Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 378 - He Started to Be Suspicious

Chapter 378 - He Started to Be Suspicious

Chapter 378 He Started to Be Suspicious
“If I still don’t cancel it after he acted like this, people will think that Zeng Family is really worse than Shen Family.” Zeng Ziqiang said, getting angrier and angrier, and finally, he fiercely punched the desk and stood up.

“Why are you so angry? Don’t you know that your heart is in bad health?” Zhou Jiamin hurriedly helped him sit down and comforted him with nice words.

She then took a cup of ginseng tea for him to get relaxed.

After Zeng Ziqiang calmed down for a while, he asked Zhou Jiamin, “Where is Li Tianci?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t see him when I came to the company.” Zhou Jiamin naturally wouldn’t say that he was arranged by her to look for him. As Zeng Ziqiang asked about him, she said, “Would you like me to call him?”

“Tell him directly that I am still worried about the batch of goods in Shandong. Ask him to go there in person.” Zeng Ziqiang drank two sips of ginseng tea and then put the cup down. He continued to say, “I have already made a deal with President Zhao and President Ma, and they expressed their willingness to cooperate with us. I have to concentrate on this matter. As for other things, you and Li Tianci have to pay more attention to them.”

“Okay, you have to be careful. Shen Family is not easy to deal with. Although they are in internal strife now, they still have a solid foundation after all.” Zhou Jiamin reminded him and said.

“Yes, they still have a solid foundation. Otherwise, I don’t need to put so much effort into it.” Shen Family was really a formidable enemy of Shen Family, and he had to admit it.

Especially the two grandchildren of Shen Family were really treacherous and difficult to deal with.

“But how could they be a match for you? Forget it and don’t talk about it anymore. Today Mina is in a bad mood. How about having dinner with her? I will make an appointment with Director Feng. She wants to be a heroine of his film all the time. “Zhou Jiamin said with a smile on the side.

“Nobody will doubt it even if I say you are her biological mother.” Zeng Ziqiang pointed at her with his hand and was quite satisfied with her arrangement. “You just make some arrangements. I will deal with the business of our company.”

“Well, okay!” Zhou Jiamin went out of Zeng Ziqiang’s office. She quickly returned to her office and called Li Tianci. “Tianci, great! Zeng Mina, that idiot, did not say it to Zeng Ziqiang. We are temporarily safe. But this time he was really so angry since we didn’t enter Shen Group. He has already contacted President Zhao and others. They will fight against Shen Group recklessly. He asked us to take charge of other things in the company and told you to go to Shandong in person. Our opportunity is coming.”

“Great!” Li Tianci listened to Zhou Jiamin’s words and jumped up happily. The batch of goods in Shandong was the lifeblood of Zeng Ziqiang, and he had been taking charge of it personally all the time. But this time Zeng Ziqiang unexpectedly asked him to take control of it.

“Just go ahead quickly. I will keep a close eye on Zeng Ziqiang here. I will contact you as soon as possible if anything happens.” After Zhou Jiamin exchanged her opinions with Li Tianci, she hung up the phone.

She also had to contact Director Feng for Zeng Mina. She had to complete all the parts of the play. Otherwise, how could Zeng Ziqiang believe in her?

Zeng Mina was very happy with the yacht which her father sent to her. After hearing that she could cooperate with Director Feng, she was so overjoyed. Forgetting the unpleasant things and carefully dressing up, she went to the address that Zhou Jiamin told her.

She went there so early. When she arrived there, everyone had not arrived yet. The storage box which her father told her was just nearby, so she wanted to get the key first. After having dinner, she would go to try her new yacht.

Thinking about it, Zeng Mina walked out of the hall with her high-heeled shoes. When walking across the hall, a group of guests just came over. They seemed to be together, being noisy.

When Zeng Mina passed through them, she happened to hit one of them. This was a common occurrence in public. It would be fine after she made an apology. So, she intended to move on after saying sorry.

“Miss Zeng?” The person suddenly said.

