Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 400 - A Reason Is Not Needed When Saving People

Chapter 400 - A Reason Is Not Needed When Saving People

Chapter 400 A Reason Is Not Needed When Saving People
“Call Dongwugang Village for asking!”

“Save it. She said when she left that she was on the road at three o’clock in the afternoon. But we haven’t seen her yet.”

“What about her cell phone?”

“We have already dialed, but we could not get through. No signal.”

“Damn it!” The old headmaster immediately patted the root of his leg and was stopped by Shen Yan when he was about to go out. “May I ask a question? She’s from your school, right?”

“Yes! She is a fresh graduate, so she can’t have an accident.” The old headmaster was very worried.

“Where is Dongwugang Village?”

“Another village in the county, which is a little far from here. We need to go over a mountain to get there. It is okay at ordinary times, but the weather outside now is…” Jian was about to speak but stopped, and he was very worried, too.

“How? Go to look for her in the mountains?” Jian asked Ji Cang again fretfully. Ji Cang then picked up his pipe and took a puff on his pipe crossly.

“How to look for her? Look at the situation outside! Anyone who is going to search will get lost.”

This was the truth. There was a blizzard outside, and anything could happen in the mountains.

“Wait!” Ji Cang was a little old, after all. He was much more mature than Jian. “Wait for one more hour. If she is not back, you and I will go to look for her in the mountains.”

Some people had served the dishes onto the table while the discussion. The white smog coming from several large pots of baked potato with mutton filled the whole room at once. Some people from Shen Group were cold and starving, so they couldn’t help serving themselves and picking up the chopsticks.

Ji Cang helped serve them rice and soup, leaving Jian alone in useless worry on the side.

“Do you know the way to Dongwugang Village?”

“What?” Jian turned around and saw Shen Yan standing in front of him. It was unknown when he wore a thick windproof down jacket. Shen Yan was tall and strong, and he almost blocked out all the light to Jian, standing in front of him.

“I am asking you. Do you know the way?”

“Yea, yes!”

“Let’s go! I will go to look for her with you.”

Jian was stunned for a moment, and his mind stopped there, but he saw that Shen Yan turned around and walk towards the people who were eating around the table which was full of mutton. “Who has the key of the car at the door?”

All the people raised their heads from their bowls, which made the hot white smog fly around. They were stunned for a while and then looked at Shen Yan stiffly, but no one understood what he meant. The driver in the corner stood up and meekly answered him, lifting the car key. “I have it.”

Shen Yan looked at him and immediately walked to take the key into his pocket without saying anything. He saw that Xia Yu came to the front of him and then said, “Jian and I are going to look for her, and you just stay here with them.”

“I’ll go, too.” How could Xia Yu stay here? She was very persistent.

Shen Yan knew her temper, so he didn’t try to persuade her. He just nodded.

“Let’s go!” When he passed by Jian, he patted him on the shoulder. Jian stood still in situ stiffly for a few seconds until Shen Yan opened the door and stood at the door. The wind outside blew in with some snowflakes. The man just stood in the blizzard and shouted at him, “Go!”

Jian then came to his senses and put on his hat. Then he ran out with Shen Yan.

Xia Yu followed up as well. The middle-level cadre handed over his backpack to Xia Yu. “Maybe it can be used.”

Xia Yu took it and said thank you to him. Then she ran to follow them.

Soon, there was the sound of the car engine starting in the courtyard. Large golden lights were sprinkled on the snow. The strong reflection made the room brighter. People in the room didn’t know what was happening, holding their large bowls. They saw that the black SUV outside took a turn in the snow and quickly drove away.

Ji Cang was the first to come to the sense. He clapped the cigarette rod and shouted something urgent to the door hurriedly in Zang language which was unintelligible.

A leader of the county stood up behind. He realized the severity of the matter. He was afraid that no one could take the responsibility if anything happened to Shen Yan. “Why are you standing still? Find a way and catch up with them for help.”

