from her heart. It was Cai Yanyan. She was pale with her eyes closed tightly as if she had fallen into a daze.

“What are you doing?” The middle-aged man shouted angrily and waved away the hand of Xia Yu. His voice was so loud that it seemed that he was covering up his crime.

“It’s me who should ask what you are going to do. She is my friend. What did you do to her?” Xia Yu questioned angrily. She looked at the man with her sharp eyes and also glanced at the bald man next to him. Her voice was louder. Whether it could threaten the two men or not, it would still be good for her to attract the hotel staff as well.

“You are a crazy woman. Are you drunk? You are talking nonsense.”

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