Did he know her? Zeng Mina looked up at her. “Cai Yanyan, why are you here?” She then looked at other people. They seemed to be a crew. “Is Tengfei going to shoot an advertisement again?”

“I’ve left Tengfei already, and now I am working with Manager Sun.” Cai Yanyan smiled and said. Zeng Mina was not popular in Shen Family, but she was still famous in the entertainment industry, so Cai Yanyan still respected her.

“You are also an actress now?” Zeng Mina was a little surprised, but soon she said, “It is really a suitable job for you out of your pleasing image. Work hard, and you will be famous.”

Zeng Mina didn’t have much prejudice against Cai Yanyan. When Cai Yanyan worked in Tengfei before, she was not very enthusiastic to Zeng Mina, but she never fought against her, either.

They still talked a lot when they happened to meet in this place as they were just peers, although they did not work in the same company.

“I just work as an actress to make a living. I can’t be compared with you, Miss Zeng.” Cai Yanyan was very modest, and this was also the truth. It would take some time for her to catch up with Zeng Mina.

“You’re so modest. Manager Sun is very famous in the industry. You’ll have a promising future if you keep working with him. There are so many people. Do you have a new play to shoot?” Zeng Mina was very satisfied with Cai Yanyan’s compliment, so she smiled even more.

“Today is a colleague’s birthday. And we come over to celebrate her birthday. Miss Zeng, if you are free, just join us.” Cai Yanyan thought that they were peers and Zeng Mina was famous. Maybe, many of them knew her. Therefore, she invited her very warmly.

Zeng Mina would certainly agree without any hesitation at ordinary times, but today she really had an appointment. “I am really sorry. I have an appointment with my father to have dinner with Director Feng. So, let’s do it another day.”

An appointment with Director Feng! Cai Yanyan’s eyes were gleaming, and she said with envy, “Miss Zeng, you are so lucky to be able to cooperate with Director Feng.”

“We just have dinner together. It is not sure whether I can cooperate with him or not.” Zeng Mina was somewhat proud. Director Feng was very famous in the film and television industry. If she could cooperate with him, she might even get a big prize. Seeing that Cai Yanyan was so envious and that they were also old acquaintances, Zeng Mina said with pleasure, “Cai Yanyan, how about this? As long as I can cooperate with Director Feng, I will recommend you to him, alright?”

“Miss Zeng, you are so kind to me. Thank you! Really thank you so much!” This was such a great thing that Cai Yanyan even couldn’t dream about. If they were not in public, she would throw herself towards Zeng Mina and kiss her.

This was the sorrow of a newcomer. If they could have a role to enact, they would be so happy like this. Zeng Mina really despised her, but she hid her emotion very well, and they even added WeChat to each other.

After finishing these things, Cai Yanyan said with much gratitude, “Since Miss Zeng has an appointment, I’ll go inside first. If you have the chance, please put in a good word for me in front of Director Feng.”

“Do not worry. I will.” Zeng Mina waved her hand to Cai Yanyan and saw her go inside. Then she continued to go out. When she arrived at the door, she saw Zhou Jiamin holding her father’s arm with one hand and Director Feng’s arm with the other hand. She was coming over, full of joy.

“Mina, you just arrived so early. I’m going to call you later.” Zhou Jiamin walked over and held her hand affectionately.

“I have just arrived. Director Feng, nice to meet you!” Zeng Mina rushed to say hello to Director Feng and then held her father’s arm, walking into the private room.

Zeng Mina really had great acting skills, and she was famous enough. Although she had some contradictions with Li Yan before, Li Yan had returned to Kolea. What was more, Zeng Ziqiang was willing to invest. Of course, Director Feng would cooperate with Zeng Mina.

They chimed in easily. After pleasing Zeng Ziqiang and Zeng Mina, Zhou Jiamin slipped out of the private room and went to the bathroom when they were talking.