Dongwugang Village was located in the southwest of the school, about 20 kilometers apart. The village and the school were separated by a mountain and small hills, and the rest was a plateau.

The distance between the village and the school was not too far, but the situation was different now. Snow was more and more furious, and the wind became stronger and stronger. The car was driving on the plateau, and they could clearly hear the rustling of the tires running over the snow.

The car was driven by Shen Yan. Although the road of the plateau was bumpy, he drove quite steadily. Jian sat next to him and showed him the way. He did not talk much and kept an eye on Shen Yan’s facial expression all the way.

Jian was not familiar with Shen Yan. This was the first time they had met each other. He knew nothing, except that he was a senior official sent by Shen Group. However, he could feel the hostility precipitating in the body of this man all the way here. He drove with great concentration, and his eyes tightly were fixed on the road in front of the car. He paid much attention to the situation on every inch of the plateau. He didn’t talk too much, but his hostility was like the snow smashing on the window, which was chilling.

Shen Yan like this was totally different from the one who handed out the care packages to the children and held them in his arms to take photos in front of the reporters’ cameras in the morning. The man in the morning was elegant and gentle like a warm spring wind, but now, he was just like the dark snow plateau outside. Swamps and all sorts of danger were hidden from nowhere.josei

“Mr. Shen!” Jian opened his mouth and said.


“Why are you willing to come with me to look for Miss Wu?”

Shen Yan frowned. “Is a reason needed when saving people?”

Yes, they wanted to save someone. They were here for saving someone. Jian was really very moved and sneaked a few glances at Shen Yan, of course, as well as Xia Yu on the road.

Jian had found that the girl was different since she came to school. Shen Yan appealed to go to save people just now, but no one of so many men responded to him. However, she followed up without any hesitation.

Xia Yu followed up. Saving people was one reason, but in order not to separate with Shen Yan was another reason.

Of course, Jian didn’t know clearly their relationship. He paused for a moment and then said, “I think that something might have happened to Miss Wu on the mountain. I will be on the mountain to look for her later, and you two just wait for me in the car.”

The situation in the mountain was complex under such a climate, and any kind of danger could happen. He couldn’t let Shen Yan and Xia Yu take the risk to go up the mountain with him.

Shen Yan turned around and gave Ajian a look. His eyes were shining brightly in the dark car, but he only took one look at her and did not answer.

Soon, the car arrived at the foot of the mountain. All the things in front of them were white. The road stepped by people out of the mountain had been covered by the heavy snow.

Jian quickly put his hat on his head again and took out a flashlight from the side door. Then he tried the light, and it was quite bright.

“I’ll go up first, and you just wait in the car.” Then he opened the door and got off after saying that.

“Xia Yu, wait for me here.” It would take a long time for only one person to look for someone. Shen Yan thought in his mind that since I was here, I shouldn’t wait in the car. Then Shen Yan followed him and got off the car.

“I’ll go with you. At least, there is one more pair of eyes.” Xia Yu followed him with the backpack given by the leader on her back.

“Why do you follow up as well?” Jian asked anxiously.

“Let’s go up the mountain with you and search separately!”


“No but!” Shen Yan looked at his watch through the torchlight. “I’ll see you at the foot of the mountain at 10 o’clock. If we can’t see each other, immediately contact others to search the mountain.”

Shen Yan spoke with a sense of command. Jian could only nod. “Then safety first.”

Shen Yan didn’t respond. He went into the mountain hand in hand with Xia Yu. At this moment, the roads in the mountain were invisible. The bushes and branches were blown upside down by the wind and snow. The sounds of snow falling from the branches could be heard from time to time. Therefore, every step must be carefully taken.

Jian shouted all the way while going up the mountain, and his wild voice echoed in the empty barren hills, but there was nothing but the sound of wind which answered him.

Soon, they arrived at the fork in the road, and they decided to separate in different directions. Jian held a flashlight and walked to the left, and Shen Yan together with Xia Yu walked to the right. After taking a few steps, he turned back.