She met President Zhao at the bathroom door when she just came out. Zhou Jiamin greeted him with enthusiasm. When she was going to leave, President Zhao stopped her. “Miss Zhou, I know that President Zeng always trusts you. Just persuade him. Young Master Yan is really a little aggressive, but in any case, Young Master Mo is also his future son-in-law. Why should they get into such a deadlock for trivial things? Won’t they see each other as relatives in the future?”

When listening to President Zhao’s words, Zhou Jiamin’s heart trembled. Zeng Ziqiang told her that President Zhao had promised to cooperate with him. Did he regret it? In order to figure it out, Zhou Jiali deliberately said, “It is not Ziqiang’s fault as Shen Yan is too arrogant, and Old Madame also indulges him.”

“Old Madame lost her son in the middle age, so it’s reasonable for her to pamper Young Master Yan. Peace is the most important thing. Don’t you think so, Miss Zhou?” President Zhao really didn’t want to be an enemy of Shen Group. Shen Group was still managed by Yang Weiye.

However, to tell the truth, Yang Weiye was really competent. Although he sometimes had some different opinions from Old Madame and he sometimes did not work hard, they were relatives after all. So, he stood by Shen Family at the crucial time.

The two grandchildren of Shen Family were not easy to deal with. There was no need to mention Young Master Mo who was a recognized business genius. But even the wastrel, Young Master Yan, could be such a great threat to Zeng Ziqiang. So, he was not determined to fight against Shen Family. He really did not figure it out.

“It makes sense, President Zhao. I will persuade him later.” Since he just said these words, Zhou Jiamin also understood that President Zhao did not promise Zeng Ziqiang at all.

He was acting. Zeng Mina must have told him everything. The words which he said in the office aimed to mislead her and Li Tianci deliberately. And he asked Li Tianci to go to Shandong to get the goods in order to send him away, so then he could handle them one by one.

Well, Zeng Ziqiang! You were really thoughtful. But I was not stupid. She turned back to the bathroom. After entering the cubicle, she hurriedly called Li Tianci. “Li Tianci, haven’t you gone to Shandong yet?”

“I’m already on the way. What? Do you just start to miss me after parting from me?” Li Tianci smiled in a low voice. He was in a good mood.

“Nonsense! Get off at the next station and come back immediately. Zeng Ziqiang, the old guys, seems to be suspicious.” Zhou Jiamin did not feel good like him. She quickly told him about her meeting with President Zhao just now.

“D**n it. I almost fell for it.” Li Tianci was really shocked and said quickly, “Don’t alarm him first. I will come back soon, but don’t worry too much. I will let my brothers protect you.”

“Well, I know! You have to be careful as well. Zeng Ziqiang is prone to be suspicious, so don’t let him find that you are back.” Zhou Jiamin arranged the following things and then hung up the phone.

When she came out, Zeng Mina just came over to find her. Seeing her, Zeng Mina complained and said, “Aunt Zhou, why are you out for so long? Director Feng is asking about you.”

“I have a stomachache.” Zhou Jiamin let out a breath secretly. Fortunately, Zeng Mina didn’t find it.

Hearing that she was uncomfortable, Zeng Mina asked with concern, “How do you feel now? Do you need to go to the hospital?”

“It’s okay. I do not need to go to the hospital. By the way, how’s your conversation with Director Feng?” Zhou Jiamin waved her hand to show that she was fine and asked Zeng Mina about the filming.josei

“Director Feng is really good. He not only let me be the heroine, but also let me bring one friend there together.” Zeng Mina promised Cai Yanyan just now, so she was willing to do her a favor at little cost.

Zhou Jiamin sneered in her heart. Everyone in the world could be called a good person if he could be called a good one. To sum up bluntly, it was just because Zeng Family was rich. How could he be unwilling for the sake of money?

I just didn’t know if you still had the opportunity now. But Zhou Jiamin would not say it to Zeng Mina anyway. She pretended to be happy for Zeng Mina. “Director Feng promised you? That’s great! Mina, you have to grasp this opportunity. Do you know?”

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