Jian immediately stopped, thinking that Shen Yan had regretted.

“Mr. Shen, Xia Yu, you are not used to this place. I will go up and look for her myself. You can go back to the car and wait for me.”

But Shen Yan frowned. “I just want to ask you whether there are any beasts on the mountain.”


“Yes, such as wolves or something else.”

Jian was stunned for a while but immediately came to his sense. Then he laughed at once and said, “Wolves are very few in this region. But there are some wild boars and yaks”

Everything would be fine if there were no beasts. They didn’t want to be the food of beasts. Shen Yan smiled and then left him officially. He took out his phone from his pocket as a flashlight because there was no signal in such a poor place after a long time of walking. Fortunately, he had downloaded an application with a function of the compass. They could continue to go up the mountain by these two things.

The sound of snow breaking the branches was heard everywhere in their ears. The wind was very strong, and it was necessary to continuously remove the broken wood and branches blocking the road before moving forward.

These two people stumbled along. They didn’t know that the mountain was far more dangerous than they thought. The road was unclear. Beasts infested here, and avalanches could take place at any time. What was worse, they didn’t know where Miss Wu was now at all. Such a large mountain was blocked by the heavy snow. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack. But even if there was only a glimmer of hope, they wouldn’t give up.

“Miss Wu! Wu Xiaomin!”

“Wu Xiaomin, answer me if you can hear me!”

Searching for a long time without success, they began to shout her name, hoping that she could hear them. Their voices became hoarse, being blown by the cold wind. They walked faster and faster gradually. White smog kept coming out of their mouths, and the snow kept coming into their mouths. The nippy snow melted in their mouths with saliva. Together with the hot white smog, they swallowed the snow into their hearts.

They walked in the snow fast and were covered in the thick and hard windproof clothing with sweat oozing on their backs. But the road ahead was all white. After walking like this for about an hour, there was no harvest. Even no living creature was seen. However, the snow was still so heavy that it didn’t mean to stop.

It was unreal if anyone said that they were not worried. According to what was said by Dongwugang Village, Wu Xiaomin came back from here after three o’clock, but it was past eight o’clock in the evening now. Almost 6 hours had passed.

A lot of things could happen in six hours. It could be an accident or a desperate wait. Xia Yu and Shen Yan even stopped thinking out of fear. And they did dare to delay. They walked even faster and shouted her name even louder and more hoarsely.

“Wu Xiaomin, do you hear me? Answer me if you can hear me!”

What answered them was nothing but the sound of snow falling. They had been searching for her for two hours hopelessly like this. Two of them were almost dry and thirsty. Shen Yan took a sip of water, leaning against the tree pole. Then he handed over the water to Xia Yu.

The thermos cup was a very small one, and it was light purple. Xia Yu was about to drink, but she accidentally dropped the lid to the ground. The place where she stood was just a slope. The round lid rolled down all the way. Xia Yu could only use her mobile phone’s light and bend over to pick it up carefully. She almost walked and skidded down the slope for two or three meters. Soon, she found the purple lid with the phone light falling on the snowy ground.

Xia Yu quickly walked over and tried to pick it up. Suddenly, her feet slipped, and her body followed to lean. Then she fell to the ground and rolled down the slope.

“Xia Yu!” Shen Yan was so scared that his face twisted, and he quickly followed her. But he fell down as well and sat heavily on the snowy ground out of chaos perhaps because he was too worried.

The mobile phone also fell far from the place where he fell. He climbed over to pick it up first. With a mobile phone in one hand to light, he directly sat in the snow and slid down, which was faster than walking down.

In spite of this, he still couldn’t catch up with the speed of Xia Yu’s rolling. He called out her name as he went down.

Just when Shen Yan was extremely anxious, Xia Yu’s body was stopped by an unknown obstacle. Maybe it was a rock buried by the heavy snow or a bush.

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